enterpreneur | przedsiębiorca | |
collapsible | foldable -składany | |
varyfing | changing | |
lucrative | bringing a lot of money -dochodowy | |
scooter | hulajnoga | |
skim | przeczytać pobieżnie | |
scan | przeczytać dokładnie | |
be overwhelmed by problems | have too many problems | |
sth shone through to sb | sb saw sth clearly | |
drive the message home | understand sth by repeating it | |
shoot off | leave somewhere very quickly | |
commute | dojeżdżać | |
blag | cheat sb in order to treat him -bajerować | |
market | advertise/ a place where you buy things | |
company | a firm/ a person to be with | |
boot | boot up - to start/ a place in car where you put your luggage | |
break | a time for rest/ to destroy | |
explode | prove that sth isn't truth/ be destroyed with explosion | |
presentation | your look/ a speech or show | |
explosive | wybuchowy | |
childish | dziecinny | |
start up | create (a business, organisation) | |
set up | start (a company, organisation) | |
hire out | allow people to use for a short time in exchange for money | |
run ino | reach a particular level | |
spin-off | extra business in some way related to an earlier successful business -pozytywny produkt uboczny | |
set-up | business arrangement -układ | |
sell up | sell a business in order to go and do sth else -wyprzedać wszystko | |
outlets | shops | |
turnover | amount of money or business made by a company in a period of time -obrót | |
take over | get control of a comany by buying most of its shares | |
wind down | gradually reducing the amount of work being done until complete close -zwinąć biznes | |
unkeep | cost or process of keeping a building or sth in good condition | |
pour into | provide a lot of money for sth over a long period | |
put sth at around | roughly calculate at a particular amount | |
go under | fail financially, go bankrupt | |
run to | reach a particular amount, usually a large amount -osiągnąć | |
takeover | act of gaining control of a company | |
conceal | hide | |
debt | dług | |
retire | przejść na emeryturę | |
unavoidable | nieunikniony | |
the pecking order | hierarchy of importance | |
talk shop | talk about work matters outside of working hours | |
opposite number | sb who do the same work in a different company | |
stuck in a rut | be trapped in a job you cannot escape from | |
meet deadlines | get things finished by a fixed time | |
knock off | finish work | |
workmates | people you work with | |
monotonous | boring and always the same | |
nine-to-five | regular office hours | |
workload | amout of work | |
freelancer | not directly employed by a company | |
self-employed | when you are your own boss | |
jobshare | when two people have a 50% contract each to do the same job | |
flexi-time | the system where employees may start and finish work at times which suit them | |
shift worker | a worker who works days one week, then nights the following week etc. | |
dead-end job | a job with no prospects of promotion | |
dead-end | ślepy zaułek | |
paperwork | work which involves a lot of forms, letters, reports, invoices etc. | |
invoice | faktura | |
routine | rutyna | |
irregular hours | nieregularne godziny | |
antisocial hours | nieludzkie godziny | |
behind a desk | za biurkiem | |
stress level | poziom stresu | |
paternity leave | urlop tacierzyński | |
glass ceiling | woman can never be promoted, be bosses -'szklany sufit', ograniczenie awansu dla kobiet | |
be snowed under with work | have too much work to do | |
be shortlisted for the job | zostać zakwalifikowanym po wstępnej selekcji | |
holiday entitlement | przysługujący urlop | |
overworked | przepracowany | |
underpaid | źle opłacany | |
rewarding | satysfakcjonująca | |
career in | kariera w | |
be turned down for | zostać odrzuconym | |
be passed over | zostać pominiętym | |
ambigious | can be interpreted in different ways | |
dynamic | energetic and forceful | |
career | series of jobs you do in your working life | |
ambitious | keen to do well and get to the top | |
eager | keen or enthusiastic | |
seeking sth/ sb | looking for | |
acheiver | someone determined and able to succeed | |
diverse | varied or different | |
job security/ satisfacion | bezpieczeństwo/ satysfakcja pracy | |
money maker | karierowicz | |
close knit | zgrany zespół | |
demoted | zdegradowany | |
perks | additional benefits | |
salary increase | podwyżka | |
resourceful | sb who can find imaginative ways of doing things -zaradny | |
self-reliant | can do things independently -niezależny | |
fit description | pasować do opisu | |
having adventorous spirit | enjoys challenges | |
apprenticeship | przyuczanie się do zawodu, czeladnictwo | |
state sth | write or say sth clearly or firmly | |
straightforward | uncomplicated and easy to understand = convoulted | |
body of text | the main part of a book, article, tekxt... | |
subject matter | the ideas or information in a book, letter... | |
spell sth out | explain the details of sth in a simple, clear way | |
tone | the general attitude or feeling expressed in a piece of writing | |
concise | expressed clearly and without using any unnecessary words -zwięzły | |
to the point | relevant and without any extra info =pertinent - zwięzyły | |
superfluous | unnecessary -zbędny | |
blunt | saying what you think even if it offends or upsets people -zbyt szczery "do bólu" | |
abrupt | speaking or acting with few words and in a way that seems unfriendly or rude =brusque curt | |
plain | without unnecessary detail, clear, simple | |
sample | an example or small amout of sth to show what all of it is like | |
curt | obcesowy, niegrzeczny =abrupt | |
pertinent | stosowny | |
brusque | =curt/ abrupt -niegrzeczny | |
condolences | the things you say to show sympathy when sb has just died -kondolencje | |
i am writing to inform you that/ of | piszę aby poinformować | |
intention to do sth | a plan to do sth | |
terminate sth | end or stop sth | |
lease | a legal agreement for renting a property | |
enquire (whether) | dowiedzieć się (czy) | |
I regret to inform you that | z przykrością informuję że | |
I' am delighted to inform you that | z radością informuję | |
I am writing in response/ reply to | piszę w odpowiedzi na | |
appeal for sth | an urgent or sincere request for sb to give money, help etc. -wezwanie o coś | |
aid | pomoc | |
please accept | proszę przyjąć... | |
sincere/ genuine | expressing that you really think or feel | |
further to | wracając do | |
following sth | w nawiązaniu | |
with reference to | w nawiązaniu do | |
concerning/ regarding | dotyczący, odnoszący się do | |
please find enclosed | w załączniku przesyłam... | |
i would like to draw your attention to | pragnę zwrócić pańską uwagę na | |
as you will see from | jak można zobaczyć w moim CV | |
Should you require any further info, please do not hesitate to contact me | pisz, jak coś | |
i would be grateful if you could... | byłbym wdzięczny gdyby | |
I look forward to doing sth | czekam z niecierpliwością na | |
hearing from you | when you expect a reply... | |