wordki.pl - nauka słówek
przygotowanie do egzaminu angielski III
autor: sunny838
aberrationodstępstwo od normy
laugh at sbs expensebawić się czyimś kosztem
put sth down to sthprzypisywać coś czemuś
ditch=leave, dump
romantic displacepokazywanie swojej romantyczności
tye the knotget married
cast my netlookaround for sb else
rub along=get on well
a bolt from the bluejak grom z jasnego nieba
whip upwzbudzać
fleetingprzemijający, nietrwały
have time on sbs handsmieć dużo czasu
have a streak of sthmieć skłonność do
call the tunebe in charge, rządzić
fend offavoid
keep up the pretenceudawać
blurt sth outwygadać, wyjawić
carry a torch for sbhave eyes for sb, be in love
roll up your sleeveszakasać rękawy
be at death's doorbyć u progu śmierci
give sb a cold shoulderdon't pay attention, be unfriendly, ignore
prospectiveprzyszły (mąż, żona)
get a gripwziąć się w garść
has your hands tiedmieć związane ręce
lose its grip on sbstracić nad kimś kontrolę
have sth up your sleevemieć coś w zanadrzu
clutch at strawschwytać się brzytwy
grasp the nettledeal with a difficult situation
get to gripspojąć, begin to deal with
play right into sbs handsdo exactly what sb expects
up for grabsdo wzięcia
contriveddifficult to believe, artificial
valveszastawki, zawory
the final nail in the coffinostatni gwóźdź do trumny
call a spade a spadespeak directly
go down the tubesto fail, schodzić na psy
a weak link in the chainperson you can't trust, rely on, najsłabsze ogniwo
blow a fuselose temper, zagotować się ze złości
with no string attachedwith no special conditions
get your wires crossedmisunderstand each other
shoot your boltlose energy, wypalić się
get into gearget down to work
twist/turn the knifedeliberately make sb feel even worse
jostleprzepychać się
intricatehaving a lot of small parts
garbledzawiły, confusing
simple-mindedsb who has a basic knowledge
i beg to differi would like to disagree
bicker aboutczepiać się i kłócić o głupoty
cheat ON sboszukiwać kogoś
be besotted=infatuated=smitten withbyć w kimś zakochany
be blotted outbyć zasłoniętym
hook sb up to a drippodłączyć kogoś do kroplówki
hook your finger throughzaczepić?
convolutedvery twisted
scratch teamaccidental, randomly chosen group
seizechwytać, przejąć, wyrwać
seize an opportunity/on this last point touse, take advantage, wykorzystać okazję
attention/concentration spanczas trwania uwagi/koncentracji
instillwpajać, zaszczepiać
adept at=skilled at
bottle up, choke backdusić w sobie
sweep asidelekceważyć
tease outdowiedzieć się, wyciągnąć informacje
tone downzłagodzić
detestablevery bad, dredful
tenaciousuporczywy, wytrwały
conform to societydostosowywać się do społeczeństwa
further your careerrozwijać swoją karierę
reap favours fromoczekiwać w zamian korzyści, zbierać żniwo
biasedstronniczy, uprzedzony
take out life insurance=to buy life insurance
be baked by=be supported
set the bowl rolling=start an action
push ahead at an alarming gradeposuwać się do alarmującego stopnia
in the vanguard ofat the forefront
a double edge swordkażdy kij ma dwa końce
the lay personan expert
for its own sakefor no other reason
tipwysypisko śmieci
turn somersaultsrobić koziołki
set the toneestablish an atmosphere
comression of morbidityzminimalizowanie chorobliwości
decrepitudebeing old and in bad condition, zniedołężniały
hypea lot of publicity that shows how good the product is
yonderover there
paddlewiosła, , walk in the shallow water, brodzić
palpableeasily noticed, evident
vaicariousobtained by second hand, not experience sth yourself
ghastlinessunpleasant, deathly feeling
anticipatemention in advance
loathsomeextremely unpleasant
patent remediesleki bez recepty
affrontoffend sb
uncharitableunkind, unfair
embark ontake up sth challenging
prime suspectgłówny podejrzany
innate desirea strong wish that you have when you are born
live in cloverhave enaugh money to live comfortably
live it upenjoy yourself, usually spending a lot of money
live sth downmake people forget about sth embarassing
live by your witsearn money by clever and dishonest means
live up to your expectationdo as well as others expect
