wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: maniek
bear sth in mindremember to consider sth
make generalizations about sthmake general statements about sth that may only be based on a few examples
imply sthsuggest that you feel or think sth without saying it directly
misinterpret sthunderstand sth wrongly
eye contactkontakt wzrokowy
display sthshow signs of sth, often a quality or a feeling
excessivemore than is reasonable or necessary (adj.)
considerable/great difficultya lot of difficulty
real/special/concerted efforta big effort
classic/ perfect examplea very typical example of sth
utter/ total chaosa state of complete confusion
take offence at sthshow you are angry or upset about sth, or feeling insulted by it
hold sb responsible for sththink that sb shoul be blamed for sth
take the blame for sthaccept responsibility for sth
lousybad, unpleasant, of poor quality
let sb downfail to give sb the help and support they need
get accustomed to/ get used tobecome familiar with sth & accept it
get the hang of sthlearn how to do, use, or understand something
beforehandbefore sth else happens or is done
take the flakprzyjąć krytykę
reluctant/ unwillingnot wanting to do sth
confide in sbtell sb personal information because you trust them
fuel fears/inflationzwiększać strach/ inflację
imminentlikely to happen soon (1 word)
a drop in the oceana very small amount compared with what is needed
come under attack/fireto be strongly criticized
a level playing fielda situation n which everyone has the same opportunities
excruciatingextremely painful
give vent to your feelingsdać upust emocjom