wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: kingas13
fulfillingmaking you feel happy and satisfied because you are doing interesting, useful, or important things
arduousinvolving a lot of strength and effort/ trudny, ciężki, wymagający
mind-numbingvery boring
demandingwymagający/ needing a lot of skill, patience, effort
gruellingvery difficult and tiring, needing great effort for a long time
rewardingworth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important
hazardousinvolving risk or danger, especially to sb's health or safety
glamorousattractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success/ +prestizowy..
mundaneordinary and not interesting or exciting [= boring]
securelikely to continue or be successful for a long time
stimulatingfull of interesting or exciting ideas; making people feel enthusiastic =inspiring
strenuousneeding great effort and energy = arduous
stressfulstresujący/causing a lot of anxiety and worry
motivatingto make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do this
physicalrelated to someone's body
intellectualrelating to the ability to understand things and think intelligently
creativeinvolving the use of skill and the imagination to produce sth new or a work of art
manualinvolving using the hands or physical strength
blue-collarconnected with people who do physical work in industry/ robotic fizyczny
white-collarworking in an office, rather than in a factory/ biurowy
administrativeconnected with organizing the work of a business or an institution/ administracyjny
graphic designergrafik
sound techniciantechnik dźwięku?
talent scoutsomeone whose job is to find young people who are very good at sport, music etc/ łowca talentów
refuse collector= garbage collector (AmE), śmieciarz
assembly-line workerpracownik linii produkcyjnej, a system for making things in a factory in which the products move pas
fire fighterstrażak
computer programmerprogramista
business executivekierownik w korporacji handlowej/a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an o
civil servanta person who works in the civil service
plastic surgeonchirurg plastyczny
general practitionerinternista, lekarz ogólny, lekarz pierwszego kontaktu
dental hygienisthigienistka stomatologiczna/works with a dentist and whose job is to clean people's teeth
competition-competitivetrying very hard to be better than others
efficiency-efficientdoing sth well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy
manufacture-manufacturingprodukcja przemysłowa
viable-viabilitythat can be done; that will be successful
production-productivemaking goods or growing crops, especially in large quantities
monopoly-monopolisemonopol-control of trade
jobwork for which you receive regular payment
employmentthe state of being employed
occupationa job or profession/ zawód, zajęcie
professiona type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of educat
tradea job, involves working with your hands and requires special training and skills/fach
vocationa type of work or way of life that you believe is especially suitable for you/powolanie
dutythe work that is your job/obowiązek zawodowy
taska piece of work that sb has to do, especially a hard or unpleasant one
projecta planned piece of work that is designed to find information about sth, to produce sth new, or to im
awarda prize such as money,
granta sum of money that is given by an organization for a particular purpose/dotacja
the whizsb who is very good at solving problems esp mechanical, technical/spec, ekspert
the perfectionista person who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less
the paper-shufflersb who goes to great trouble to look busy but is probably not very productive
the gossipa person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives
the stirrera person who likes causing trouble by spreading secrets
the workaholica person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things
the slave drivera person who makes people work extremely hard, tyrant
the yes-mana person who always agrees with people in authority in order to gain their approval
the techno-freaka person who is obsessed with the latest technology
to apply for a jobto make a formal request, usually in writing
to land a jobto succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get
to do/work overtimetime that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours
maternity leavetime that a mother is allowed to spend away from work when she has a baby
to be away on sick leavebyc na zwolnieniu lekarskim
unemployment benefitmoney paid regularly by the government to people who have no job
to work shiftspracowac na zmiany