learn to live withadopt sth unpleasant
put forwardsuggest
prerequisitesomething that must exist or happen before something else can happen or be done
yankpull sth forcefully
haranguelecture, speak in a forcefull way to convince sb
resolve todecide to
seethebe angry
unearthfind, discover
loathenot like, hate
scroungeborrow, get sht by asking
short of (doing) somethingwithout sth, unless it happens
conmen, to concheater, cheat in order to get money
by word of mouthorallly
lie face downwardsleżeć przewróconym do góry nogami
set foot onto land
have a heart to hearthave sincire conversation
walk hand in handiść za rękę
stroll arm in armiść z kimś w ramię
be nose to tailstand one after another
come face to facemeet sb unexpectedly
live from hand to mouthto spend all the money you earn on basic needs
be made by handzrobione własnoręcznie
fight tooth and nailfight in a very determined way
not see eye to eyedisagree
ailmentwhen dth hurts, not an ilness
preyhunt or make use of sb
insensemake sb very angry/ substance that produces a pleasant smell when it burns
invalidoutdated/ person who need a care because of ilness
invalid sb out offorce to leave armed forces
to be entrancedbe atracted
to discountignore
additivessubstances added to food
preservativessubstances to make food live longer
artificial flavourspolepszacze smaku
raising agentproszek do pieczenie
swankyszpanerski, szykowny
poshelegancki, dystyngowany
be out of one's depthprzerastac kogoś (zadanie do wykonania)
acquit oneself well/badlydobrze/źle się spisywać
engage inangażować się w
reparteebłyskotliwy dialog
draw to a closezbliżać się do końca
profferpodawać, proponować (coś w wyciągniętej ręce, oferować)
recallprzypominać sobie, przywoływać z pamięci
arcane customtajemny zwyczaj
passpodawać (dalej)
branch outzrobić coś nowego, do czego się nie nawykło
attireubrania (F), strój, odzienie
be on a first-name basismówić sobie na ty
etiquette guidelineswytyczne dotyczące etykiety
dismiss sb/sth as sb/sthuznawać kogoś/coś za kogoś/coś
irrelevantnieistotny, nie na temat
social savvyzmysł towarzyski, ogłada
be put forward for the extras/promotionzostać zgłoszonym do jakichś dodatków/awansu
landfill, dumpwysypisko śmieci
swampzalany wodą
sustainable agriculturerolnictwo przyjazne dla środowiska
frequentedwent to
concerted actionwspólne działania
depreciatetracić wartość
curtailograniczyć, zmniejszyć
confined, boundedograniczone (about area)
give wayustąpić
poachinghunting illegally
slaughterkill cruelly
fenced enclosureogrodzony wybieg dla zwierząt
thrivedevelop well
peevishlydrażliwie, marudnie
satisfy the urgezaspokoić pragnienie
pest (pesticide poisoning)szkodnik
under your own steamo własnych siłach
parasite (adj. parasitic)pasożyt
reptile (adj. reptilian)gad
landmassa great area in one piece
warfaredziałania wojenne
foregone conclusionwiadomy z góry rezultat
over-runzalany, zarojony od czegoś
scope for sthmiejsce/warunki do rozwinięcia czegoś
grudge matchwalka z obupólną nienawiścią
stowawayunintentional hitchhiker
spunky =/=spineless =/=
ardent hopezagorzała nadzieja, intense
compliancewhen you obey
impeccable =/=flawed =/=
put a crimp in sbhave a negative effect
be reveled intake delight in
lopsidedbe not balanced, have one side smaller than thr other
decision is not easily come byget sth using effort
collateralsth valuable that you give if you cannot pay a debt
dole outdevide between
taciturn =/=loquacious =/=
panicky =/=unflappable =/=
modest =/=brazen =/=
passionate =/=apathetic =/=
compassionate =/=callous =/=
steadfastfickle =/=
treacherous =/=trustworthy =/=
rebelious =/=conventional =/=
clandestinesecret (adj)
turn a cheerful facepretend to be happy
tended like orchidstreated delicately, over-protected
set great store onregarded as important, have positive expectations and hopes about sth
urban sprawlmoving into the suburbs so as the city become bigger
try your hands atattempt to
take exception tomake objections
strike it lucky with/bysuddenly have a good luck
interweave (pp interwoven)alternate
marvel at sthbe amazed by
have a gut feelinghave an intuition
crime storynie criminal!
