wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Raztyck
synchronoustype of transmission where data is transmited byte after byte in synchronous way
asynchronoustype of transmision where data is transmitted in irregular parts
look-up tablething that consist information for resolution protocol
usenetworldwide system fo newsgroups
ircinternet relay chat
ftpfile transfer protocol - transfer files from one pc to another
ispinternet service provider
pop3protocol that allows apps to download mails from server
rpresolution protocol - protocol that routes data through gateway
x.25kind of delivery system
tcp/iptcp with internet protocol
udpuser datagram protocol - standard that moves information to the correct app
routinggetting route and sending packages though that route
domain namepart of email address that identify mail server
dial-uptype of internet connection that integral part of it are telephone lines
gatewaydevice that allow to connect two types of networks
telnetused to menage remote terminal
tcptransmission control protocol - menage comunication between computers in networks
smtpsimple mail transfer protocol - send message between servers
push operationprocess that initialise connect from user that is sending
imapinternet mail access protocol - protocol that allows to retrieve message headers
pull operationprocess that initialise connect from user that is receiving
moosmultiuser system which users are connected at the same time
cmccomputer media comunication
videoconferencingtype of conversation with cameras and microphones
internet address32 bit identyfication number
modemdevice that change type of signal (digital - analogue)