fulfilling | making you feel happy and satisfied because you are doing interesting, useful, or important things |
arduous | involving a lot of strength and effort/ trudny, ciężki, wymagający |
mind-numbing | very boring |
demanding | wymagający/ needing a lot of skill, patience, effort |
gruelling | very difficult and tiring, needing great effort for a long time |
rewarding | worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it is useful or important |
hazardous | involving risk or danger, especially to sb's health or safety |
glamorous | attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success/ +prestizowy.. |
mundane | ordinary and not interesting or exciting [= boring] |
secure | likely to continue or be successful for a long time |
stimulating | full of interesting or exciting ideas; making people feel enthusiastic =inspiring |
strenuous | needing great effort and energy = arduous |
stressful | stresujący/causing a lot of anxiety and worry |
motivating | to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do this |
physical | related to someone's body |
intellectual | relating to the ability to understand things and think intelligently |
creative | involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce sth new or a work of art |
manual | involving using the hands or physical strength |
blue-collar | connected with people who do physical work in industry/ robotic fizyczny |
white-collar | working in an office, rather than in a factory/ biurowy |
administrative | connected with organizing the work of a business or an institution/ administracyjny |
graphic designer | grafik |
sound technician | technik dźwięku? |
talent scout | someone whose job is to find young people who are very good at sport, music etc/ łowca talentów |
refuse collector | = garbage collector (AmE), śmieciarz |
assembly-line worker | pracownik linii produkcyjnej, a system for making things in a factory in which the products move pas |
fire fighter | strażak |
computer programmer | programista |
business executive | kierownik w korporacji handlowej/a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an o |
civil servant | a person who works in the civil service |
plastic surgeon | chirurg plastyczny |
general practitioner | internista, lekarz ogólny, lekarz pierwszego kontaktu |
dental hygienist | higienistka stomatologiczna/works with a dentist and whose job is to clean people's teeth |
competition-competitive | trying very hard to be better than others |
efficiency-efficient | doing sth well and thoroughly with no waste of time, money, or energy |
manufacture-manufacturing | produkcja przemysłowa |
viable-viability | that can be done; that will be successful |
economics-economist | ekonomia |
production-productive | making goods or growing crops, especially in large quantities |
monopoly-monopolise | monopol-control of trade |
job | work for which you receive regular payment |
employment | the state of being employed |
occupation | a job or profession/ zawód, zajęcie |
profession | a type of job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of educat |
trade | a job, involves working with your hands and requires special training and skills/fach |
vocation | a type of work or way of life that you believe is especially suitable for you/powolanie |
duty | the work that is your job/obowiązek zawodowy |
task | a piece of work that sb has to do, especially a hard or unpleasant one |
project | a planned piece of work that is designed to find information about sth, to produce sth new, or to im |
raise | podwyżka |
award | a prize such as money, |
grant | a sum of money that is given by an organization for a particular purpose/dotacja |
the whiz | sb who is very good at solving problems esp mechanical, technical/spec, ekspert |
the perfectionist | a person who likes to do things perfectly and is not satisfied with anything less |
the paper-shuffler | sb who goes to great trouble to look busy but is probably not very productive |
the gossip | a person who enjoys talking about other people's private lives |
the stirrer | a person who likes causing trouble by spreading secrets |
the workaholic | a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things |
the slave driver | a person who makes people work extremely hard, tyrant |
the yes-man | a person who always agrees with people in authority in order to gain their approval |
the techno-freak | a person who is obsessed with the latest technology |
