wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: Pucka
weather-beatenaged by the weather
in all weathersniezależnie od pogody
weather permittingif the weather is good
weather the stormget through difficulties
under the weathernot very well
backupreinforcements (posiłki)
backbreakingwyczerpująca fizycznie
backbonemost essential element
sign of the timestypical characteristic of the present
show signs ofhave evidence of
sign languagejęzyk migowy
in uncharted watersdealing with the unknown (w ciemnej d***** :D )
water under the bridgeall in the past
in deep waterin trouble
go through fire and waterdo anything
there are plenty more fish in the seatego kwiatu jest pół światu
off to seaoff to join the navy (marynarka)
high seasrough water conditions
all at seaconfused
the game is uphe is discovered
rags-to-richesfrom poverty to wealth, od zera do milionera
strike it richbecome wealthy
name of the gamemost important factor
fair gamełatwy cel
look forsearch (ph v)
look aftertake care of (ph v)
look sth upfind (ph v)
look down on sbpatrzeć z góry, feel superior to (ph v)
look intoinvestigate (ph v)
look throughread quickly (ph v)
look forward to V+ingexpecting eagerly (ph v)
look sb upcome and see (ph v)
turn downreject, odrzucić (ph v)
turn uparrive (ph v)
turn toget help from (ph v)
turn outokazać się (ph v)
turn insurrender (ph v)
get carried awaybecame very excited (ph v)
carry sb backremind of (ph v)
carry sth offukończyć pomimo trudności (ph v)
carry outfulfill (ph v)
keep awayavoid approaching (ph v)
keep backhide (ph v)
keep offavoid drinking (ph v)
keep upmaintain (ph v)