wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 1
autor: tysiula
to eliminateto get rid of, to remove
to addressto speak to
to pledgeto promise
to bidto try, to attempt
to trounceto defeat/ to beat heavily
to relishto enjoy
to trawlto search/ to look/ to read
to clutchto hold
to resolveto decide/ to ask
to shunto ignore, to avoid/ to leave
to pleadto ask
to striveto fight, to try hard
to shirkto avoid (ex. one's duties)
to conceiveto imagine
to beholdto see sth unusual
a tipplean alcoholic drink
purportedmeant to be sth
lovelornunhappy because one's love is not returned
cumulative effectwhen each event makes the effect even greater
dumbfoundedspeechless with surprise or astonishment
crosswinda wind from one side
breakera really large wave
brickbata rude remark
brinkmanshiptaking things to very brink, foolhardiness, risking
chappeddry and sore (of lips)
autumnallike in autumn
to graspto understand