wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Mission U2
autor: RedVirus
diabetes(n) blood disease where the sufferer has extremely high levels of sugar in his/her body / cukrzyca
insulin(n) chemical that controls the amount of sugar in the blood stream / insulina
liver(n) organ of the body which cleans the blood / wÄ…troba
diabetic(n) sb with diabetes / cukrzyk
lead a normal life(exp) to live and be able to do things like the average person / prowadzić normalne życie
fat(n) energy-giving substance present in many foods which can cause weight problems / tłuszcz
at sb's disposal(idm) available for sb to use / do czyjejÅ› dyspozycji
injection(n) drug dose in liquid form administered with a syringe / zastrzyk
inadequate(adj) not enough / niewystarczajÄ…cy, niedostateczny
hormone(n) chemical made in the body that the blood transports to an organ and encourages it to grow/hormon
pancreas(n) gland behind the stomach that produces substances which are used to help with digestion/trzustka
generate(v) to produce / wytwarzać, produkować
disorder(n) illness / dolegliwość, zaburzenie
cornerstone(n) basis of sth / kamień węgielny, podstawa
treatment(n) type of therapy or medicine used to cure sb of sth or improve health / leczenie, terapia
publish(v) to put a newspaper, book etc into print; issue / o/publikować
guidelines(n) basic rules or instructions which give advice / wskazówki
assist(v) to help / pomagać
reduce(v) to make lower / obniżyć, zmniejszyć
consumption(n) intake of food / spożycie
starchy(adj) of foods auch as spaghetti, potatoes, rice etc which contain carbohydrates/zawierajÄ…cy skrobi
short-term target(exp) goal, aim to be reached within a small time-period / cel krótkotrwały
steady(adj) constant in movement or speed (steady speed, rate, wind, progress) / stały, równomierny
achieve(v) to reach a target / osiągnąć
recommnd(v) to suggest sth particular / rekomendować, polecać
lean(adj) (of meat) with little or no fat / chudy (o mięsie)
item(n) thing / rzecz, produkt
version(n) particular type of sth / wersja, odmiana
content(n) amount of sth which is in sth else / zawartość
lentil(n) green, brown or orange seed used in cooking esp for soups / soczewica
considerable(adj) large; singificant / znaczny
fibre(n) substance found in foods such as dried fruit which assists regular digestion / błonnik; włókn
cereal(n) packaged flakes or other grain-based morsels, eaten with milk / płatki zbożowe
artificial sweetener(n) sth that is used instead of sugar / słodzik
packaged(adj) (of food) sold in some kind of container / za/pakowany
lifestyle(n) way of living / styl życia
regulate(v) to control / regulować, kontrolować
substance(n) material / substancja
break down(phr v) to chemically or biologically turn sth into a different form / rozłożyć (na czynniki)
gland(n) gruczoł
digestive system(n) the group of organs that work together to break down food / układ trawienny
malfunction(n) failure to work properly / wadliwe działanie
intake(n) certain amount of sth taken into the body by way of the mouth or nose / spożycie
digestion(n) bodily process in which food moves through the stomach and bowels / trawienie
weaken(v) to reduce strengh / osłabiać
shrink(v) to get smaller / skurczyć się
rise(v) to increase / wzrosnąć, podnosić się
raise(v) to make sth higher / podnosić, podwyższyć
arise(v) (of difficulties, problems etc) to occur; come up / pojawić się, wystąpić (np. o kłopotach)
goal(n) aim; desired result / cel
acquire(v) to gain possession; obtain / nabyć; uzyskać
remove(v) to take off; take away / zdjąć, usunąć
delete(v) to erase or put a line hrough sth not needed or wrong / usunąć, skreślić
extract(v) to pull out / usunąć, wyrwać
