wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: maniek
jump / leap to conclusionsmake a decision about sth too quickly
look out for sth/sblook and try to see or find sth/sb
excessivemore than is reasonable or necessary (adj.)
great honouran action or occasion that creates a feeling of pride
get through to sthreach the next stage in a competition
on the verge of sthnear the moment of doing or achieving sth
integrate into sthzintegrować się
get accustomed to/ get used tobecome familiar with sth & accept it
burst into flamessuddenly began burning strongly
flak/ stickcriticism
to sb's facedirectly
complimentary about sbsaying nice thinks about sb
accept responsibilityadmit you did sth wrong
set sth offstart a process or series of events
sparkcause sth to start or develop
put sth rightmake a situation better after a mistake has been made
hand sth over to sbmake sb else responsible for sth
disorientatedconfused about where toy are or which way to go
renowned for sthznany z ...
have almost an acceptance that1
pervasivewszechobecny, dominujący
carefully timeddokładnie zaplanowany
at peace2
strike up sthzacząć coś
turn sb outforce someone to leave
disorderly conduct3
disoriented, disorientated4
live bullet5
broadcast rightsprawo radiowo-telewizyjne?/ prawo do transmisji
the real trick is on sb6
home in on sthcelować w coś, namierzyć coś
taht's what takes the skill8
straightforwardeasy to understand