absent | from | |
accustomed (przyzwyczajony) | to | |
addicted | to | |
afraid | of | |
amazed | at/ by | |
angry | at/ about sth// with sb | |
annoyed | at/ about sth// with sb | |
anxious | about/ for | |
ashamed | of | |
astonished (zdumiony) | at/ by | |
available | for sth/ to sb | |
aware | of | |
bad | at (w czymś)/ for (efekt) // to sb | |
based | on | |
bored | with | |
capable (zdolny) | of | |
characteristic | of | |
close | to | |
concerned | about (zaniepokojony)/ with (zainteresowany) | |
conductive (przewodzący) | to | |
confident (pewny) | of | |
content | with | |
contrary (przeciwny) | to | |
convenient (dogodny) | for | |
conversant (biegły, obaznany) | with | |
crazy | about | |
crowded | with | |
curious (ciekawy) | about | |
deficient (niepełny) | in | |
dependent | on | |
devoid (pozbawiony) | of | |
different | to/ from// than | |
disgusted | with/ at | |
eager (skory, pragnący) | for | |
engaged | in (zaangażowany)/ to (zaręczony) | |
excited | about | |
faithful | to | |
famous | for | |
fed up | with | |
fond | of | |
fraught (zaopatrzony, obfitujący) | with | |
furious | at/ about sth// with sb | |
glad | for/ of | |
good | at (w czymś)/ for (efekt) // to sb | |
grateful | for sth/ to sb | |
guilty | of | |
harmful | to | |
hopeful | of | |
impervious (nieczuły, nieprzepuszczalny) | to | |
impressed | with/ by | |
inclined (skłonny) | towards | |
incumbent (ciążący, zajmujący się urzędem) | upon | |
inherent (nieodłączny, właściwy) | in | |
intent (zdeterminowany, przejęty) | on | |
interested | in | |
jelaous | of | |
keen | on | |
kind | to | |
lacking | in | |
late | for | |
made | by/ for/ from/ of | |
nervous | of | |
obedient (posłuszny) | to | |
obvious | to | |
opposed | to | |
pleased | at/ about (general)// with (personal) | |
popular | with | |
prone (skłonny) | to | |
proud | of | |
ready | for | |
related | to | |
reminiscent (przypominający) | of | |
responsible | for | |
riddled | with | |
scared | of | |
shocked | at | |
short | of | |
similar | to | |
sorry | about sth/ for sb | |
subject | to | |
successful | in | |
sufficient (wystarczający) | for | |
suitable | for | |
superior (zwierzchni, przeważający) | to | |
sure | of | |
terrified | of | |
tired | of | |
typical | of | |
upset | about/ by/ over sth// with sb | |
worried | about | |
worthy | of | |
wrong | with | |