wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Kolokwium 1
autor: Fisza92
to get the credit (for)to get recognition (to receive acknowledgment)
to slave awayto work very hard
biodegradablerecyclable (this context: don’t effect on us anymore)
to foul-upto make fuck-up
to make foul-upsto fail
foul-ups, cock-ups, pratfallsfailures (synonimy)
since the collapse of communismod upadku komunizmu
to impairto deteriorate
to mark sb outto point out
dress-down Fridaycasual Friday
an appraisalan exchange of opinion with the boss in terms of having good or bad year
to cringe apologyto say sorry
to evaluate performanceto asses our work
corporate waffletrash dog, corporate bullshit
to waffleto ramble, not speaking to the point
inert massbezwładna masa
to sit like a lemonto sit back, to be lazy
record of successachievement the success , the history of our success
the history of our successthe sense of carelessness
Empowermentworking in such conditions not being dependent on bosses
Matrix organizationcomplicated structure of a company
Promotion on merit / on senioritypromotion based on performance or on age
Continuous learninglearning without break
tempingwork as temporary
Work shadowingrepeating some steps after older employees
Job swapschange of jobs
360-degree feedbackfeedback (appraisal) from every level of the company
flattened hierarchiesleadership functions are distributed among employees, they are more independent. they report to each
appraiser, apraiseeoceniacz i oceniajacy
ongoing trainingcontinous learning
initial trainingintroduction training
types of trininginitial, work shadowing, buddy system, mentoring, coaching
double-loop learninggoals and assumptions are questioned rather than adopting short-term solution
to advocatepopierać
to be stretchedrozciagac sie
to value intellectual capitalto think
knowledge managementacquiring, developing and adding value to a company's product or service
explicitjednoznaczny (unambiguous)
what is knowledge management?source of competitive advantage
an impostoroszust
being hacklednękany kłopotliwymi pytaniami
make sweeping judgementsto make general judgements
standing in a social quicksandcannot make any move, być w sytuacji bez wyjścia
fake it till you make itudaj aż ci się uda
risk tolerantrisk averse (aversion)
tiny tweakstiny corrections
tockanismsymbolic gesture
quotacontribution, allowance, percentage
to strike space-filling posturesprzyjmowac pozycje zajmujace dużo miejsca
plethoraa large amount
glass ceilingbarrier which cannot be jumped over (discrimination)
peer appraisalinna nazwa 360-degree feedback
smart (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound)rozwiń SMART
to overreach authorityprzeciągać swoją władzę
Johari Window (Arena, Facade, Blind Pot, Unknown)okna Johari wymień
bid, proporsal, offeroferta, stawka
circulationobieg, krążenie, nakład
leveragewpływ, dźwignia finansowa
regular appearancesregularne wystąpienia
ethnic minioritiesmniejszości etniczne
dead-end jobjob without perspectives
corporate scamoszustwo korporacyjne
greenwashpokazywanie sztucznych informacji zeby zataic prawde
to Stagnate atutrzymywać się na poziomie
To be suedbyć pozwanym
rottensłaby, skorupowany, zgniły,
to take a riskpodjąć ryzyko
to take an actionpodjąć akcję
to make a decisionpodjąć decyzję
to take credit for other's workto allow people believe that one has done sth praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually did it
To hardwire sth into the systemto embed, to put sth into the system
a revamppatch, reorganization