wordki.pl - nauka słówek
going viral next 3
autor: anna18k
rack upobtain or achieve sth
roughlynot exaclty but close to number
savvyhaving a great knowledge about sth
seeklook for
sweet spotoptimal combination of costs and benefits
swipehit or try to hit sb
thrivedevelop well
beat sb outbe better or more successful than competitor
endearmake sb liked by sb
fuel successsupport all activities which help reaching established target
go viralspread and become popular very quickly
hit jackpotbe very successful or make a big profit
igniteset fire, provoke
reimaginechange the way you imagine sth
replicatemake a similar or identical version of sth
shatterbreak into very small pieces
utilitystate of being useful
viewshippeople who make audience of the show or performance
viral marketingmarketing strategy that focuses on spreading information an dopinion about product or service