zdystansowany | aloof | |
podstępny, przebiegły | devious | |
skromny | self-effacing | |
gościnny | hospitable | |
attentive to detail | meticulous | |
ujmujący | endearing | |
podląganie sąsiadów zza firanek | curtain twitching | |
kulturalny (odchamiony) | cultured | |
to have an obsession ... | with | |
to have a reluctance ... | to | |
to have a passion ... | for | |
to be proud ... | of | |
to be great ... | at | |
to have a love ... | of | |
to have an ability ... | to | |
features | traits | |
stać w kolejce | to queue | |
okazja (promocja) | a bargain | |
zacisnąć zęby | to keep a stiff upper lip | |
agresja kierowców | road rage | |
schludny | neat | |
na przekór innym | against all odds | |
obwód | circumference | |
to get bigger than | to outgrow | |
wymiar, rozmiar | dimension | |
on both sides of | straddling | |
shared undertakings | joined ventures | |
to provide financial support for | to sponsor | |
smash together | collide with eachother | |
working groups of people in the same profession | peer committees | |
spostrzegawczy | observant | |
elokwentny | articulate | |
przekonujący | persuasive | |
immunitet dyplomatyczny | diplomatic immunity | |
delegacja zagraniczna | overseas posting | |
spotkanie na szczycie | summit meeting | |
konflikt międzynarodowy | international conflict | |
świadomość kulturowa | cultural awareness | |
ciśnienie krwi | blood pressure | |
ból klatki piersiowej | chest pain | |
wirus grypy | flu virus | |
atak serca | heart attack | |
operacja na sercu | heart surgery | |
wysokie spożycie soli | high salt intake/consumption | |
system odpornościowy | immune system | |
śmiertelność noworodków | infant mortality | |
przeciętna długość życia | life expectancy | |
oddział położniczy | maternity ward | |
przedwczesne starzenie się | premature ageing | |
solarium | tanning salon | |
słynąć z czegoś | to be renowned for sth | |
wydatki na służbę zdrowia | healthcare expenditure | |
a continuous or regular flow | steady stream | |
smooth mixture | blend | |
a philosophy or set of guiding principles | ethos | |
have the right to | to be entitled to | |
financially poor | impoverished | |
equal or similar to | on a par with | |
designed for | geared towards | |
a paradise or place of perfection | utopia | |
powołanie | vocation | |
przeciwstawny | antagonised | |
rozczarowany | disillusioned | |
"dezorientujący" | disorientating | |
być uszczęśliwionym czymś | to be elated at/by sth | |
irytujący | exasperating | |
przyjemny, rozkoszny | exhilarating | |
dodający sił, orzeźwiający | invigorating | |
odmłodzony, ożywiony | rejuvenated | |
trying to get rid of | fighting off | |
złapać, zachorować na grypę (not I) | to go down with a flu | |
złapać, zachorować na grypę (not I) | to come down with a flu | |
get better, recover from it | to get over it | |
wyjść z ciężkiej choroby | to recover from | |
cierpieć na | to suffer from | |
umrzeć na raka | to die of/from cancer | |
opieka zdrowotna | healthcare | |
ubezpieczeni społeczne | national insurance | |
państwowa służba zdrowia | National Heath Service | |
lekarz rodzinny, internista | a family doctor, GP | |
gabinet lekarski | a surgery | |
opłata za receptę | prescription charge | |
to choose private healthcare | to go private | |
cukrzyca | diabetes | |
zapalenie oskrzeli | bronchitis | |
choroba serca | heart disease | |
rak skóry/płuc/piersi | skin/lung/breast cancer | |
gruźlica | tuberculosis | |
an intestinal disease that can be caused by bad drinking water | cholera | |
wirusowe zapalenie wątroby | hepatitis | |
dur brzuszny | typhoid | |
ból gardła | sore throat | |
transfuzja | transfusion | |
kiepsko się czuć | to feel poorly | |
źle się czuć | to feel a bit under the weather | |
czuć się lepiej | to be on the mend | |
wrócić do zdrowia | to be on one's feet again | |
mieć najgorsze za sobą | to be over the worst | |
być obolałym | to have(?) usual aches and pains | |
małe okaleczenia | cuts and bruises | |
sudden, burning pain | stinging | |
my head is ... (beating with pain) | throbbing | |
pain and difficulty in moving your neck around | a stiff neck | |
