wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Kębłowska 16
autor: sunny838
spunky =/=spineless =/=
ardent hopezagorzała nadzieja, intense
compliancewhen you obey
impeccable =/=flawed =/=
put a crimp in sbhave a negative effect
be reveled intake delight in
lopsidedbe not balanced, have one side smaller than thr other
decision is not easily come byget sth using effort
collateralsth valuable that you give if you cannot pay a debt
dole outdevide between
taciturn =/=loquacious =/=
panicky =/=unflappable =/=
modest =/=brazen =/=
passionate =/=apathrtic =/=
compassionate =/=callous =/=
steadfastfickle =/=
treacherous =/=trustworthy =/=
rebelious =/=conventional =/=
clandestinesecret (adj)
turn a cheerful facepretend to be happy
tended like orchidstreated delicately, over-protected
set great store onregarded as important, have positive expectations and hopes about sth
urban sprawlmoving into the suburbs so as the city become bigger
try your hands atattept to
take exception tomake objections
strike it lucky with/bysuddenly have a good luck
interweave (pp interwoven)alternate
marvel at sthbe amazed by
have a gut feelinghave an intuition
crime storynie criminal!
fictionliteratura piękna
put the book downcannot stop reading
assumetake for granted
by this tokenin this way
plot concoctedconspiracy, an invented story
vegetable plota piece of land
body of evidence/essay/book/buildingmain part of sth
posteritypeople who will live in the future
patchyexisting or happening in some places and not others
overlapczęściowe pokrywanie się
take issue withdisagree
with a heavy heartwith the feeling of sorry
rude awakeningunpleasant awakening
rude instrumentbasic, simple instrument
cause sth TO happendoprowadziło do