wordki.pl - nauka słówek
going viral next 1
autor: anna18k
accomplishmentsomething difficult that you achieve successfully
accumulatecollect number or quantity of sth
ambushsurprise attack from hidden position
ambush marketingwhen company is promoting their own products during popular events without organizators agreement
amplifyincrease the strenght
approximatelyalmost exact or correct
B2Btype of commerce transaction that exists between businesses, such as between manufacturer wholesaler
beg the questionraise the question
bottom linethe final outcome
brand amplificationmaking brand better known
capabilityability or power to do sth
clamourdemand sth in a loud or angry way
curateorganize or take care of items
devotegive a lot of time, energy to sb
diminishingmake sth smaller or less important
disposable incomeamount of money available for spending after paying taxes and bills
encompassinclude lots of people or things
engagedinteract with, take part in
equivalentequal in force, amount, value