to be made redundantzostac zwolnionym
to make/earn one's livingzarabiać na życie
unfair dismissalnieuzasadnione zwolnienie z pracy
desk joba job that involves working mostly at a desk in an office
full/part-time jobpraca na pełen/pół etatu
permanent jobstała praca
trade unionan organization that represents workers- zwiazek zawodowy
incentivesomething that encourages you to work harder, zacheta, premia, motywacja
to perform one's dutiesto do something, esp sth difficult or useful [= carry out] wykonywac obowiazki
to be overworkedmade to work too hard
to quit one's jobto leave a job, esp without finishing it completely
plantfabryka, zakład
work to ruleto protest about a situation at work by doing your job slowly ->obey rules
go on the picket linea line or group of pickets
go on strikestrajkowac
expelto officially make sb leave a school or an organization
lay offto stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do
perksomething that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, as goods, meals, or a car
benefitdodatek (np. do pensji)
bonusmoney added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work
salarymoney that employees receive for doing their job
profitthe money that you make in business or by selling things, -zysk
wagea regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work-płaca,zarobki
traineea person who is being taught how to do a particular job
apprenticesomeone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skil
recruitsomeone who has recently joined an organization, team, group
head officethe main office of a company
departmenta section of a large organizatio
boardrooma room in which the meetings of the board of a company / sala konferencyjna
overtimetime that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours
flexi-timeruchomy czas pracy
credentialsthe qualities, training or experience that make you suitable to do sth/kwalifikacje, referenecje
referencesa letter written by sb who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, especia
applicationsa formal (often written) request for sth, such as a job
workmatea person that you work with
workloadthe amount of work that has to be done, ilość pracy do wykonania
workplacemiejsce pracy
workshoppracownia, warsztat, warsztaty
workbencha long heavy table used for doing practical jobs,- stop warsztatowy
workstationthe desk and computer at which a person works, stanowisko pracy
workhorsea person, machine, or vehicle that does a lot of work, esp when it is hard or boring/wól roboczy
job satisfactionsatysfakcja z pracy
job titletytul sluzbowy
job descriptionzakres obowiazkow
job marketrynek pracy
job hunterposzukujący pracy
job centrerządowe biuro pośrednictwa pracy
job prospectsperspektywy zatrudnienia
run sb's own businessprowadzić własny biznes
diverse (adj)very different from each other and of various kinds
abodethe place where sb lives
rehearsaltime that is spent practising a play or piece of music in preparation for a public performance
add upto produce a particular total or result
fire enginewóz strażacki
rewardingdający satysfakcję, satysfakcjonujący
I have the patience of a sainta very large amount of patience
unheardthat nobody pays attention to
dead beatvery tired
inflamedw stanie zapalnym
chopstickschińskie pałeczki
utensila tool that is used in the house
a recipe bookksiążka kucharska
in the dim and distant pastdawno, dawno temu
scrubbingszorujący, czyszczący
a templatewzór, szablon to produce other similar examples
down a well earned pintpić dobrze zarobione piwo?
spikyz kolcami
splinterodłamek, drzazga
stingpieczenie, kłucie
go to the expenseto spend money on sth
telesalesa method of selling things and taking orders for sales by telephone
yellow pagesksiążka telefoniczna
lingeriewomen's underwear
civil servicethe government departments in a country, except the armed forces, and the people who work for them
maggotlarwa/a creature like a small short worm, is young form of a fly and is found in decaying meat
stencha strong, very unpleasant smell
appallingshocking; extremely bad
buffa person who is very interested in a particular subject or activity and knows a lot /zapaleniec
in seventh heavenw siodmym niebie
candyflosswata cukrowa
spun sugarwata cukrowa
dauntingto make sb feel nervous and less confident about doing sth
civvy streetżycie w cywilu, ordinary life outside the armed forces
bridal shopsklep dla panny młodej
brides-to-be triedprzymiarki przyszłej panny młodej
fluffsmall pieces of wool, cotton, etc. that gather on clothes and other surfaces/klaczki, kurz
dusterścierka do kurzu
take early retirementretired at an earlier age than usual/ pojsc wczesniej na emeryture