to apply for a job | to make a formal request, usually in writing |
to land a job | to succeed in getting a job, contract etc that was difficult to get |
to do/work overtime | time that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours |
maternity leave | time that a mother is allowed to spend away from work when she has a baby |
to be away on sick leave | byc na zwolnieniu lekarskim |
unemployment benefit | money paid regularly by the government to people who have no job |
to work shifts | pracowac na zmiany |
to be made redundant | zostac zwolnionym |
to make/earn one's living | zarabiać na życie |
unfair dismissal | nieuzasadnione zwolnienie z pracy |
desk job | a job that involves working mostly at a desk in an office |
full/part-time job | praca na pełen/pół etatu |
permanent job | stała praca |
trade union | an organization that represents workers- zwiazek zawodowy |
incentive | something that encourages you to work harder, zacheta, premia, motywacja |
to perform one's duties | to do something, esp sth difficult or useful [= carry out] wykonywac obowiazki |
to be overworked | made to work too hard |
to quit one's job | to leave a job, esp without finishing it completely |
plant | fabryka, zakład |
work to rule | to protest about a situation at work by doing your job slowly ->obey rules |
go on the picket line | a line or group of pickets |
go on strike | strajkowac |
expel | to officially make sb leave a school or an organization |
lay off | to stop employing someone because there is no work for them to do |
perk | something that you get legally from your work in addition to your wages, as goods, meals, or a car |
benefit | dodatek (np. do pensji) |
bonus | money added to someone's wages, especially as a reward for good work |
salary | money that employees receive for doing their job |
profit | the money that you make in business or by selling things, -zysk |
wage | a regular amount of money that you earn, usually every week, for work-płaca,zarobki |
trainee | a person who is being taught how to do a particular job |
apprentice | someone who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn a particular skil |
recruit | someone who has recently joined an organization, team, group |
head office | the main office of a company |
department | a section of a large organizatio |
boardroom | a room in which the meetings of the board of a company / sala konferencyjna |
overtime | time that you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours |
flexi-time | ruchomy czas pracy |
credentials | the qualities, training or experience that make you suitable to do sth/kwalifikacje, referenecje |
references | a letter written by sb who knows you, giving information about your character and abilities, especia |
applications | a formal (often written) request for sth, such as a job |
workmate | a person that you work with |
workload | the amount of work that has to be done, ilość pracy do wykonania |
workplace | miejsce pracy |
workshop | pracownia, warsztat, warsztaty |
workbench | a long heavy table used for doing practical jobs,- stop warsztatowy |
workstation | the desk and computer at which a person works, stanowisko pracy |
workhorse | a person, machine, or vehicle that does a lot of work, esp when it is hard or boring/wól roboczy |
job satisfaction | satysfakcja z pracy |
job title | tytul sluzbowy |
job description | zakres obowiazkow |
job market | rynek pracy |
job hunter | poszukujący pracy |
job centre | rządowe biuro pośrednictwa pracy |
job prospects | perspektywy zatrudnienia |
run sb's own business | prowadzić własny biznes |
diverse (adj) | very different from each other and of various kinds |
abode | the place where sb lives |
rehearsal | time that is spent practising a play or piece of music in preparation for a public performance |
choir | chór |
add up | to produce a particular total or result |
plasterer | tynkarz |
haulier | przewoźnik |
tipper | wywrotka |
fire engine | wóz strażacki |
rewarding | dający satysfakcję, satysfakcjonujący |
faint | mdleć |
envy | zazdrość |
I have the patience of a saint | a very large amount of patience |
unheard | that nobody pays attention to |
arterial | tętniczy |
venous | żylny |
dead beat | very tired |
inflamed | w stanie zapalnym |
chopsticks | chińskie pałeczki |
utensil | a tool that is used in the house |
a recipe book | książka kucharska |
hangover | kac |
