they are not=they aren't | one, oni nie są |
you are not=you aren't | wy nie jestescie |
we are not=we aren't | my nie jestesmy |
it is not=it isn't | ono, to nie jest |
he is not=he isn't | on nie jest |
she is not=she isn't | ona nie jest |
you are not=you aren't | ty nie jestes |
I am not=I'm not | ja nie jestem |
your | twój |
my | mój |
they are= they're | oni, one są |
you are= you're | wy jestescie |
we are=we're | my jestesmy |
it is=it's | ono, to jest |
he is=he's | on jest |
she is=she's | ona jest |
you are=you're | ty jestes |
I am=I'm | ja jestem |