fictionliteratura piękna
put the book downcannot stop reading
assumetake for granted
by this tokenin this way
plot concoctedconspiracy, an invented story
vegetable plota piece of land
body of evidence/essay/book/buildingmain part of sth
posteritypeople who will live in the future
patchyexisting or happening in some places and not others
overlapczęściowe pokrywanie się
take issue withdisagree
with a heavy heartwith the feeling of sorry
rude awakeningunpleasant awakening
rude instrumentbasic, simple instrument
cause sth TO happendoprowadziło do
bufferelderly man
patriarchold, respected man
chairmana man in charge
neanderthalburak, prostak
bounderkanalia facet
lout (larger lout)wyrostek
vampatractive woman
bagstare pudło
freshmana student on the first year
matea friend
whizz kidsuccessul kid
charmerczaruś - on i ona
easebecome less severe
anticipateimagine or expect that sth will happen
ceasestop happening
rectify, put sth rightcorrect sth
fledglingraczkujący, without experience
alternatehappening one after another regularly
copybehave like someone else
staminaphysical or mental strength for doing sth fora long time
invariablybez wyjątku
enduringlasting for a long time
handovermoving power or responsibility from one person to another
claritya quality of being expressed clearly
rubber stampsb that automatically gives approval to some decisions
usher sth inbe the begining
debt reliefreduce the amount of money you owe
plummetfall suddenly
legally liablelegally responsible
flagrant breaches ofblatant, obvious violation
query the claimto question
plead ignorancenot to be interested in news
unhold rightsprotect legal claims
a preserve ofan activity/task that is suitable for one particular person
in limbouncertain situation, cought between two stages of development
in limbouncertain situation, cought between two stages of development
faltering endeavourweak attempt
loosening of the reinsa relaxing of the rules
soft sideshowless important event
deal a blow tocausing someone great difficulties
remitbrief or scope
wield powerhave and use dominion
proliferationsudden increase
raise the profilemake sb more well-known
propitiouslikely to be successful
infringebreak the law
enshrined inconfirmed, make a law official
promulgated byspread announcement to the public
under the auspices ofwith the protection,help. under the direction
accountabilitybe responsible for your actions
high profilewell-known
counterproductivehaving the opposite effect that was intented
vested interestyour own profit
ultimete quickfixeasy solution
trail new drugstest new drugs
be scientifically soundbe reasonable
lay/put sth on the linetake risk
spill the beanstell the secret
set the record strighttell the truth
would you raise any objections towould you mind
on an equal footing withna równi
make a rallyan increase on the stock exchange
rallylarge public meeting
rallyset of hits between players
dip intoget to know
get to gripsunderstand
drifts of peoplefloods of people
drift of snowzaspa
quarterside, accomodation
at close querterswithin short distance
pass a billintroduce a law
virulent, jaundicedpoisonous, zjadliwy
nurturefoster, sustain, wychować, wspierać
be on cloud ninebyć w siódmym niebie
rose-tinted spectaclessee only pleasant things, różowe okulary
tip the balance/ scales (in favour of)przeważać szalę
a lotus-eatingplesure in doing nothing
put yourself on the linerisk sth
surge/flow/ooze/ripple/trickle offala, napływ (emocji)