temporary secondment/ be on secondmenta period of time that you spend away from your usual job, either doing another job or studying
transferable skillsif you transfer it, it can be used in the new situation
update one's skillsdevelop skills
a glass ceilingthe attitudes and practices that prevent women or particular groups from getting high level jobs
opportunity for advancementprogress or development in your job, level of knowledge postep/awans
corporate culturethe way that people in a corporation think and behave/kultura firmy
red tapeofficial rules that seem unnecessary, zbyt rozbudowana biurokracja
personal developmentimprovements in your character and skills
trainingthe process of teaching or being taught the skills for a particular job or activity/szkolenie,
job mobilitymobilnosc zawodowa na rynku pracy
staff turnoverrotacja pracownikow, the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others
clock in and clock outto record the time you arrive at work on a special machine/~leave
to work flexi time/ to be on flexi timeelastyczny czas pracy
a pecking-orderhierarchia ważności/each member knows who has a higher or lower rank
to talk shoptalk about their work when there are people present who are not interested or involved-disapproval
to job share/ job-sharingan arrangement by which two people both work part-time doing the same job
hierarchical (adj)people or things are divided into levels of importance
mechanicalinvolving machine/a mechanical action, reply etc is done without thinking
repetitivedone many times in the same way, and boring
monotonousboring because of always being the same
a day/night shiftdzienna/ nocna zmiana
to knock offto stop working and go somewhere else
to be stuck behind a deskutknąć za biurkiem
stress levelspoziom stresu
a dead-end joba job with low wages and no chance of progress
benefits/ benefits packagepakiet świadczeń socjalnych (in addition to money)
allowance; food/fuel allowance; relocation allowancedodatki na jedzenie, benzyne, zagospodarowanie się
company pension schemeplan emerytalny/ one that your employer pays
private/personal pensionone that is run by a private pension company, not by the government or your employer
government pensionemerytura wypłacana przez rząd
expenses; travel/ traveling expensesthe amount of money that you spend on something
holiday entitlement; be entitled tothe official right to have or do something, or money/prawo, byc uprawnionym do
comprehensive healthcare provisionpełne świadcznenie opieki zdrowotnej
subsidized canteenf a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it pays part of its costs
performance-related bonus schememoney that you earn for your work, which is increased if you do your work very well
accountableresponsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them
insight intoan understanding of what sth is like/ wgląd, wyobrażenie
lucrativea job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money [= profitable]/dochodowy, oplacalny
solelynot involving anything or anyone else [= only]
to juggleto try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc / pogodzic
guaranteedgwarantowany/promise to do something or to promise that something will happen
encounter=experience. napotkac/zmierzyc sie. to experience something, especially problems or opposition
encroach uponwedrzec sie/to begin to affect or use up too much of sb's time, rights, personal life, etc.
freelance worker= be own boss
amount of stress= degree
insight into= understanding
juggle= to balance
pros and cons= advantages and disadvantages
common goal= share the same aim wspólny cel
moralethe level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together
foster team spiritencourage, promote ducha współpracy
collaborationwspółpraca/ work together with another person or group to achieve something
fulfilling= rewarding, dający satyskacje
poolingto combine skills
fit inpasować, wpasować się
disruptivezakłócający spokój/ causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way
undermineosłabiać pracę. to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective
stiflespowalniać, tłumić. to stop something from happening or developing/
enterpriseprzedsięwzięcie, przedsiębiorstwo
jobthe regular paid work that you do for an employer
labourto work hard
to tolldzwonić
dismisszwolnić kogoś z pracy
deposedymisjonowac ze stanowsika
to get across= communicate/ to succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone
to work off= eliminate
to work into= fit into
to get around= overcome
to work up= cause to be upset
meet a deadlinehave to finish on time
antisocialaspołeczny,behaviour-violent or harmful to others, or shows that you do not care about other people
