wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: matleman
phonynot rea or true; false and trying to trick people
doughmoney (informal)
to snubto insult sb, especially by ignoring
dopeyrather stupid
fienda person who is very interested in sth
to chatterto talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important (Denis?)
jerka stupid person who often says or does the wrong thing
to horse aboutto play in a way that is noisy and not very careful
snottytreating people as if they were not as important and good as you
cockeyednot level or straight (e.g. position)
to hinge onto depend on sb or sth
to be in the grip of sthto be experiencing something unpleasant that you have no control over
to hobbleto walk or move along haltingly or with difficulty
haltinglystopping and staring as if uncertain
chimea single bell, as in the mechanism of a clock
in the nick of timejust in time, at the last possible instant; just before it's too late
numblyemotionally unresponsive, indifferent
self-efficacythe measure of the belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals
subsidiarya company that is owned or controlled by another larger company
to equipto provide sb/sth with the things that are needed to do sth particular
multifacetedhaving many parts or sides
interdependentdepending on or necessary to each other
acumenthe ability to think quickly and make good judgments
glocalizationthe global distribution of a product or service that is tailored to local markets
homogeneousconsisting of people or things that are all of the same type
power distancethe extent to which an unequal distribution of power is accepted by members of a society
global mindsetset of attitudes that allow to effectively function in a different culture
stock marketthe business of buying and selling stocks and shares
inventorya list of all the things in a place
quantum leapa very large and important development or improvement
divergentdiffering from sth given and growing further apart
ethnocentricbased on the idea that your own race, nation, etc is better than any other
to annihilateto destroy, to reduce, to cancel
jaundicehepatitis (żółtaczka)
briskactive, lively, quick
belligerentconnected to war, militant, aggressive
to demeanto lower in dignity, honour, to debase
to rumpleto ruffle, tousle, to crumple into wrinkles
podgyshort and fat or thick
frenziedviolently agitated, frantic, wild
to trudgeto walk laboriously or weariliy (chodzić ociężale)
blasphemyimpious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things
effervescentactive, lively
to plungegwałtownie popchnąć, wepchnąć
gnarledpowykręcany, sękaty