take out(phr v) to remove / usunąć
treat(v) to behave towards sth or sb in a certain way / traktować
operate(v) to work a device, machine etc / obsługiwać
fake(adj) (of a person or thing) deliberately made to seem real; not genuine / fałszywy, podrobiony
false(adj) not real / fałszywy; sztuczny
counterfeit(adj) made to look real in order to deceive (usu money, checques etc) / fałszywy, podrobiony
bony(adj) extremely thin / kościsty
skinny(adj) very thin / chudy
fumes(n) harmful gases given off by cars, factories etc / spaliny, wyziewy
reveal(v) to expose facts etc; give away / wyjawiać, ujawniać
surrender(v) to stop fighting against sb; give oneself up / poddać się
distribute(v) to give people sth by hand; give out / rozdawać; rozprowadzać
chase(v) to follow sb or sth that does not want to be caught; run after / ścigać, gonić
reverse(v) to move a vehicle in a backward direction / cofać, jechać na wstecznym biegu
knock down(phr v)to push sth forcibly to the ground usu with a vehicle / przejechać, potrącić
supply(n) amount available for use / zapas
pickpocket(n) thief who steals wallets etc out of people's pockets / kieszonkowiec
rehearse(v) to practise; run through / z/robić próby (przed występem)
encounter(v) to face; run into / napotkać, natknąć się na
give sb a fright(exp) to scare sb / przestraszyć kogoś
mean(adj) relucant to spend or give sth or one's possessions esp money; stingy / skÄ…py
valid(adj) (of a passport, driving, licence, ticket etc) lawfully acceptable / ważny ( o dokumencie)
othervise(adv) or else / w przeciwnym razie
offended(adj) insulted / obrażony, urażony
guardian(n) person who is responsible for the care of a young or incapable person and his property / opiekun
upset(adj) angry or sad / zdenerwowany, niespokojny; zmartwiony
place one's trust in sb(exp) to believe that sb is reliable etc and therefore can be depended / zaufać komuś
watch over(phr v) to take care of; look after / pilnować, czuwać nad
maid(n) woman who is paid to help with the household chores / pokojówka, służąca
it is growing late(exp) it is becoming, getting late / robi się późno
separate(v) to move apart / rozdzielić
incident(n) event / incydent, zajście
light-heartedly(adv) in a silly or fun manner; jokingly / beztrosko, żartobliwie
faint(v) to become unconscious; collapse / zemdleć
go on one's way(exp) to continue one's journey or route / udać się w drogę
bay window(n) okno wykuszowe
disturbance(n) violent or noisy occurence which disrupts the usual peace / zaburzenie porzÄ…dku; burda, awantur
bolt(v) to lock; fasten with a metal pin / zaryglować
sharp(adj) pointes or able to cut easily (sharp pencil/knife) / ostry
still(adj) without movement; quiet / nieruchomy; spokojny
put out(phr v) to stop sth from burning; extinguish / zgasić, ugasić
cautiously(adv) carefully / ostrożnie, rozważnie
tread(n) footstep or the sound of footsteps / stąpanie; odgłos kroków
march(v) to walk as soldiers do, with regular and measured steps / maszerować
tremble(v) to shake with fear / trząść się
ring out(phr v) to make a loud noise / rozbrzmiewać, rozlegać się
furiously(adv) aggressively / wściekle, zaciekle
fiercely(adv) in a powerful and violent manner / gwałtownie, ostro
alarmed(adj) shocked / zatrwożony
troop(n) group of soldiers / oddział, jednostka
resume(v) to continue after a break / podjąć na nowo; wznowić
protest(n) act of showing disapproval or objection / protest
demonstration(n) gathering of people to protest against or support sth / demonstracja
investigate(v) to try to find more information about sth or sb / prowadzić śledztwo/dochodzenie
nuisance(n) sth or sb that causes inconvenience and irritation /człowiek, który się naprzykrza;rzecz doku