day shiftdzienna zmiana
irregularnot happening at times that are an equal distance from each other
glamorousattractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success
night shiftnocna zmiana
fixed hourssztywne, niezmienne godziny pracy
stuck in a rutpopaść w rutynę
freelance/ work freelanceniezależny, pracujący na własny rachunek
to beaver away at somethingto work very hard, especially at writing or calculating something
keep one's mind on the jobkeep paying attention to
mean businessto be determined to do something
make end meetwiązać koniec z końcem
get something off the groundstart to be successful
be someone's right-hand manthe person who supports and helps you the most, especially in your job
call the shotswydawac rozkazy/to be authority so that you give orders and make decisions
have time one one's handsnot have enough to do/ nie miec co robic
keep one's nose to the grindstoneto work very hard, without stopping to rest
be an inside jobdone by someone who works for the company where the crime happens
on the verge of= about to do/ happen
on offer unemployment= available
on the basis of= due to
on the dole= receiving unemployment benefit
on the level= honest
on hold= waiting
on a roll= winning
on and on= continuously
on and off= intermittently (nieregularnie)
on demand= when needed
recountopowiadać szczegółowo
wisdommądrość, rozsądek
choreobowiązek (nieprzyjemna praca)
haulciągnąć, holowac
acquire qualificationsnabywac kwalifikacje
define your interestsokreślać, sprecyzować swoje zainteresowania
employ-employerzatrudniać, pracodawca
kick into start or to begin to have an effect/ zaczac dzialac
struggleborykać się, zmagać, walczyć
engineer-engineeringinżynier, inżynieria
short-shortage ofbrak, niedobór, deficyt
confederate/ confederationwspolnik/ konfederacja
vocation-vocationalzawód, zawodowy/ vocational qualifications
concern- concerneddotyczyć
private sectorssektor prywatny
recruitment-recruitrekrutacja, rekrutować
intense-intensifyintensywny, nasilić
A-level skillsadvanced level skills
sought afterwanted by a lot of people but rare or difficult to get
prioritise-prioritytraktować priorytetowo, priorytet
top prioritynajwyższy priorytet
respond-respondentsodpowiadac, osoba odpowiadajaca
fundingmoney that is provided by an organization for a particular purpose
capability-capablezdolność, zdolny
major-majorityważny, główny, większość
to ensureto make certain that something will happen properly [= make sure]
success-succeedodnieść sukces
literate- literacyumiejący pisać i czytać, umiejętność pisania i czytania,
numerate-numeracypotrafiący liczyć, umiejętność liczenia
raise-raisingpodnosić, podnoszenie
less-leastmniej, najmniej
relation-relatedrelacja, powiązany
start, startingpoczątkowy
high, highestwysoki, najwyższy
on averageprzeciętnie
need-neededpotrzebować, potrzebny
attract-attractiveprzyciągac, atrakcyjny
execute, executivewykonywać, osoby zarządzające
competition, competekonkurs, konkurować
worried, worrieszmartwiony,
worry aboutmartwić o coś
literacy and numeracy skillsumiejętność pisania, liczenia
reporter-reportedreporter, poinformowany?
down-downturnobniżać, schyłek, spadek
spend-spendingwydawać, wydatki
remedy, remedialleczyć, leczniczy
school-leaving, school-leaversodejście, opuszczający szkołę, absolwent
thrivingvery successful
to spring upto suddenly appear or start to exis
switchingto change from doing thing to doing another
internshipa job that lasts for a short time, that especially a student, to gain experience
trademarkedoznaczony znakiem handlowym
maturesomeone who behaves in a sensible and reasonable way
prove sb's valueudowodnić czyjąć wartość
bring backto take something or someone with you when you come back from somewhere
workforcesiła robocza
eligiblesomeone is able or allowed to do it
trial periodokres próbny
internsomeone, especially a student, who works for a short time in a particular job in order to gain exp
get the chance tohave opportunity
recruitnowy członek, rekrut
spousaldone by person's husband or wife
relocationto move to a new place
screeningpoddający kontroli
skimremove, z powierzchni
ultimatemain and most important/ ostateczny, najwyższy
meaningfulserious and important
samplea small part or amount of something that is examined to find out something about the whole/ próbka
hold appealto have a particular quality
hiatusa pause in activity when nothing happens
tryoutan act of testing how good or effective sb/ sth is before deciding whether to use them in the future
shota remark or an action/ strzał, okazja, szansa
to land a jobto succeed in getting a job
to launchto start something, usually something big or important
