wordki.pl - nauka słówek
PNJA 2014 cz.2
autor: maniek
outside chance ofa small chance
great chanceopp. outside chance
big chanceopportunity for success
last chancefinal opportunity
no chancebez szans
go under/ go bankruptgo out of business
wind sth upstop running a business and close it completely
step down/asideleave an important job
tighten your beltspend ess money because there will be less available
go down that roadtake a particular course of action
wriggle out of sth/ doing sthdisapp. avoid doing sth that you should do
lure sb/ entice sbdisapp. persuade or tempt sb to do sth by offering them a reward
not take sth lying downnot accept a bad situation without a fight or protest
tip the balanceaffect the result of sth in one way rather than another
fuel sthincrease sth and make it stronger
fuel fears/inflationzwiększać strach/ inflację
the dust settlesthe situation becomes clearer and less disturbed
on the cardslikely to happen (3 words)
imminentlikely to happen soon (1 word)
formerhaving a particular position in the past
mount sthorganize and begin sth
jointinvolving two or more people
joint account/venture/bidwspólne konto/przedsięwzięcie/oferta
bidan offer to pay a particular price for sth
make a bid for sthprzedstawić ofertę
bidto offer to pay a particular price for sth
back sb/sthhelp sb/sth
reject sth/ turn sth downrefuse to accept sth
rejectionrefusal to accept sth
shareholdera person who owns shares in a business or company
dividenda portion of a company's profits that is given to shareholders
clinch sthsucceed in achieving or winning sth
clinch a deal/victorysucceed in winning a deal/ achieving victory
set sth offstart a process or series of events
mergertwo companies which joined and formed a single company
friendly/hostile takeoverwhen one company buys the shares of another public company
acquisitionone company buys another company which cannot offer its shares for sale to the public
locked in battleinvolved in a competition or struggle
storm of protesta situation in which a large number of people express strong feelings against sth
floodappear in large numbers at the same time
the tide is turning (in one's favour)the situation and public opinion are changing (in one's favour)
a drop in the oceana very small amount compared with what is needed
sparkcause sth to start or develop
blazing rowa very angry argument
come under attack/fireto be strongly criticized
in the firing linein a position in which people can criticize and blame you
a tight cornera difficult situation
move the goalpostsunfairly change the agreed rules or conditions during a course of action
foul playbehaviour that is unfair or dishonest
a level playing fielda situation n which everyone has the same opportunities
amid sth/ amidst sthwhile sth else is happening
allegationa statement, without proof, that sb has done sth wrong
allegestate, without proof, that sb has done sth wrong
cover-upan attempt to stop people discovering the truth about sth
cover sth upattempt to stop people discovering the truth about sth
sourcea person who provides information, especially for journalists
lapsea small mistake caused by forgetting sth or carelessness
measurean official action taken in order to achieve sth
behind the sceneswithout people's awareness or knowledge
behind closed doorsin private, not in public
according towedług...
(opinion) polla process of asking people for ther opinion about sth
emergebecome known
emergencepojawienie się
scathing attack/remarkstrongly critical attack/remark
leak sth to sbgive secret information to hournalists or to the public
leakwyciek, przeciek
quote sb as saying thatzacytować kogoś
pet hatea thing that you particularly dislike or find annoying
jama situation in which a machine doesn't work because sth is stuck in one position
a paper jampapier, który utkwił w drukarce
jamzacinać się, blokować się
put sth rightmake a situation better after a mistake has been made
absent from sthnieobecny
pile up/ accumulatebecome larger in quantity or amount
hecticvery busy
neglect sthnot do sth, or not give ebough attention to sth
poke/stick your nose into sthbecome involved in sth that does not concern you
fail/neglect to do sthnot do sth that people expect you to do
handoverthe act of making sb else responsible for sth
hand sth over to sbmake sb else responsible for sth
sniffpociągać nosem
pencil sth inwrite down details of an arrangement which you may have to change later
punthe clever or humorous use of a word with more than ne meaning
tipthe thin pointed end of sth
lodged in sthfixed or stuck in sth
puncture sthmake a small hole in sth
puncturenakłucie, dziura
excruciatingextremely painful
ensuinghappening after or as a result of another event
chroniclasting a long time and hard to cure
remainingstill existiong or needing to be dealt with
make a sppedy/rapid recoveryget well again quickly after an illness or accident
How dare you...jak śmiesz...
Don't you darenawet się nie waż
against all (the) oddswhen sth happens or succeeds although it seemed impossible or very unlikely
shelterstay somewhere that protects you from danger or bad weather
infested (rat-infested)full of very many insects, animals, etc.
take actiondo sth to deal with a situation
drasticextreme in a way that has a sudden, violent, or serious effect
straymove away from where you should be, without intending to
dazedunable to think clearly because of shock or a blow to the head
disorientatedconfused about where toy are or which way to go
regain your sensesthink clearly again after a period of confusion
stay putstay where you are rather than moving away
take a chance on sthdecide to do sth, even though it involves risk
gruelling/ punishingvery difficult and tiring; needing a great effort