annoy(v) to make rather angry / drażnić, irytować
bother(v) to upset / dręczyć, zawracać głowę
frustrate(v) to make sb feel discouraged and irritated because of being prevented from doing sth / frustrowaï
shiver(v) to tremble esp with cold / drżeć (np. z zimna, ze strachu)
stutter(v) to speak with a rapid repetition of the same syllable or sound / jąkać się
shudder(v) to tremble with fear or disgust / wzdrygnąć się; przyprawiać o dreszcze
stormily(adv) in an irritated, uncontrolled way / burzliwie, ze wzburzeniem
intensely(adv) with powerful emotions / silnie, intensywnie
storage(n) the keeping of things in a place for later use / przechow/yw/anie, magazynowanie
attic(n) room or space within the roof of a house / poddasze
cellar(n) underground room for storing coal, wine etc / piwnica
loft(n) room or spade under the roof of a house / strych
stride(v) to walk with long steps / sadzić kroki, stawiać wielkie kroki
stroll(v) to walk in a quiet, unhurried way; saunter / przechadzać się
treat(n) sth given for enjoyment or joy / rozrywka; uczta (duchowa)
naughty(adj) badly-behaved / niegrzeczny
cruelly(adv) in a way that causes pain and suffering / okrutnie, z okrucieństwem
consider(v) to think about / rozważać, zastanawiać się (nad)
creep(v) to move slowly, quietly, secretly / skradać się
peek(v) to have a quick look at sth or sb when one isn't supposed to / podglądać, zerkać
doubt(n) feeling of uncertainty / wątpliwość
grab(v) to take sth in a quick and firm manner / wyrwać, chwytać
bat(n) piece of wood for hitting a ball in particular games such as hockey, baseball etc / kij (do gry)
wave(v) to move sth around while holding it up in the air / machać
run off(phr v) to leave hurriedly / uciekać
reward(n) prize given for special service or action / nagroda
failure(n) act of breaking down / awaria, defekt
gain(v) to increase; obtain / zdobyć, zyskać
do one's best(idm) to try one's hardest; put in all one's efforts / z/robić wszystko, co w czyjejś mocy
make a decision(exp) to decide / podjąć decyzję
do a good turn(idm) to do sth in order to help sb / wyświadczać przysługę
do a puzzle(exp) to put pieces together to form a picture; solve a math or word game / rozwiązać łamigłówk
make a fortune(exp) to earn a lot of money, esp in business / zbić majątek
do harm(exp) to affect sb or sth in a bad or hurtful manner / wyrządzić krzywdę
make space(exp) to move objects or bodies to create extra room / zrobić miejsce
do sb a favour(exp) wyświadczyć komuś przysługę
relieved(adj) feeling better after a period of anxiety / uspokojony, odczuwajÄ…cy ulgÄ™
threaten(v) to announce the injection of doing sth bad or unpleasant / za/grozić
deny(v) to say that sth which has been said is not so / zaprzeczyć
owe(v) to be in debt to sb / być winnym/dłużnym
sack(v) to end sb's employment; fire / wylewać (z pracy)
vandalise(v) to damage or destroy sth unnecessarily / niszczyć, dewastować
olive oil(n) oliwa z oliwek
moderate(adj) not too much, not too little; reasonable / umiarkowany
amount(n) sum; quantity / ilość; suma
mainland(n) the chief or major part of the land that is part of a country, excluding its islands / lÄ…d staï
thanks to(idm) because of; due to / dzięki (komuś/czemuś)
varied(adj) many different types / zróżnicowany
make up(phr v) to form / tworzyć, składać się na
calorie(n) unit of energy found in food / kaloria
researcher(n) person who tries to find new cures etc in different areas by gathering information / badacz
effect(n) result; outcome / efekt, skutek
process(n) methodical way of doing or making sth / proces
yoghurt(n) jogurt
lactose(n) the sugar that naturally occurs in milk / laktoza
