wordki.pl - nauka słówek
HANS ostatnie koło
bufferstary ramol, pryk
freshmanuczeń pierwszego roku [both sexes]
patriarchformal, old-fashioned patriarcha
vampwamp kobieta old-fashioned
(old) bagstara baba, babsztyl coloqiual
geek/ nerdlamus, fajtłapa [informal] [both sexes]
neanderthalkawał głupiego chłopa negative
siblingbrat/siostra [very formal]
whizz kidcudowne dziecko [both sexes]
bimboplastic young lady, empty headed (dupcia!)
charmersłodziak, słodziaczka, czaruś [both sexes]
gofergoniec, posłaniec [both sexes]
spousemałzonek formal [both sexes]
bounderkanalia, bez skrupułów male only! old-fashioned
(lager) lout [lałt]young British man, rude, simple-minded, drinks a lot and becomes violent
thug (street)zbir, oprych [negative but formal]
wimpy/wimpishmięczakowaty, ciota [both sexes]
effeminatezniewieściały MEN only
pricklydrażliwy, łatwo go urazić [both sexes]
doting (mother, father, parents)czuły, serdeczny, kochający [both sexes]
chivalrousvery attentive to woman= rycerski, getleman
bullishvery optimistic and confident about the future [both sexes]
to ease (the pain)to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant
predecessorsb who had a job or a position before sb else
to anticipateto imagine or expect that sth will happen, sometimes taking action in preparation for it happening
to ceaseto stop something
to rectify (mistakes)to correct sth which is wrong
fledgling [pisklę, coś raczkującego]new and without experience
to alternateto make sth happen or exist one after the other repeatedly
to copyto deliberately do sth that someone else has done or behave like someone else
staminaphysical or mental strength that lets you continue doing something for a long time withoutGettingTir