wordki.pl - nauka słówek
going viral next 2
autor: anna18k
featsth you do that shows great strength, skill, courage
followerpearson who follows or supports a pearson, belief
footagepart of a film showing a particular event
fractiona small part of amount
grippinginteresting and exciting
harnesscontrol and use the natural force or power of sth
hit two birds with one stoneachieve two goals by taking one action
intimidatefrighten or threaten
jackpotlargest prize in a various contests
launchput on the market
oblivionstate of being unaware of what is happening
permisson-based marketingmethod of selling goods only when customers give contest in advance to receive information
pivotal momentthe only time to ambush consumers with the brand promotion
presencethe state of existing
prowessgreat skill at doing sth