pattern(n) the way sth occurs changes or exists / wzorzec, wzór, model
confirm(v) to prove sth to be true / potwierdzić
rate(n) percentage; number / wskaźnik
consume(v) to use or eat sth / zużywać; konsumować
concern(v) to have to do with / dotyczyć
account for(phr v) to explain sth / wy/tłumaczyć
carpenter(n) person who is skilled at creating and mending wooden objects / stolarz
diet(v) to try to lose weight by lessening food intake / przejść na dietę
dessert(n) sweet food eaten after the main meal / deser
walnut(n) type of nut / orzech włoski
honey(n) thick, sweet, sticky liquid that bees make / miód
resist(v) to fight off; oppose / opierać się, zwalczać
poison(n) any toxic substance that causes sickness or death when consumed or inhaled / trucizna
limit(v) to restrict / ograniczać
back up(phr v) to support / popierać, potwierdzać
vital(adj) essential; very important / podstawowy; niezbędny
acid(n) chemical substance with a PH value below seven / kwas
prevent(v) to halt; stop sth from occurring / zapobiegać, uniemożliwiać
single(adj) sole; one / pojedynczy, jeden jedyny
ingredient(n) factor which makes sth possible or successful / składnik
clue(n) information that helps to find the answer to sth / wskazówka
beneficial(adj) helpful or useful; good for sth or sb / korzystny; zbawienny
quantity(n) amount / ilość
rural(adj) of the countryside / wiejski
wise(adj) sensible and intelligent / mÄ…dry
defeat(v) to beat; overcome / zwyciężyć, pokonać
cooperate(v) to work together for the same goal / współpracować
fingerprint(n) pattern left on a surface by a finger / odcisk palca
case(n) circumstances which are the subject of an official investigation / sprawa
essential(adj) necessary; very important / zasadniczy, istotny
component(n) part of sth / składnik, komponent
trend(n) popular tendency / trend
decade(n) ten-year period / dekada
debate(n) discussion between people whose opinions differ / debata, polemika
fit(adj) in good health; able to do sth energetic / sprawny, w dobrej kondycji
proof(n) evidence that is sufficient to show that sth is a fact / dowód
obviously(adv) clearly / oczywiście, w sposób oczywisty
abuse(v) to treat or use badly / nadużywać, wykorzystywać
to excess(exp) beyond the ordinary limits / w nadmiarze
genetic(adj) of biological qualities and characteristics which are inherited from our parents / genetyczny
make-up(n) all the characteristics and qualities of a person / charakterystyka; struktura, układ
inherit(v) to be born with a quality/characteristic which has been biol. passed on by a parent /dziedziczyÄ
combat(v) to fight against sth / walczyć, zwalczać
variety(n) selection of things; range / różnorodność, bogactwo
rheumatism(n) illness that results in the swelling of the muscles and joints causing a lot of pain / reumatyzm
enhance(v) to improve / poprawić, uwydatnić
prolong(v) to make longer / przedłużyć
harm(n) damage / szkoda, krzywda
tie up(n) to bind sb or sth with string, rope etc so they are unable to move / związać, skrępować
use up(phr v) to use all of sth / zużyć (cały zapas czegoś)
show up(phr v) to appear; come / zjawić/pojawić się
experiment(n) scientific test / eksperyment
rope(n) thick string which is very strong / sznur, lina
glue(n) sticky liquid that is used to ctick sth to sth else so that they won't come apart / klej
report(n) account or description or events / meldunek, sprawozdanie
regard as(v) to consider sth/sb to be sth / uważać za
assume(v) to believe sth without having proof that it is true / przypuścić, założyć
reservation(n) booking / rezerwacja
affirm(v) to say that sth is true / stwierdzić, potwierdzić
assure(v) to say that sth is certainly true, usu as an attempt to make sb feel better / zapewniać, zagw.
