wordki.pl - nauka słówek
long 5
autor: tysiula
to feel to be none the wisernot to be wiser
shortcomingslimitations, small drawbacks, faults
to spurto strongly encourage
acumensharpness of one's mind
regimena set of rules
to exonerateto free sb of guilt
a proxysb that is an authority and represents you
scanthardly enough, limited
to languishto exist/ to lack vitality
to dissipateto cause to vanish
perniciousharmful, detrimental
to lingerto remain/ to hesitate/ ot be reluctant
to germinateto cause to start growing
undergrowthsmall trees, bushes growing closely on the ground
to subvertto destroy the authority of the system, to corrupt
to belong to a mainstreamnot to be a hipster
to cloakto hide, to cover
chunky(of a man) stocky and rather short, well-built
to deemto consider
to strike a chord with sbto say sth that other people identify with
a forerunnersth/sb that is the first in its kind/introduces sth
feudquarrel thet takes long and is never forgotten