wordki.pl - nauka słówek
talking about yourself (emocje)
autor: kingas13
opportunisticusing sit. for own benefit
conservativenot liking changes or new ideas
methodicalsystematic, careful
conscientioussumienny, skrupulatny
born leaderurodzony przywódca
sensiblerozsądny, sensowny
tend to get carried awaybecome too excited and lose control
affectionateczuły, tkliwy
obligingready to help/ uczynny
gallantpolite to women/ szarmancki
superficialnot caring about serious things/ powierzchowny, płytki
intuitiveunderstanding instinctively
procrastinatedelay doing sth/ odkładać, odwlekać
placidłagodny, spokojny/ not easily become excited or angry
cunningchytry, przebiegły
plaguedtroubled, distressed/ dręczyć
wittybystry, dowcipny
magnetic personalitypersonality that attracts people to you
self-seekingegoistyczny, samolubny
distrustfulnieufny, podejrzliwy
industriouspracowity, pilny
shrewdhaving good judgment/ trafny, słuszny
decisivestanowczy, zdecydowany
flashyexpensive, impressive
down-to-earthpractical and direct in a sensible honest way/ praktyczny
altruisticthinking of others rather than oneself
morosegloomy/ ponury, posępny
fault-findercritical person
downfallcause of destruction/ upadek
generous == unstinting/ szczodry (p)
resolute ==dogged/ uparty, zawziety (p)
thrifty ==frugal/ oszczędny (p)
diligent ==industrious (p)
extravagant ==immoderate/ nadmierny, niepohamowany (n)
stubborn ==mulish (n)
stingy ==parsimonious (n)
work-obsessed ==workaholic (n)
shrewd ==astute (p)
sober ==serious (p)
witty ==pithy (p)
tolerant ==broad-minded (p)
cunning ==sly (n)
morose ==sullen/ posępny, ponury (n)
sharp-tongued ==terse (n)
unprincipled == unscrupulous
altruistic =/=/ selfish
diligent =/=/ lazy
intellectual =/=/ low-brow
methodical =/=/ unsystematic
morose =/=/ cheerful
obliging =/=/ unhelpful
quick-tempered =/=/ placid (łagodny, spokojny)
sensitive =/=/ thick-skinned
stingy =/=/ generous
stubborn=/=/ flexible