testify(v) to give a report in court / zeznawać (jako świadek)
humid(adj) (of air or weather) with moisture, dampness in the air / wilgotny
clarify(v) to make clearer / wyjaśnić
trick(n) deceitful act / sztuczka
deceive(v) to cause sb to believe that sth is true when it isn't / oszukać
leak(v) (of an object) to allow water, gas etc to go trough an opening / przeciekać
mend(v) to repair; restore to good condition / naprawić
accompany(v) to go with sb to a place / towarzyszyć
force(v) to urge; make sb do sth that they would prefer not to / zmuszać
deer(n) animal (usu with horns on its head) which lives in forests / jeleń; zwierzyna płowa
tutorial(adj) of private, or individual lessons / prywatny, indywidualny
keep up with(phr v) to move at the same pace or keep at the same level as sb or sth else / dotrzymywać kroku
quarrel(v) to argue / kłócić się
promotion(n) act of getting a better job in the place where one works / awans
wardrobe(n) cupboard where one's clothes can be hug, usu in the bedroom / szafa
facility(n) special equipment or service in a place / wyposażenie
luxurious(adj) extremely comfortable and usu very expensive / luksusowy
religious(adj) related to a spiritual belief in a god or gods / religijny
shelter(n) place to stay / schronienie; schronisko
extended(adj) of sth that has been made longer than usual / przedłużony
formality(n) correctness and politness in behaviour / etykieta, savoir-vivre
socialise(v) to mix, meet and talk with others in a friendly manner / spotykać się na gruncie towarzyskim
homely(adj) simple and plain / przytulny, swojski
in aid of(exp) in order to help for sth / na rzecz
drug(n) illegal narcotic / narkotyk
desperate(adj) very bad or almost hopeless / rozpaczliwy, beznadziejny
be on a budget(exp) to be careful in the spending money due to only having a certain amount /mieć okreÅ›lony budÅ
notorious(adj) famous for illegal or bad acts or qualities / notoryczny; cieszący się złą sławą
in particular(idm) specifically / w szczególności
fairly(adv) reasonably / dość, raczej
due to(prep) because of / z powodu
wash-bassin(n) open bowl for holding water in a bathroom which is connected to the water supply / umywalka
damp(adj) not thoroughly dry; having some moisture / wilgotny
seldom(adv) rarely; not very often / rzadko
precaution(n) care takien in advance to avoid a risk / środek ostrożności
deal in(phr v) to buy and/or sell / handlować
touch(n) unique quality; detail / domieszka; niepowtarzalny element
enable(v) to give sb the chance or ability to do sth / umożliwić
at no extra charge(exp) free / bez dodatkowej opłaty
include(v) to count as a part of the whole / włączyć, wliczyć
impressive(adj) producing a deep effect on the mind and feelings because of being big or important /imponujÄ…c
complex(n) site of connected buildings / kompleks, osiedle
huge(adj) very big; enormous / olbrzymi, ogromny
court(n) indoor space with markings where a game is played / hala sportowa, kort
suite(n) set of hotel rooms / apartament
staff(n) people that work for a company, organisation etc / personel
strict(adj) firm with rules that must be followed / ścisły, surowy
dress-code(n) rules about what to wear / reguły ubierania się
uniform(n) distinctive clothing worn by members of a school or organisation / mundur
discreet(adj) quiet; tactful; not attracting attention / dyskretny, pełen rezerwy
professional(adj) expert; highly skilled / profesjonalny, zawodowy
casual(adj) informal / swobodny, przypadkowy
jacuzzi(n) wanna z wodÄ… z bÄ…belkami
fully-stocked(adj) with a complete supply / w pełny zaopatrzony
taste(n) appreciation of fine things / gust, smak
bank account(n) amount of money one has in a bank / konto bankowe
lasting(adj) continuing to happen (for a long time) / trwajÄ…cy
worthy(adj) deserving / zasługujący na; szlachetny (np. cel)
in advance(idm) earlier; beforehand / z wyprzedzeniem, z góry
high-class(adj) luxurious; exclusive; among the best / wysokiej klasy
chambermaid(n) woman who cleans and looks hoten rooms / pokojówka
employ(v) to give sb a paid job / zatrudnić
lobby(n) entrance hall / westybul, hall
porter(n) person employed to carry bags and welcome guests in a hotel / tragarz
check in(phr v) to register at a hotel upon arrival / zameldować się (w hotelu)
tip(n) gift of money to a waiter, porter etc / napiwek
book(v) to arrange sth in advance; reserve / zarezerwować, zamówić
continental breakfast(n) light morning meal of bread, jam, butter and a cup of coffee / śniadanie kontynentalne?