debt | dług, an amount of money that you owe |
dividend | dywidenda, a payment to a company's shareholders which comes from the company's earnings |
equities | akcje, company shares that can be bought and sold in the stock market |
mining | górnictwo, the process of getting sth from under the ground |
public limited company | spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, a company which can offer its shares to the general pu |
retail | sprzedaż detaliczna, the sale of goods directly to the public |
sole trader | firma jednoosobowa, a business owned and operated by one person who has complete control |
vendor | sprzedawca, a person who sells sth |
bear market | rynek o tendencji spadkowej, a situation on the stock market when the prices of shares are falling |
bond | papier wartościowy, a document given to someone who invests money |
utility | utylizacja, a public transport such as gas, water |