in the dim and distant past | dawno, dawno temu |
scrubbing | szorujący, czyszczący |
dung | odchody |
a template | wzór, szablon to produce other similar examples |
down a well earned pint | pić dobrze zarobione piwo? |
greenhouse | szklarnia |
spiky | z kolcami |
splinter | odłamek, drzazga |
chopping | siekający |
sting | pieczenie, kłucie |
go to the expense | to spend money on sth |
telesales | a method of selling things and taking orders for sales by telephone |
yellow pages | książka telefoniczna |
lingerie | women's underwear |
civil service | the government departments in a country, except the armed forces, and the people who work for them |
maggot | larwa/a creature like a small short worm, is young form of a fly and is found in decaying meat |
stench | a strong, very unpleasant smell |
appalling | shocking; extremely bad |
buff | a person who is very interested in a particular subject or activity and knows a lot /zapaleniec |
in seventh heaven | w siodmym niebie |
clairvoyant | jasnowidz |
candyfloss | wata cukrowa |
spun sugar | wata cukrowa |
nostrils | nozdrza |
daunting | to make sb feel nervous and less confident about doing sth |
civvy street | życie w cywilu, ordinary life outside the armed forces |
bridal shop | sklep dla panny młodej |
brides-to-be tried | przymiarki przyszłej panny młodej |
fluff | small pieces of wool, cotton, etc. that gather on clothes and other surfaces/klaczki, kurz |
duster | ścierka do kurzu |
take early retirement | retired at an earlier age than usual/ pojsc wczesniej na emeryture |
temporary secondment/ be on secondment | a period of time that you spend away from your usual job, either doing another job or studying |
relocation | przeniesienie |
transferable skills | if you transfer it, it can be used in the new situation |
update one's skills | develop skills |
a glass ceiling | the attitudes and practices that prevent women or particular groups from getting high level jobs |
opportunity for advancement | progress or development in your job, level of knowledge postep/awans |
corporate culture | the way that people in a corporation think and behave/kultura firmy |
red tape | official rules that seem unnecessary, zbyt rozbudowana biurokracja |
personal development | improvements in your character and skills |
training | the process of teaching or being taught the skills for a particular job or activity/szkolenie, |
job mobility | mobilnosc zawodowa na rynku pracy |
staff turnover | rotacja pracownikow, the rate at which people leave an organization and are replaced by others |
clock in and clock out | to record the time you arrive at work on a special machine/~leave |
to work flexi time/ to be on flexi time | elastyczny czas pracy |
a pecking-order | hierarchia ważności/each member knows who has a higher or lower rank |
to talk shop | talk about their work when there are people present who are not interested or involved-disapproval |
to job share/ job-sharing | an arrangement by which two people both work part-time doing the same job |
hierarchical (adj) | people or things are divided into levels of importance |
mechanical | involving machine/a mechanical action, reply etc is done without thinking |
repetitive | done many times in the same way, and boring |
monotonous | boring because of always being the same |
a day/night shift | dzienna/ nocna zmiana |
to knock off | to stop working and go somewhere else |
to be stuck behind a desk | utknąć za biurkiem |
stress levels | poziom stresu |
a dead-end job | a job with low wages and no chance of progress |
benefits/ benefits package | pakiet świadczeń socjalnych (in addition to money) |
allowance; food/fuel allowance; relocation allowance | dodatki na jedzenie, benzyne, zagospodarowanie się |
company pension scheme | plan emerytalny/ one that your employer pays |
private/personal pension | one that is run by a private pension company, not by the government or your employer |
government pension | emerytura wypłacana przez rząd |
expenses; travel/ traveling expenses | the amount of money that you spend on something |
holiday entitlement; be entitled to | the official right to have or do something, or money/prawo, byc uprawnionym do |
comprehensive healthcare provision | pełne świadcznenie opieki zdrowotnej |
subsidized canteen | f a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it pays part of its costs |
performance-related bonus scheme | money that you earn for your work, which is increased if you do your work very well |
