wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ljasinski
the outbackthe remote and usually uninhabited inland regions of Australia
bear in mindtake into consideration - brać pod uwagę
huta small shelter - chatka
wetsuita suit made of rubber which people wear for water sports
remotemeans distant
oddmeans strange, various
feethe money we have to pay for something
unlikenot like sth
unlikelynot likely to happen - nieprawdopodobny
entireis the whole
entirelyis the synonym for completely - całkowicie
consequencethe result of some actions or decisions - konsekwencja
consequentlyw konsekwencji, w skutek czegoś
scientificacademic - naukowy
weighto measure how heavy sth is - ważyć
weightthe heaviness of sth - waga
cubic meterm3
roughnot gentle, not smooth - brutalny
roughlynot gently, in a violent way - brutalnie/approximately - zgrubnie
descentgoing down (noun) - schodzenie w dół
descendgo down (verb) - obniżać się
enableis to make sth able to do - umożliwiać