a good fit | the right size | |
a garment | an article of clothing | |
bespoke | made-to-measure | |
ready to wear | gotowy do noszenia | |
tape measure | something used for measuring sizes | |
tailoring | the skill of making clothes | |
rack | a frame or shelf used to hang clothes | |
to suit | to be right for; or to look good on someone | |
strip off | to take all your clothes off | |
suit/ fit/ match | general impression/ measure/ colours | |
get sb's measure | measure sb's body // hold an opinion | |
belt up | fasten your seatbelt // to shut up | |
prospective | potential, future - potencjalny | |
heralded | announced (as) | |
the bulk of | the most of (większość) / a lot of - big amount | |
opt for | to choose sth | |
top-of-the-range | sth of good quality - najwyższej klasy, z najwyższej półki | |
single out | wyróżnić | |
reception | recepcja | |
accountant | księgowy | |
dress-down day | the day when employees can wear casual clothes; when the dress code is relaxed | |
appalled | shocked | |
civil liberities | swobody obywatelskie | |
human resources | dział kdar | |
smart-casual | half formal, half not; mixed style | |
dress code | the rules of wearing to special occassion | |
casual clothes | simple, everyday clothes | |
a slave to fashion | someone who follows every trend of fashion as a fashion victim | |
to set a trend | to start a trend | |
a trendsetter | someone who starts trends | |
off the peg | ready to wear (but not made-to-measure!) | |
peg | kołek, wieszaczek | |
ahead of your time | when you wear sth before it becomes popular | |
up to the minute | trendy - na czasie | |
on the high street | on the main street, where all the shops are | |
to be dressed to kill | to wear very attractive clothes that make other people notice you easily | |
all the rage | very fashionable - ostatni krzyk mody | |
seams | szwy | |
cuff | mankiet | |
shoestring | sznurówka | |
cloak | peleryna | |
feather | pióro | |
frill | falbanka | |
straitjacket | kaftan bezpieczeństwa | |
dagger | sztylet | |
hem | rąbek | |
glove | rękawiczka | |
to burst at the seams | to be full (usually of people), overcrowded - pękać w szwach | |
cloak everything in secrecy | hide, keep sth secret, keep sth dark - otaczać tajemnicą | |
(speak) off the cuff | to speak without any previous preparation - improwizować | |
(cook) on a shoestring | to pay as little money as possible while cooking - tanim kosztem | |
a real feather in sb's cap | sth to be proud of - powód do dumy | |
without frills | basic, without any specials | |
put sb in a straitjacket | to restrict someone's freedom - obezwładnić, ograniczyc czyjąć wolność | |
cloak-and-dagger (meetings) | secret (meetings) | |
hemmed in | surrounded by the enemy - osaczony | |
to be hand in glove with sb | to cooperate closely with sb | |
baggy | loose | |
skimpy | from small amount of material; too small or inadequate | |
frumpy | wearing unfashionable or shabby clothes | |
to catch on | to become more popular - przyjąć się | |
to wear the trousers (in a marriage) | about woman - to dominate in a marriage | |
'a dressy do' party | a party where smart clothes are obligatory | |
a snazzy outfit | attractive, fashionable look | |
a power outfit | the outfit that makes you look powerful, energetic (usually about women) | |
to look like a slob | to look untidy, lazy, scruffy | |