turn infall asleep
in my bookin my opinion
food for thoughtpokarm dla duszy, sth that makes you reflect
transfixedcaptivated, bewitched, hypnotysed
a glut ofnadmiar czegoś
oozesączyć się, emanować
ripple outrozchodzić się falami
burn out (np fuse - bezpiecznik)wypalić się
flare up/ ignitewybuchnąć, rozgorzeć (pain, anger)
smouldertlić się
blow up at sbnaskakiwać na kogoś, wybuchnąć
rage about sthwścieknąć się, szaleć (o burzy)
sweeprozejść się po jakimś terenie (wiatr), przechodzić falami
dazzleoślepiać, olśnić
light upzabłysnąć, np eyes, face
shinepromienieć np ze szczęścia
sparkleiskrzyć się np snow water
boil, simmer, stewkipieć (np ze złości)
bubblebulgotać tryskać (positive)
let sb stew in his own juiceleave sb to suffer
simmer downcalm down
make your blood boilget on your nerves,idiom
cut your teeth onget first experience
step sidewaysdo lateral moves
keep your head downplay safe
unduenadmierna (np power)
switch cerrerschange profession
demonstrate track recordpokazywać swoje osiągnięcia zawodowe
get referencesget recommendation
rapid responseimmediate answer
on the fast lane toon the best way to, na szybkich obrotach
quantum leaphuge step forward
the jury's still outnic jeszcze nie jest przesądzone
snapped upbe immediately employed
progress up the rungsbe promoted
a mixed blessingsth that has two sides
mindsetway of thinking
quick bitecoś do przegryzienia
fast tracknajkrótsza droga
end up in the slow linezostać w tyle
make a quick exitulotnić się, leave quickly
blue chipscompanies sure to be secure
golden hellomoney that you get at the beginig of work
green shootsfirst signs of improvement
red inkfinancial debt
white goodsurządzenia agd
white knightthe rescuer, saver
creep into begin to happen
chillingmrożący krew w żyłach
implausibleniewiarygodny, unconvincing
quirkyweird, strange
heavy-goingadj. difficult to make progress
lowlysecond rate
bring homemake clear, avare of sth
water buttbarrel
implysuggest sth without saying it directly, dawać do zrozumienia
hint atnapomknąć, robić aluzję
be up to speedknow everything, ogarnięty
close shavenarrow escape
flying long haullatać dalekie loty
loitergo very slowly
come in handybe useful
hands-free kitzestaw głośnomówiący
bugbearsth that irritates you
plead with sb tobeg
at prime timethe best time, albo w czasie gdy jest największy popyt
pull at sb's heartstringsplay on emotion
clear awayremove, wyczyścić dosłownie, albo swoje myśli
be on unemployment benefit/social security/ welfare (AM) / the dolebyć na zasiłku
have second thoughtschange your mind
have the final say inmieć ostatnie zdanie
be in two minds aboutnie wiedzieć co wybrać, dylemat
dead and buriedzapomniany (idiom)
in the dead of winterin the coldest part of winter (idiom)
take a hard line onzająć twarde stanowisko
be grossed out by (AM)be disgusted by
belittleumniejszać, bagatelizować
introspectivespoglądający w głąb siebie
traversecross, przechodzić
miss out ontracić na czymś
be in tune withbyć w zgodzie z czymś
be neck-deep inbyć w czymś po szyję
opt out ofwycofać się (z fejsa np)
march to the beat of your own drummermaszerowac do bicia własnego bębna
interfacebe connected in a certain way
dwindlemaleć, gradually until almost nothing is left
surgessudden increases
filingconnection of related data records
drillćwiczenie, wiertarka
skimpskąpić na czymś co jest potrzebne
on the trotone after another
balk atwzdrygać się na coś
well-trodden routewydeptana ścieżka