wordki.pl - nauka słówek
PNJA 2014 cz.1
autor: maniek
bear sth in mindremember to consider sth
make generalizations about sthmake general statements about sth that may only be based on a few examples
generalizegeneralizować (shorter)
imply sthsuggest that you feel or think sth without saying it directly
stubbornness/ obstinacyupartość
stubborn/ obstinateuparty
fancy sbto be attracted to sb
fiddle with sthkeep moving or touching sth with your hands
stroke sthmove your hand or fingers gently over the surface of sth
flirt with sbbehave towards sb as if you find the sexually attractive, but not in a serious way
clenched fistzaciśnięte pięści
folded armsskrzyżowane ręce
lean towardspochylić się w czyjąś stronę
jump / leap to conclusionsmake a decision about sth too quickly
misinterpret sthunderstand sth wrongly
eye contactkontakt wzrokowy
not necessarilyused to say that sth is possibly true but is not always true
observe sthsee or notice sth
observantgood at noticing things
combinemix two or more things
display sthshow signs of sth, often a quality or a feeling
look out for sth/sblook and try to see or find sth/sb
go redbecome red in the face
sweat/perspirepocić się
excessivemore than is reasonable or necessary (adj.)
torrential rainvery heavy rain
gale-force windsvery strong winds
considerable/great difficultya lot of difficulty
extensive/widespread damagea lot of damage
strong accenta very noticeable accent
slight accentlekki akcent
great honouran action or occasion that creates a feeling of pride
real/special/concerted efforta big effort
main/principal concernbiggest worry
growing concernbigger and bigger worry
familiar faceznajoma twarz
brief summarya short statement giving the main points of sth
classic/ perfect examplea very typical example of sth
strong/ fierce/ widespread criticisma lot of disapproval from others
utter/ total chaosa state of complete confusion
have a narrow escapeto be lucky to get away safely
real eyesorea building or object that is very unpleasant to look at
real eyecandya building or object that is very pleasant to look at
take offence at sthshow you are angry or upset about sth, or feeling insulted by it
make it clear thatsay sth to make sb understand the situation
do no such thingrefuse to do the thing you have been asked to do
reach an agreement/ a conclusion/ compromise/ verdictsuccessfully arrive at an agreement
face the prospect of/thatrecognize the ossibility that sth may happen
settle a dispute/ an argumentend an argument between people
hold sb responsible for sththink that sb shoul be blamed for sth
take the blame for sthaccept responsibility for sth
reach the point where/whenarreive at a time or stage at which sth happens
back downstop asking for sth, or stop saying you will do sth
entirely differentzupełnie inny
entirely responsiblecałkowicie odpowiedzialny
agree entirelyzgadzać się całkowicie
not entirely surenie do końca pewny
not entirely happynie do końca szcześliwy
not entirely satisfiedniezupełnie usatysfakcjonowany
do/ get togethera friendly informal meeting or party
a (good) laughan enjoyable experience
a (bit of a) draga boring or annoying occasion or situation
lousybad, unpleasant, of poor quality
lousy filmdo niczego film
lousy weatherdo niczego pogoda
quid (pl. quid)a pound in money (pl...)
rip-offa thing that is not worth what you pay for it
rip sb offobrobić kogoś
tight-fisted/tight/stingynot generous with money
vile/disgustingvery bad ou unpleasant (smell)
bloke/guya man
a (real) pain/ a pain in the neckan annoying person or situation
moan (about sth)complain in an annoying way
looa toilet
pinch/ nick sthsteal sth
What a nerve/ a cheek!used to say you think sb's behaviour is rude
at hometo play on your own stadium
awaynot to play on your own stadium
qualify for sthbe good enough to enter a competition
knockout competitionsystem pucharowy
runner(s)-upa person or team who comes second in a competition
the rest ofthe others
eliminate sb from sth/ knock sb out of sthwyeliminować kogoś
be drawn against sbzostać wylosowanym razem z...
get through to sthreach the next stage in a competition
venuea place where an organized event happens
in/on good/great formw dobrej formie
off formbez formy
a good/bad runa period of performing well or badly
promotiontha action of moving a team up to a higher league
relegationopposite of promotion
let sb downfail to give sb the help and support they need
under pressurein a stressful situation
go to piecesbecome very nervous or upset and unable to perform
dominate/ be on topdominować
on the verge of sthnear the moment of doing or achieving sth
give sth awaylose a game, point, or competition through a bad mistake
nativerodzinny, ojczysty
culture shockszok kulturowy
animosity towards/ hostilitywrogość
integrationthe process of becoming a full member of a group or society
integrate into sthzintegrować się
live at peace with sblive without quarrelling with others
have no desire to do sthzupełnie nie mieć ochoty
get accustomed to/ get used tobecome familiar with sth & accept it
get acclimatized to sthbecome familiar with a new climate or situation
get the hang of sthlearn how to do, use, or understand something
flee (from) sth/sbescape from a dangerous situation very quickly
refugeea person who is forced to leave their country for political/ religious reasons
seek/ take refuge fromfind shelter or protection from trouble or danger
political asylumazyl polityczny
seek/ apply for asylumubiegać się o azyl
ethnic minority/groupmniejszość etniczna
be uprootedbe made to leave the place where you live and go somewhere else
discriminate (against)dyskryminować
deport sbforce sb to leave a country, often becaouse they have no right to be there
prejudice (agains sb/sth)uprzedzenie
economic migrantspeople whi move abroad to find a better job
socialize/sociablespend time with other people in a friendly way/ adj.
