wordki.pl - nauka słówek
Prenatal, adolescence, adult devlopment, call the midwife & ted.
maturationthe orderly unfolding of traits, as regulated by the genetic code.
pubertythe period of ohysical development during which sexual reproduction first becomes possible
embryothe baby from the third trough the eight weeks following conception
fetusthe baby from the third month following the conception through childbirth
germinal stagethe first stage of prenatal d during which divinding mass of cells has not implanted in the womb wal
uterusalso known as a womb
conceptionthe action of conceiving a child
to nourishprovide with the food and other substances necessary for growth, health and good condition
period of the ovumanother term for germinal stage
androgensmale sex hormones
amniotic saca sac within the uterus that contains the embro or fetus
amniotic fluidthe fluid that surrounds and protects the baby in the womb, also known as waters
placentaplacenta is attached to the wall of the uterus during the pregnancy and separates after the birth
umbilical cordit attaches the baby to the placenta before birth
blood vesselnaczynia krwionośne
german measelsróżyczka
tranquilizersleki uspokajające, psychotropy
to sustainaby utrzymać
neither fish nor fowlni pies ni wydra
secondary sex characteristicscharacteristics that distinguish the sexes, such as distribution of body hair and depth of voice
pituitary hormoneshormony przysadki mózgowej
to triggeraby wywołać
to secretewytwarzać, wydzielać
adrenal glandnadnercza
pubic hairwłosy łonowe
menarchethe beggining of menstruation
groth spurtwywoływać gwałtowny wzrost
mood swingshustawki nastrojów
curfewgodzina policyjna
striving for independencewalka o niezależność
ego-identityterm for a firm sense of who one is and what one stands for
maintainutrzymać, wyżywić
to mournopłakiwać, żałować (od załoba)
to exert an influencewywierać wpływ
middlescencea term for a stage of life from 45 to 55, when people sleek new identity
to dawn onświtać
hot flashesuderzenia gorąca
perspirationpocić się
to alleviatew celu złagodzenia
to encounterspotkać
fertilityability to have children, połodność
self-confidencepewność siebie
antenatalbefore birth
breecha baby that is positioned bottom down rather that the usual head down
breech deliveryporód pośladkowy,delivery whan a baby that is positioned bottom down rather that the usual head do
caesarean sectionan operation to deliver a baby through an incision in the mother's abdomen
cervixthe neck of the womb
colostrumthe first breast milk
contractionthe intemittent tightening of the muscles of the uterus, which are painful during labour
eclampsiarare and severe consequence of pre-eclampsia which is charcterised by convulsions,
enemaa preparation used to empty the lower bowel
first stage of labourfrom the start of reagular painful contractions until the cervix is fully open
forceps deliveryif a baby becomes stuck in the mother's pelvis during labour the forceps would be used to assist
full termwhen the duration of pregnancy os between thirty-eight and fourty-two weeks
mucus catheterdevice which was used to suck mucus from the baby's mouth
post-natalthe six weeks follwoing birth
primigravidaa women pregnant with her first baby
pubic bonethe centre and front part of the pelvis
vulvaa woman's genital organs
watersa protective bag of water surrounds the baby in the womb, also known as amniotic fluid
premature babya baby who is born before thirty-eight week of pregnancy
second stagethe time when the cervix is fully open until delivery of the baby
third stagethe time from the birth of the baby to the complete delivery of the placenta