wordki.pl - nauka słówek
use of english
to go off at a tangentto start talking about sth different, changing subject
go to wastezmarnować się
go on record as saying thatstwierdzić publicznie (e.g. tell the press)
promotion/money has gone to sb's headuderzyły komuś do głowy
go over and over (again) sthcan't stop thinking about sth
drop offzasnąć
go onto be spent on
the tide go outebb (odpływ)
go forfetch
go in forenter
go down withbecome ill with
go offexplode
go withmatch
go sourgo off (skwaśnieć, popsuć się)
go overexamine
go withoutmanage without
go throughpobieżnie przejrzeć
groundsfusy, podstawy/powody, prawa do ziemi
seriously [seriously flawed)poważnie, (błędny)
turn upappear
turn a conversation around tochange the subject
turn outokazać się
to allow the rumours to carry onto let the rumours persist of
to preserve sb's anonymity I had the press keep her name secretI asked the press to keep her name secret
excell herself atdo better that usual
to raise a few laughswywołać śmiech
by rightsit is faair, it is your right
the rights to screen the filmprawa do filmowania
the woman in questionkobieta o której mowa
hair-raising accountjeżąca włosy relacja, opowieść
to be on the brink ofbyć na krawędzi, już prawie coś zrobić
being adviced against sthto be dissuaded from doing sth
set the record straight aboutsprostować niesłuszność, postawić sprawę jasno
set her heart on havingto be determined to have
set out her stallexplain in detail
set a dangerous precedentto give an argument for doing it again (?)
to be set in stoneto be signed, niemożliwe do zmiany
sth sets my teeth on edgesth irritates me
set the wheels in motion to do sthtake steps to do sth (?)
hook him up to a drippodlączyć kogoś do kroplówki
to be hooked on steroidsto be addicted
scratch teamaccidental, randomly chosen group of people
seize any opportunityto take advantage of
to seize on sthskorzystać
to debug convoluted codeusunąć zawiły kod
set the world on fireto be outstanding
token of its gratitudeoznaka wdzięcznosci
by this token / by the same tokentym samym, in this way
vegetable plotgrządka, ogródek
a concocted plotzmyślony, tajny spisek
body of evidencewiele dowodów
a hot tipan accurate piece of advice
eat your heart outrwać sobie włosy z głowy
body workkaroseria ??
impressionablepodatny na wpływ
to take sth in turns to tidy the playroomthey would each tidy the playroom on alternate days
go on to discussmove to another thing
go on doing sthcontinuing
put on a suit for the weddingwear a suit to the wedding
we should never lose sight of sthwe should bear in mind sth
tiprada, czubek, śmietnisko
festooned with sthdekorować czymś