buffer | stary ramol, pryk |
freshman | uczeń pierwszego roku [both sexes] |
patriarch | formal, old-fashioned patriarcha |
vamp | wamp kobieta old-fashioned |
(old) bag | stara baba, babsztyl coloqiual |
chairman | prezes/prezeska |
geek/ nerd | lamus, fajtłapa [informal] [both sexes] |
neanderthal | kawał głupiego chłopa negative |
sibling | brat/siostra [very formal] |
whizz kid | cudowne dziecko [both sexes] |
bimbo | plastic young lady, empty headed (dupcia!) |
charmer | słodziak, słodziaczka, czaruś [both sexes] |
gofer | goniec, posłaniec [both sexes] |
spouse | małzonek formal [both sexes] |
bounder | kanalia, bez skrupułów male only! old-fashioned |
duchess | księżna |
(lager) lout [lałt] | young British man, rude, simple-minded, drinks a lot and becomes violent |
thug (street) | zbir, oprych [negative but formal] |
wimpy/wimpish | mięczakowaty, ciota [both sexes] |
effeminate | zniewieściały MEN only |
prickly | drażliwy, łatwo go urazić [both sexes] |
doting (mother, father, parents) | czuły, serdeczny, kochający [both sexes] |
chivalrous | very attentive to woman= rycerski, getleman |
bullish | very optimistic and confident about the future [both sexes] |
to ease (the pain) | to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant |
predecessor | sb who had a job or a position before sb else |
to anticipate | to imagine or expect that sth will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening |
to cease | to stop something |
to rectify (mistakes) | to correct sth which is wrong |
fledgling [pisklę, coś raczkującego] | new and without experience |
to alternate | to make sth happen or exist one after the other repeatedly |
to copy | to deliberately do sth that someone else has done or behave like someone else |
stamina | physical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time withoutGettingTir |