accountable | responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be criticized for them |
insight into | an understanding of what sth is like/ wgląd, wyobrażenie |
lucrative | a job or activity that is lucrative lets you earn a lot of money [= profitable]/dochodowy, oplacalny |
solely | not involving anything or anyone else [= only] |
to juggle | to try to fit two or more jobs, activities etc / pogodzic |
guaranteed | gwarantowany/promise to do something or to promise that something will happen |
encounter | =experience. napotkac/zmierzyc sie. to experience something, especially problems or opposition |
encroach upon | wedrzec sie/to begin to affect or use up too much of sb's time, rights, personal life, etc. |
freelance worker | = be own boss |
amount of stress | = degree |
insight into | = understanding |
juggle | = to balance |
pros and cons | = advantages and disadvantages |
common goal | = share the same aim wspólny cel |
morale | the level of confidence and positive feelings that people have, especially people who work together |
foster team spirit | encourage, promote ducha współpracy |
collaboration | współpraca/ work together with another person or group to achieve something |
mutual | wzajemny |
fulfilling | = rewarding, dający satyskacje |
valued | ceniony, |
pooling | to combine skills |
fit in | pasować, wpasować się |
disruptive | zakłócający spokój/ causing problems and preventing something from continuing in its usual way |
undermine | osłabiać pracę. to gradually make someone or something less strong or effective |
stifle | spowalniać, tłumić. to stop something from happening or developing/ |
enterprise | przedsięwzięcie, przedsiębiorstwo |
initiative | inicjatywa |
job | the regular paid work that you do for an employer |
labour | to work hard |
to toll | dzwonić |
union | związek |
dismiss | zwolnić kogoś z pracy |
depose | dymisjonowac ze stanowsika |
to get across | = communicate/ to succeed in communicating an idea or piece of information to someone |
to work off | = eliminate |
to work into | = fit into |
to get around | = overcome |
to work up | = cause to be upset |
meet a deadline | have to finish on time |
antisocial | aspołeczny,behaviour-violent or harmful to others, or shows that you do not care about other people |
day shift | dzienna zmiana |
irregular | not happening at times that are an equal distance from each other |
glamorous | attractive, exciting, and related to wealth and success |
night shift | nocna zmiana |
fixed hours | sztywne, niezmienne godziny pracy |
stuck in a rut | popaść w rutynę |
freelance/ work freelance | niezależny, pracujący na własny rachunek |
to beaver away at something | to work very hard, especially at writing or calculating something |
keep one's mind on the job | keep paying attention to |
mean business | to be determined to do something |
make end meet | wiązać koniec z końcem |
get something off the ground | start to be successful |
be someone's right-hand man | the person who supports and helps you the most, especially in your job |
call the shots | wydawac rozkazy/to be authority so that you give orders and make decisions |
have time one one's hands | not have enough to do/ nie miec co robic |
keep one's nose to the grindstone | to work very hard, without stopping to rest |
be an inside job | done by someone who works for the company where the crime happens |
on the verge of | = about to do/ happen |
on offer unemployment | = available |
on the basis of | = due to |
on the dole | = receiving unemployment benefit |
on the level | = honest |
on hold | = waiting |
on a roll | = winning |
on and on | = continuously |
on and off | = intermittently (nieregularnie) |
on demand | = when needed |
entrepreneur | przedsiębiorca |
recount | opowiadać szczegółowo |
wisdom | mądrość, rozsądek |
co-founder | współzałożyciel |
chore | obowiązek (nieprzyjemna praca) |
haul | ciągnąć, holowac |
acquire qualifications | nabywac kwalifikacje |
define your interests | określać, sprecyzować swoje zainteresowania |
employ-employer | zatrudniać, pracodawca |
economy-economic | gospodarka |
economics | ekonomia |
kick in | to start or to begin to have an effect/ zaczac dzialac |
struggle | borykać się, zmagać, walczyć |
engineer-engineering | inżynier, inżynieria |
short-shortage of | brak, niedobór, deficyt |
confederate/ confederation | wspolnik/ konfederacja |