host/ hostessgospodarz/ gospodyni
lay sth onprovide sth for sb, especially food, dring, or transport
time-consumingneeding a lot of time
contributiona thing that you give or do to help sth be successful
make a valuable/significant contributionmieć znaczący wkład
contributemieć wkład
clear (sth) upleave everything clean and tidy
beforehandbefore sth else happens or is done
gatecrashera person who tries to get into a party without an invitation
warm up(of a party) to start to become interesting and enjoyable
deafeningvery loud
drown sth outbe louder than other sounds, so they can't be heard
liven sth upmake sth more exciting
liven upbecome more exciting
get/be carried awaybecome very excited or lose control over your feelings
pop round/ over/ ingo somewhere quickly or for a fairly short time
fancy sthwant sth or want to do sth
no doubtbez wątpienia
get/ be drunkupić się
lonera person who is often alone and usually prefers to be alone
awkwardnot relaxed or comfortable with other people
join intake part in an activity with other people
warm welcomemiłe przyjęcie
make sb feel welcomesprawić, że ktoś czuje się przyjęty
cliqueyforming a small group and not letting others join in
companyI like (being with other people)
good company (NO A)She's (enjoyable to be with)
own companyHe enjoys his (being by himself)
in companyHe's very good (with other people)
accompany sbgo with sb
set fire tomake sth start burning
catch firestart to burn
the fire broke outthe fire started
be on fireto be burning
spread torozprzestrzenić się na
burst into flamessuddenly began burning strongly
go up in flamesbe destroyed by fire
fire/ flames died downfire/ flames became weak
put out/ extinguish firestop the fire burning
forest firesfires that occur in forests
light a fire (past: lit)start a fire for a purpose (past:...)
the fire went outthe fire stopped burning
put out a cigarettezgasić papierosa
the lights went outświatła zgasły
a fight broke outzaczęła się bójka
burst into tearswybuchnąć płaczem
the disease could spreadchoroba mogła się rozprzestrzenić
the noise died downhałas przycichł
brokenot having any money
starving/ dying for sth to eatvery hungry
kipa short sleep
poshelegant and expensive
nosy/noseydisapp: inerested in things that don't concern you
bugan infectious illness
be into sthbe very interested in sth as a hobby
hammer sb/ thrash sbdefeat sb very heavily
con sbdeceive and trick sb, especially in order to get money from them
flak/ stickcriticism
take the flakprzyjąć krytykę
ta/ cheersthanks
dodgycausing suspicion, possibly dishonest
laid-back/ easy-goingcalm and relaxed
racket/ dina large amount of noise
take an instant dislike to sbdislike sb as soon as you meet them
resent sthfeel anger about sth, often when it seems ufair
hostileunfriendly and aggressive
to sb's facedirectly
complimentary about sbsaying nice thinks about sb
compliment sb on sth/ pay sb a complimentkomplementować kogoś
behind sb's backza plecami
put a strain on sb/sthcreate pressure and anxiety for sb; vreate tension in a relationship
stick up for sbsupport and defend sb if they were criticized
as time went byover a period of time
settle downbecome calmer and more relaxed
tough decision/childhoodtrudna decyzja/dzieciństwo
tough driving lawssurowe przepisy drogowe
toughtwardy, silny psychicznie
thingsused to talk about a situation or life in general
the way things arethe situation as it is
make things difficultutrudniać coś
how are things?jak tam?
look upstart to become better
initiallyin the beginning
reluctant/ unwillingnot wanting to do sth
respect for sba feeling of admiration for sb because of their qualities
gain/ earn/ win respectzdobyć czyjś respekt
confide in sbtell sb personal information because you trust them
ups and downswzloty i upadki
appreciate sthrecognize sth and welcome it
make a sacrifice/ sacrifice sthpoświęcić się, poświęcić coś
accept sballow sb to be part of a group
accept sthagree to sth
accept thatbelieve that sth is true
accept responsibilityadmit you did sth wrong