testimoniallist polecający/a formal written statement describing someone's character and abilities/
keep up withbyc na bieżąco/to continue to read and learn about a particular subject
child-rearing yearslata w czasie ktorych sie wychowuje dzieci
give sb's an edgeget an advantage
lessermniejszy, niższy
assignmenta task or piece of work that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies
gear atmake, prepare
bridge jobis a temporary position that you might take at the end of a full-time in transition to different
championedto fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief
highlightto emphasize sth
stintczas spędzony na pracy/a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity
reporta written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need
open a doorto make an opportunity for something to happen
testimonialsreferences =
stintworking period=
to highlightto emphasize =
flourishingthriving =
to launchto start =
to landto get (when it was difficult to get)
assignmenta task =
rigidlyadj- strict, difficult
make upzmyślać
seasoned homeworkersdoświadczone osoby pracujące w domu
focused self-startersskoncentrowany able to work successfully on their own without needing other people's help
flakyciężko kojarzący
loner-weirdosamotny dziwak
dronea person who is lazy and gives nothing to society while others work
to bitch aboutto make unkind and critical remarks about sb/ sth
commutedojazd do pracy
to fumewściekać się, kipieć ze złości
sobłkać, szlochać
admittedlywprawdzie, co prawda
a blowcios, an action or event that causes difficulty or sadness for someone
to labelto use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly
skiverobibok/sb who avoid working
take the flakto receive strong criticism
cope withradzić sobie z czymś
mockerykpina, szyderstwo
misanthropic (adj)someone who does not like other people and prefers to be alone
downsidethe negative part or disadvantage of something
outfita set of clothes worn together
startledsomeone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked
impersonatenaśladować/to pretend to be someone else by copying their appearance, voice, and behavior, (deceiv
waryczujny, ostrożny (n)?
quaveringdrżący, voice quavers, it shakes as you speak
patheticżałosne, wzruszające, godne współczucia
verge onzbliżać się do czegoś/ to be very close to a harmful or extreme state
encounternapotkać, spotkać. to experience something, especially problems or opposition
suffice to saywystatczy powiedzieć
disciplinedyscyplina, dziedzina
find outodkryć
dysfunctionalzaburzony/ not following the normal patterns of social behaviour,
mind-setnastawienie, sposob myslenia/someone's general attitude, and the way in which they think about thing
undertakepodjąć się/ to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it
mess aroundobijac sie/to spend time lazily, doing things slowly and in a way that is not planned
galing prejudiceannoying uprzedzenie
properwłaściwy, odpowiedni
evolve intorozwinąć się
conscientioussumienny/ careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do
findingthe information that someone has discovered as a result of their study, work
presenteeisma situation when people spend a lot of time at work, even if they are ill or could take a holiday,
torturemeczyc, dreczyc
outperformprzewyższać/ to be more successful than someone or something else
oversensitiveeasily upset or offended/ nadwrażliwy
imaginarynot real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind
miss out onstracić okazję/ to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for y
mentalumysłowy, psychiczny
to nagzrzędzić, dręczyć/ to keep asking someone to do something, or to keep complaining to someone
to fashionto shape or make something/ kształtować
branda type of product made by a particular company
carry onto continue doing something
commuteto regularly travel a long distance to get to work
self-important(ly)posiadający wysokie mniemanie o sobie, zarozumiały (o osobie), zadufany w sobie
frustrated withfeeling annoyed, upset, and impatient
child-friendlyprzyjazny dzieciom
give birthrodzić
take out loanborrow money
pre-schoolprzedszkolny (wiek), relating to the time in a child's life before they are old enough to go to scho
take offto suddenly start being successful
newbornnowo narodzony
mean forto intend to do something
sight problemsproblemy ze wzrokiem
breastfeedingkarmienie piersia
start businessset up business
turn intogo in new direction
regardingjeśli chodzi o, co się tyczy, odnośnie, względem
productiveproduktywny, wydajny
boremake bored
a trailblazerpomyslodawca/someone who is the first to discover or develop new methods