wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ager771
in a dazenot able to think claerly, feeling confused
nagkeep complaining
wagmove from side to side with a tail
boisterousnoisy, energetic, boisterous
pour income in large amounts (pv)
rekindlerozpalić na nowo
captivateto intrest/attract so, magetize v
sparkto cause
abatebecome less stronger
take officestart doing particular job or activity
mumblespeak quietly, not clearly
inhibitmake the progress slower, hamowac, powstrzymywac
harbourto keep particular feeling/ tought in your mind for a long time
ponderconsider a problem
think outside the boxcreative unusual way of thinking
turn up like a bad pennyappear unwanted
leechso who tries to get money, food or other benefits (pijawka)
harshdifficult to live in adj
swell upto inrease in size/amount
rashred spots on the skin
overladenloaded to heavily
off so's headcrazy, ot controling your behaviour (idiom)
stag/hen partynight before getting married
soakmake wet v
secreteto produce substances (sweat, pheromones) wydzielać
draw conlusionto decide what you belive based on facts
outlastto survive
capiousin large amounts adj
hoaxtry to make so belive sth which isnt true
stipulatestate clearly that sth must be done or how it must be done
squanderto waste time and money
take a swigdrik sth in large amounts
phonyfraud, not sincere (oszust)
blubcry in a noisy way
drabwithout colour, boring
buy intoto belive in sth
aficionadovery intereste in a subject, enthusiastic about
drop outquit, leave, stop doing before finishing pv
dischargeto allow so to leave
blow sth out of proportionto treat a problem too seriously
recreationaldo sth for fun adj
abatebecome weaker, less intense v
recurrentoccuring often or repeatedly
whimperto make small sounds of pain, fear, sadness v
emaciatedextremly thin because of serious illness or lack of food
snarlangry sound
acquaintancenot a close friend
bet onvery determined to achive sth (pv)
onsetbeginning of sth (esp sth bad)
displaceforce so to leave their own country and live somewhere else
plightsad, serious, difficult situation
succumbto loss determination, to die of suffer badly from an illness v
fritter awayto waste money or time pv
blanchshocked or frightened, pale face
thriftccareful way of spending money, not to waste any
allaymake so feel less worried
calamitybad event that causes a lot of damage, catastrophy
boldbrave, confident adj
overallconsidering everything
paramountthe most important thing (pierwszorzędny)
groundbreakingrevolutionary idea adj
rudimentarybasinc adj
domesticatemake animals civilize
embodyrepresent an idea or quantity (uosabiać)
thronglarge group of people, crowd
clashto fight or argue v
briskquick and energetic
purple patcha period of success
ensuenastępować, happen after sth
beyond the paleunacceptable behaviour id
wry smilesth finny, but you know you shouldnt laugh
stumble acrosscome across, meet by chance
hurdleone of the problems that you must solve to succeed
aspirewant to achive sth especially in career
apprenticeshippractice, intership, early experiences
oddschances of sth happening
pedigreepure-bred animal
unduenot necessary or reasonable
cutting-edgeadvaned, modern ( ex technology)
conjure upbring sth such as feeling or memory to your mind
surefirecertain winner
reciprocaladj wzajemny, obopólny
elicitevoke, get info from so (ozyskac, wywołac)
crack upburst into laughter pv
deferentialrespectful adj
feignstimulate, fake injury feeling
gritsmall pieces of stone or sand
the umpteenth timepo raz którys z rzędy, happen again
larksth you do for fun or excitement
gruesomevery unpleasant, shocking, awful, horrible
bluntnot sharp or pointed
convictionstrong belief or opinion about sth
gorycovered with a lot of blood (game, story)
dislodgeremove from position of power
reassuringmake you feel less worried adj
crash outgo to sleep very quickly because youre tired pv
be up to your eyesto be very busy doing sth
tied upbusy, occupied adj
snowed underto be overworked, very busy adj
wipe outto destroy or get rid of sth completly
put offdelay or postpone
convenecome or bring tohether for a meeting or activity
intimidatedfeeling nervous or frightened of so/sth adj
deterto make so less likely to do sth ( odstraszac)