wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 2
autor: tysiula
bloodshotred or pink (of eyes with broken vessels)
blankempty, revealing no emotion, unable to recall things
baredeprieved of sth
to gleamto emit a reflected light
to twinkleto shine with light that changes constantly
to sparkleto shine with a lot of very small points of light
to bulgeto stick out
to blushto become red on chicks
beadysmall, round and bright like a bead
likewisethe same
irrevocablethat cannot be changed, final
infalliblenot likely to make mistakes
irretrievablethat cannot be got back
inextricablethat cannot be separated
a host of stha large number of sth
veritablerightly named or called
to utiliseto make use of sth, to harness
to transcendto go beyond
vulnerabilityan instance of being easily harmed or affected
belligerentlikely to fight
slovenlycareless, untidy
full-bodied(ex. wine) rich in wuality
to polish offto finish sth quickly
to munchto eat (an apple)
to dineto eat in a restaurant
to devourto eat quickly