wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słownik angielsko-polski
wybierz język nauki
wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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Education and employment; Tourism and conservation
dodaj do moich zestawów
upraszczaćto dumb down
podział na grupystreaming
cudowne dzieckowhiz-kid
wolne stanowiskovacancy
przemyśleć coś, wziąć pod uwagęto consider sth
umożliwićto enable
metody/sposoby/ recepty/ wzoryformulae
ślad węglowycarbon footprint
hotel o bardzo wysokim standardzieboutique hotel
wycieczki zorganizowaneorganised excursions
wchłaniać, pochłaniaćto soak up
chodzić nieutartym szlakiemto go off the beaten track
obijać sięto lounge around
poczuć się swobodnieto let hair down
używać życiato live it up
trzymać się z dala od czegośto steer clear of sth
tętniący życiembustling
spływ górski (tratwami)whitewater rafting
pozwolić sobie na cośto indulge in sth
sprawiać komuś przyjemność, rozpieszczaćto pamper sb
nie móc usiedzieć na miejscuto have itchy feet
apetyczny, smakowitymouthwatering
odprężyć sięto unwind
delektować sięto savour
z bliskaat close quarters
rozciągnięcie się obszaru miasta (?)urban sprawl
energia odnawialnarenewable energy
osiąść na mieliźnieto run aground
przyspieszyćto hasten
pogarszać sięto deteriorate
to have the same position/ to do the same job as someone elseto be one's opposite number
how we communicate and work togetherworking relationship
communication/ relationshiprapport
colleagues; especially in non-professional jobsworkmates
to talk about workto talk shop
has a structure with powerful and less powerful peoplehierarchical
we each have a 50% contract for the same jobdo a job-share
a system where some people have the right to get benefits/promotions before otherspecking-order
to use an electronic card to record the time one arrives and leaves each dayto clock in and clock out
to work fixed hoursto have a nine-to-five job
mieć elastyczne godziny pracyto work flexi-time/ to be on flexi-time
pracować na zmiany, pracownik na zmianyto do shift work, to be a shift worker
osoba pracująca na zlecenie, pracować na zleceniefreelance, to work freelance
have something finished by a fixed day or timeto meet a deadline
amount of work I have to doworkload (heavy/light)
dzienna zmianaday shift
you don't have to think about what you are doingmechanical
the same thing every dayrepetitive
informal: to finish workto knock off
nocna zmiananight shift
boring because it never changesmonotonous
very exciting, which everyone admiresglamorous
do not enable to have a normal social lifeantisocial
to have to sit in an office all dayto be stuck behind the desk
jobs with no prospects of promotiondead-end jobs
to be stuck in a job one can't escape fromto be stuck in a rut
letters/ reports to write, forms to completepaperwork
hard and physicalmanual
which helps peoplevocational
people determined to succeed and achieve great thingsqachievers
£30kthirty thousand pounds
guaranteed minimus salary without overtime or bonusesbasic
strong motivationdrive
giving you a lot backrewarding
working in a close relationshipclose-knit
of different typesdiverse
experience selling thingssales experience
have these qualitiesfit this description
producing a lot of moneylucrative
zmotywowany i ochoczymotivated and eager
dynamiczny i szybkidynamic and fast moving
szukać pracy w... mieć nadzieję na/rozważać pracę w...to seek career in... to look to work in...