a feeling that you are spinning round and can't balance | dizzy | |
with a high temprature | feverish | |
feeling that you want to vomit | nauseous | |
shaking | trembling | |
blocked | bunged up | |
mieć złe samopoczucie | to feel off-colour | |
być niedysponowanym, nie w sosie | to feel out of sorts | |
kręgarstwo | chiropractic | |
zwolnienie lekarskie | sick note | |
dawka | dosage | |
wcierać | to rub into | |
oddawać krew | to donate blood | |
soczewki | contact lenses | |
plomba | a filling | |
krzepnąć | to clot | |
odwodnienie | dyhydration | |
wrzód | ulcer | |
skutki uboczne | side effects | |
excrement, pooh | stool | |
rokowanie | prognosis | |
kulejący, podupadający | ailing | |
sięgać zenitu | to reach fever pitch | |
zgorzkniały, sceptyczny | jaundiced | |
be permanently affected by a negative experience | to carry the scars of/ to be scarred by | |
seria | a rash of | |
fatty substance found in the body tissue and blood of all animals | choresterol | |
unwanted substance that forms on the surface of the arteries | plaque | |
jadalne organy | offal | |
got rid of from the body | excreted | |
substance in food that travels through the body as waste, helping digestion | fibre | |
something (or someone) that helps protect from harm | a buffer | |
tubes that carry food from stomach | guts | |
affecting the heart and blood circulation | cardiovascular | |
cukrzyk, glukoza, insulina | diabetic, glucose, insulin | |
454 grams | pound | |
hormone that makes you feel happier | mood enhancer | |
strzelić sobie samobója | to score an own goal | |
to change rules | to move goalposts | |
fair situation | a level playing field | |
seriously considered | in the running | |
level with each other and equally likely to win | neck and neck | |
not to talk directly about | to skate around | |
to pass very easily | to sail through | |
made from artificial substances | synthetic | |
good for you, physically or morally | wholesome | |
containing all natural substances in the grain with nothing removed | wholemeal | |
z wolnego chowu - relating to farm animals that are not kept in cages | free-range | |
ways of getting round regulations | loopholes | |
things produced from | derivatives | |
recepta na | recipe for | |
all the necessary characteristics | all the ingredients | |
to make less dominant | to dilute | |
to worry or suffer especially about sth you think is his fault | to stew | |
to ask a lot of questions | to grill sb | |
unrealistic or not thought through properly | half-baked | |
to make more lively | to spice up | |
unpleasant, morally offensive | unsavoury | |
went wrong | turned sour | |
exciting and interesting | juicy | |
wciśnięty pomiędzy | sandwiched between | |
zwracać się do kogoś | to refer to sb as | |
głos | a vote | |
wybory | election | |
badanie opinii publicznej | opinion poll | |
manifest wyborczy | election manifesto | |
kampania oszczerstw | a smear campaign | |
cieszyć sie złą sławą | to be notorious for sth | |
tactful when dealing with people | diplomatic | |
burmistrz | mayor | |
przeprowadzić ankietę | to conduct a survey | |
dzierżyć władzę | to wield the power | |
rada | council | |
panowanie | reign | |
władza | authorities | |
wniosek o wotum nieufności | motion of no confidence | |
officially allowed | licensed | |
controlled by law | restricted | |
obligatory | compulsory | |
banned | barred | |
done away with | abolished | |
to be obeyed | binding | |
necessary | required | |
allowed | permitted | |
your own decision | volutary | |
not allowed | illegal | |
a head of a formal meeting | chairman | |
monarcha, suweren | sovereign | |
zdrajca | traitor | |
łup, money stolen by thiefs | loot | |
infrastruktura sanitarna | sanitation | |
reducing the level of poverty | poverty alleviation | |
paying back money owned on loans | debt servicing | |
ubóstwo | penury | |
być bardzo biednym | to live on/beyond the breadline | |
biedny, ubogi | impoverished | |
pozbawiony środków do życia | distute | |
dziecko z ubogiej rodziny | a deprived child | |
mieć minimalną ilość pieniędzy na zycie | to live from hand to mouth | |
nie mieć dużo pieniędzy | money is tight | |