vocation-vocational | zawód, zawodowy/ vocational qualifications |
concern- concerned | dotyczyć |
private sectors | sektor prywatny |
recruitment-recruit | rekrutacja, rekrutować |
recover-recovery | wyzdrowieć |
intense-intensify | intensywny, nasilić |
A-level skills | advanced level skills |
particular-particularly | szczegolny |
sought after | wanted by a lot of people but rare or difficult to get |
govern-government | rządzić-rząd |
prioritise-priority | traktować priorytetowo, priorytet |
top priority | najwyższy priorytet |
respond-respondents | odpowiadac, osoba odpowiadajaca |
funding | money that is provided by an organization for a particular purpose |
high-higher | wyzszy |
capability-capable | zdolność, zdolny |
major-majority | ważny, główny, większość |
to ensure | to make certain that something will happen properly [= make sure] |
success-succeed | odnieść sukces |
literate- literacy | umiejący pisać i czytać, umiejętność pisania i czytania, |
numerate-numeracy | potrafiący liczyć, umiejętność liczenia |
raise-raising | podnosić, podnoszenie |
rate | wskaźnik |
less-least | mniej, najmniej |
relation-related | relacja, powiązany |
start, starting | początkowy |
high, highest | wysoki, najwyższy |
on average | przeciętnie |
need-needed | potrzebować, potrzebny |
attract-attractive | przyciągac, atrakcyjny |
execute, executive | wykonywać, osoby zarządzające |
competition, compete | konkurs, konkurować |
highlighted | podkreślony |
worried, worries | zmartwiony, |
worry about | martwić o coś |
literacy and numeracy skills | umiejętność pisania, liczenia |
reporter-reported | reporter, poinformowany? |
down-downturn | obniżać, schyłek, spadek |
spend-spending | wydawać, wydatki |
remedy, remedial | leczyć, leczniczy |
school-leaving, school-leavers | odejście, opuszczający szkołę, absolwent |
thriving | very successful |
to spring up | to suddenly appear or start to exis |
switching | to change from doing thing to doing another |
internship | a job that lasts for a short time, that especially a student, to gain experience |
trademarked | oznaczony znakiem handlowym |
mature | someone who behaves in a sensible and reasonable way |
prove sb's value | udowodnić czyjąć wartość |
bring back | to take something or someone with you when you come back from somewhere |
workforce | siła robocza |
eligible | someone is able or allowed to do it |
trial period | okres próbny |
intern | someone, especially a student, who works for a short time in a particular job in order to gain exp |
get the chance to | have opportunity |
enlightened | oświecony |
rare | rzadki |
recruit | nowy członek, rekrut |
spousal | done by person's husband or wife |
relocation | to move to a new place |
screening | poddający kontroli |
skim | remove, z powierzchni |
ultimate | main and most important/ ostateczny, najwyższy |
meaningful | serious and important |
sample | a small part or amount of something that is examined to find out something about the whole/ próbka |
hold appeal | to have a particular quality |
folks | people |
hiatus | a pause in activity when nothing happens |
tryout | an act of testing how good or effective sb/ sth is before deciding whether to use them in the future |
shot | a remark or an action/ strzał, okazja, szansa |
to land a job | to succeed in getting a job |
to launch | to start something, usually something big or important |
testimonial | list polecający/a formal written statement describing someone's character and abilities/ |
keep up with | byc na bieżąco/to continue to read and learn about a particular subject |
child-rearing years | lata w czasie ktorych sie wychowuje dzieci |
give sb's an edge | get an advantage |
lesser | mniejszy, niższy |
assignment | a task or piece of work that sb is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies |
encore | additional |
gear at | make, prepare |
pace | krok |
bridge job | is a temporary position that you might take at the end of a full-time in transition to different |
championed | to fight for or speak in support of a group of people or a belief |
highlight | to emphasize sth |
stint | czas spędzony na pracy/a period of time spent doing a particular job or activity |
report | a written or spoken description of a situation or event, giving people the information they need |
tough | difficult |
figure | think |
open a door | to make an opportunity for something to happen |
testimonials | references = |
