wordki.pl - nauka słówek
ANG Sem 5.2 - Definition
autor: Bax92
is used to restore disk and corrupted filesCRASHED DISC RESCUER
make a PC easier for disabled users to useACCESSIBILITY PROGRAM
rewrites data so that it takes less space on diskCOMPREHENSION UTILITIY
lets you watch DVDs, play music and listen to the radio on the WebMEDIA PLAYER
materials that emit light and produce colours when they are acrivated by electron beamPHOSPHORS
a flat-panel display which works by emitting light through a special liquidLCD Screen
the smallest element in a displayed imagePIXEL
the space between a displaye's pixelsDOT PITCH
the frequeny at which a minitor renews its image measured in HzREFRESH RATE
technology in which each pixel has its own transistor switchTFT
means of measuring the brightness of imageCANDELA
shine in an unsteady wayFLICKER
space between lines or surfaces that meet measured in degreesANGLE
device creating images with millions of tiny mirrors placed on a chipDLP
the main transmision patch handling the major data traffic, connecting different LANs togetherBACKBONE
a hardware and software combination used to connect the same type of networksBRIDGE
a device for converting digital sygnals to analogue sygnals and vice versa to enable a computer to-MODEM
a network contained within a small area e.g. a company departmentLAN
a special computer that directs communicating messages when several netwoek are connected togetherROUTER
a main computer that provides a storage area for data files on a networkSERVER
An interface that enables dissimilar networks to communicate sych as two LANs based on different ---GATE
Graphical user interfaceGUI
a system that allows a user to interact with a computer using a combination of inputs such as spee--MULTIMODAL INTERFACE
software assistant that performs tasks such as retrieving and delivering information and automatingINTELLIGENT AGENT
Text to speechTTS
a project of the Massachusetts Institute of technology's Artifical Intelligence LabThe INTELLIGENT ROOM
set boundaries for the beginning and end of a messageBRACKETING
Matchematical calculations based on the contents of dataCHECKSUM
transmision mode in which both computers send and receive at the same timeFULL-DUPLEX
transmision mode in which each computer takes turns sending and receivingHALF-DUPLEX