wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Outsourcing & Supply Chain
autor: Fisza92
to outsource production to a company in Koreaprzekazywać produkcję firmie w korei
an outsourcing hubpotęga outsourcingowa
to outsource accounting / servicesoutsorsować księgowość/ usługi
vast amount of dataduża ilość danych
to crunch the dataanalizować dane
displaced workersdisadvantaged workers
knowledge workerscreative analyst who analyze vast amount of data
offshoringoutsourcing abroad
to lose confidentialitystracić prywatność
parent companyspółka matka
lift-outcategory of outsourcing which consists in employing the internal workers as external providers
a management lift-outhiring a high-functioning group of people from the same company who have worked well together
Business Process OutsourcingBPO
Workloadamount of time spent in work
knowledge drainbrain drain, outflow of intelligent people
to embedto implant
bottom-up processhidden process
to anticipateto forsee
aspirationpursuit, dążenie
to validateto assess
to salvageto get sth back
to remain viablejustified in a business sense
to recall productwycofać produkty z rynku
sweat-shop conditionsvery bad conditions of working
to face retailiationbyć prześladowanym
to meet standards, to meet requirementszgadzać się z wymaganiami (standardami)
organic foodjedzenie eko
CPFRCollaborative, Planning, Forecasting, Replenishment
on-demand systemsystem bieżącego realizowania potrzeb klienta
overheadscosts of management
stock-outzasób, towar
inertiainability to do sth
to think out-of-the-boxto think unconventionally
customer powermoc nabywcza konsumenta
listening for gistlistening for general info
To Impose regulationsnakładać regulacje
Extend the product range, stretch the brand, diversify the portfolio(the range, the offering)rozszerzać linię produkcyjną
extra work loaddodatkowe obciążenie pracy
to streamline the processto make the process more efficient
a vicious circlebłędne koło
to go ballasticto get very angry