stint | working period= |
ultimate | final= |
to highlight | to emphasize = |
flourishing | thriving = |
to launch | to start = |
to land | to get (when it was difficult to get) |
assignment | a task = |
rigidly | adj- strict, difficult |
make up | zmyślać |
seasoned homeworkers | doświadczone osoby pracujące w domu |
focused self-starters | skoncentrowany able to work successfully on their own without needing other people's help |
dismissed | zwolniony |
indolent | leniwy |
flaky | ciężko kojarzący |
loner-weirdo | samotny dziwak |
drone | a person who is lazy and gives nothing to society while others work |
to bitch about | to make unkind and critical remarks about sb/ sth |
commute | dojazd do pracy |
to fume | wściekać się, kipieć ze złości |
sob | łkać, szlochać |
admittedly | wprawdzie, co prawda |
a blow | cios, an action or event that causes difficulty or sadness for someone |
to label | to use a word or phrase to describe someone or something, but often unfairly or incorrectly |
skiver | obibok/sb who avoid working |
take the flak | to receive strong criticism |
cope with | radzić sobie z czymś |
mockery | kpina, szyderstwo |
avalanche | lawina |
blurring | rozmyty |
misanthropic (adj) | someone who does not like other people and prefers to be alone |
downside | the negative part or disadvantage of something |
outfit | a set of clothes worn together |
startled | someone suddenly surprised or slightly shocked |
impersonate | naśladować/to pretend to be someone else by copying their appearance, voice, and behavior, (deceiv |
wary | czujny, ostrożny (n)? |
quavering | drżący, voice quavers, it shakes as you speak |
pathetic | żałosne, wzruszające, godne współczucia |
verge on | zbliżać się do czegoś/ to be very close to a harmful or extreme state |
encounter | napotkać, spotkać. to experience something, especially problems or opposition |
suffice to say | wystatczy powiedzieć |
discipline | dyscyplina, dziedzina |
find out | odkryć |
dysfunctional | zaburzony/ not following the normal patterns of social behaviour, |
mind-set | nastawienie, sposob myslenia/someone's general attitude, and the way in which they think about thing |
notion | pojęcie |
undertake | podjąć się/ to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it |
mess around | obijac sie/to spend time lazily, doing things slowly and in a way that is not planned |
galing prejudice | annoying uprzedzenie |
proper | właściwy, odpowiedni |
evolve into | rozwinąć się |
conscientious | sumienny/ careful to do everything that it is your job or duty to do |
finding | the information that someone has discovered as a result of their study, work |
presenteeism | a situation when people spend a lot of time at work, even if they are ill or could take a holiday, |
torture | meczyc, dreczyc |
outperform | przewyższać/ to be more successful than someone or something else |
oversensitive | easily upset or offended/ nadwrażliwy |
imaginary | not real, but produced from pictures or ideas in your mind |
miss out on | stracić okazję/ to not have the chance to do something that you enjoy and that would be good for y |
mental | umysłowy, psychiczny |
to nag | zrzędzić, dręczyć/ to keep asking someone to do something, or to keep complaining to someone |
to fashion | to shape or make something/ kształtować |
brand | a type of product made by a particular company |
carry on | to continue doing something |
commute | to regularly travel a long distance to get to work |
self-important(ly) | posiadający wysokie mniemanie o sobie, zarozumiały (o osobie), zadufany w sobie |
frustrated with | feeling annoyed, upset, and impatient |
child-friendly | przyjazny dzieciom |
state | państwowy |
give birth | rodzić |
savings | oszczędności |
take out loan | borrow money |
interior | wnętrze |
pre-school | przedszkolny (wiek), relating to the time in a child's life before they are old enough to go to scho |
take off | to suddenly start being successful |
order | zamówienie |
newborn | nowo narodzony |
pattern | wzór |
mean for | to intend to do something |
sight problems | problemy ze wzrokiem |
breastfeeding | karmienie piersia |
flexible | elastyczny |
start business | set up business |
turn into | go in new direction |
regarding | jeśli chodzi o, co się tyczy, odnośnie, względem |
productive | produktywny, wydajny |
bore | make bored |
a trailblazer | pomyslodawca/someone who is the first to discover or develop new methods |