abbreviate | skracac | |
chart | karta | |
chemical formula | wzor chemiczny | |
compound | zwiazek | |
definite | defiitywny, scisle okreslony, ostateczny | |
derive | wywozic | |
diffusible | dajacy sie rozdzelic | |
element | pierwiastek | |
formula | wzor | |
heterogeneous | roznorodny | |
homogenous | jednrodny | |
hydrogen | wodor | |
mixture | mieszanka, mieszanina | |
obtain | otrzymac | |
Periodic Chart | uklad okresowy pierwiastkow | |
precipitate | stracac | |
property | wlasciwosc | |
row | rzad | |
sodium | sod | |
stir | mieszac | |
symbol | symbol | |
weight | waga | |
any | kazdy | |
different | inny | |
pour | wsypac | |
sand | piasek | |
sugar | cukier | |
quite | calkiem | |
uniform | jednolity | |
not uniform | niejednolity | |
soluble | rozpuszcalny | |
insoluble | nierozpuszczany | |
suspended | zawieszony | |
puresubstance | czyste substancje | |
fixed | staly | |
decomposed | rozkladane | |
simpler substances | prostsze substancje | |
gold | Au | |
copper | Cu | |
oxygen | O | |
chlorine | Cl | |
increasing | wzrastajaco | |
above | wyzszy | |
below | ponizej | |
atomic number | liczba atomowa | |
atomic weight\ mass | masa atomowa | |
iron | Fe | |
horizontally | poziomo | |
vertically | pionowo | |
columns | kolumny | |
hydroxyl group | OH | |
a mixture D. | solution with two or more substances | |
a pure substance D. | is one that is uniform has a fixed and definite composition | |
a compound D. | a pure substance that can be decomposed into simpler substances | |
an element D. | a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances | |
the Periodic Chart D. | table witch elements are presented | |
an atomic number D. | the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom | |
an atomic weight D. | a ratio between the mass of one atom of an element and one /? | |
carbon | C | |
calcium | Ca | |
iodine | I | |
sulphur | S | |
lead | Pb | |
magnesium | Mg | |
manganese | Mn | |
nitrogen | N | |
phosphorus | P | |
silver | Ag | |