urlop macierzyński, urop tacierzyńskimaternity leave, paternity leave
extra things apart from your salary, e.g. a car (informal, formal)perks, (extra) benefits
the feeling that your job is worth doing and fulfils youjob satisfaction
holiday entitlementnumber of days tou have the right to take as holiday
increases/ risesincrements
reach a level where you cannot get further promotion, even if you deserve itreach/hit a glass ceiling
przepracowany i niedoceniony finansowooverworked and underpaid
to study intensively for a short timeto cram
exam papers from previous yearspast papers
learning purely by repetitionrote learning
trics that help you remember sthmnemonics
to spend the maximum time studyingto bury yourself in your books
to know sth complitelyto know the subject inside out
diagram that lays out ideas for the topic and how they are connected to one anothera mind map
first, rough versionfirst draft
using other people's work as if it was yoursplagiarism
date by which you must hand in your worka deadline
evaluated and given a gradeassessed
handed in (formal)submitted
comments from the teacher/ tutorfeedback
to ... reasearch (not "do")carry out
academic ... (not "magazines")journals
artykułypapers/ articles
system where libraries exchange books/ journals with one anotherinter-library loan
to leave the course before the end because one cannot copeto drop out
the last exams before receiving a degreefinals
moduły obowiązkowecore modules
moduły do wyboruelective modules
zapisać się na kursto enrol
a piece of written workan assignment
a collection of documents that represent a person's workporfolio
having necessary qualities of fulfilling the necessary conditionseligible
a special mark given to students who produce work of an excellent standarda distinction
to delay until a later timeto defer
individual meetings with the teacher who is responsible for the student's dissertationsupervisions
courses held during the main teaching semestersin-sessional
EAPEnglish for Academic Purposes
to become officially registered for the higher degreeto upgrade
to go where there are not many peopleto escape the crowd
to go to places tourists don't normally go toto wander off the beaten track
to live natural, rural style to lifeto get back to nature
a choice which could be a very good onea promising choice
crowds, in a negative sensehordes
tourism industrytourism sector
common collocation: looking for sth different/ unusualseeking sth out of the ordinary
large amount ofwealth of
original and naturalvirgin
plants and animals - a fixed phraseflora and fauna
holidays that respect the environmentecoturism
to relax, reduce your general level of stressto unwind
to get back your energyto recharge
a term for the wild, tree- or grass- covered areas of Africa or Australiathe bush
vehicles with driving power on all four wheels4x4 (four by four)
on the edge of the sea or of a riverwaterfront
who knows what they want in terms of good qualitydiscerning
extremely beautifulstunning
no other company can offer cheaper ones for the same serviceunbeatable prices
it fills you with a sense of power and beauty of what you are looking atawe-inspiring
3 rodzaje wędrówki (od najłatwiejsze/najkrótszej do najtrudniejszej/ najdłuższej)ramble, hike, trek
in inland areas furthest away from the sea or from boarders with other countriesheartland
a world typically used in advertisements meaning "to enjoy"to savour
tending to have a particular negative characteristicsprone to
period without raindrought
area in the north with no trees and permanently frozen groundtundra
plant lifevegetation
trees that are evergreen and produce conesconiferous
szyszkaa cone
flat grasslands in Canada and nothern USA (similar to steppes in Asia or pampas in South Africa)prairesgrain
fields planted with ricepaddy fields
type of grass cultivated to produce a graincereals
to take care of animalsto tend animals
producing goods in large numbersmanufacturing
in an important positionat the forefront
to produceto generate
to be related toto be descended from (descendant)
relatives from earlier timesancestors
osiedlić sięto settle (down)
places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in sizeshrinking habitats
gatunki zagrożoneendangered species
steady rise in average worlds tempraturesglobal warming
changes in the weather/ climateclimatic changes
carbon dioxide gas grom factories, cars, etc.carbon dioxide emissions
coal, oil, etc.fossil fuels
warming of the Earth's surface caused by pollutiongreenhouse effect
formal: puts pressure onexerts severe pressure on
limited resourcesfinite resources
balance of natural relationships in the environmentecological balance
destruction/ clearing of forestsdeforestation
forecasts about the populationdemographic projections
the worst possibilities for the futurethe worst case scenarios
perfectly clean/ untouched/ unspoilt areaspristine environments
reputation for positive support of the environtmentgreen credentials
development of industry, etc. which does not threathen the environment or social and economic stabilsustainable development
people who always make the most depressing or pessimistic forecast for the futureprophets of doom and gloom
carrying out conservation one bit at a time, with no overall planpiecemeal conservation
przykładać sięto apply oneself
brać udział, not "to participate"to contribute
pozbawiony entuzjazmuhalf-hearted
rozproszony, nieskupionydistracted
koncetrować sięto concentrate
brać udział, not "to contribute"to participate
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