a premonitory dream | sen proroczy | |
a premonition | przepowiednia | |
a recurrent dream | powtarzający się sen | |
a spy | szpieg | |
a widower | wdowiec | |
to keep a straight face | try not to burst out laughing | |
loquaciousness | the feature of being very talkative | |
presently | soon | |
a native of | originally coming from somewhere (origin, nationality) | |
abominable | of a very low quality; even ugly | |
to get a square meal | to get a proper meal - porządny, pełny | |
to love sb to distraction | love sb madly | |
rubicund | red-faced, rosy - rumiany | |
jovial | cheerful - jowialny, wesoły | |
saturnine | gloomy - posępny | |
obesity | the quality of being overweight | |
repulsive | causing aversion - odrażający, wstrętny | |
acquaintance | sb you know but not very good - znajomy | |
stout | fat and solid looking, especially around the waist - tęgi | |
a paunch | a fat stomach, especially on a man | |
sallow | yellowish and looking unhealthy | |
shabby | old and in bad condition because of lack of care | |
tiresome | boring or annoying; causing a lack of patience | |
dissimulation | concealment of the truth - zatajenie | |
to have a bitter tounge | to say unpleasant things | |
to value sth | to consider sth worthy - cenić | |
possessions | goods, things you own | |
to infuriate | to make sb be angry | |
to prey on sb's mind | to bother, worry somebody - nie dawać spokoju | |
to sweat | pocić się | |
to chance | to happen (unplanned, unexpectedly) | |
to be engaged upon the work | to be obliged by work | |
for safety's sake | na wszelki wypadek | |
an idle (day) | free, lazy (day) | |
to dine | to eat a dinner | |
vast | large | |
a crown | top of a head | |
to conceal | to hide | |
baldness | a state of not having hair | |
indecent | nieprzywoity | |
nakedness | nagość | |
neatly | cleanly and in order - schludnie | |
marked | easy to notice, noticable | |
caution | ostrożność - carefullness | |
equitable | righteous - sprawiedliwy | |
acrimonious | bitter and sharp in language or tone - uszczypliwy, zgryźliwy | |
allied | similar, cognate - pokrewny | |
piercing | przenikliwy | |
startled | very frightened | |
attempt to do sth | try to do sth | |
balustres | balustrada | |
frankness | honesty/ openness | |
a good deal | to great degree, extent/ big amount | |
to detain | to stop, to hold back, delay - zatrzymać, opóźnić | |
charmed | pleased, fascinated | |
native tounge | mother, native language | |
scarcely | barely, hardly - ledwie | |
tray | taca | |
reassure | to relieve sb of anxieties, make sure - utwierdzić w przekonaniu, uspokoić | |
presumably | probably, likely - przypuszczalnie | |
remarkable | worthy of notice, unusual | |