wordki.pl - nauka słówek
aolsza _sentences_1
autor: aolsza
When we arrived at the station the train had already left.Kiedy dotarliśmy na dworzec pociąg już odjechał.
We had left before the train arrived at the station.Wyszliśmy zanim pociąg przyjechał na stację.
We arrived at the station, bought the tickets and departed by train.Dotarliśmy na stację, kupiliśmy bilety i odjechaliśmy pociągiem
She had finished her work before 6 o'clock.Skończyła pracę przed 6tą.
She is eating pizza now.Ona teraz je pizze.
She usually eats pizza for dinner.Ona zazwyczaj je pizzę na obiad.
She ate pizza yesterday.Ona wczoraj jadła pizzę.
Do I usually read books in the evening?Make a question: I usually read books in the evening.
Does she often play chess?Make a question: She often plays chess.