wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: kingas13
abundantavailable in large quantities (an abundant supply of fresh water)
amplemore than enough (sufficient), time, evidence, opportunity
areaobszar, pole
average (n,adj)przeciętny, średni;średnia
batch (v,n)a quantity of food, medicine etc that is produced or prepared at the same time-grupia,seria, przygot
bulk (n)a big mass, larger part (wielki rozmiar)
considerablefairly large, especially large enough to have an effect or be important(considerable amount of money
countlesstoo many to be counted (niezliczony)
dimension (n)a part of a situation or a quality involved in it (rozmiar-room, wymiar-politics)
diminish (v)to become or make something become smaller or less [= reduce]
equation (n)równanie (matematyka)
benefit (n,v)get an advantage,
compensationmoney paid to someone because they have suffered injury or loss
damages (n)money that a court orders someone to pay=compensation
debt (n)dług
deduct (v)to take away an amount or part from a total - potrącać
deposit (v,n)zaliczka, kaucja, depozyt
direct debit (n phr)stałe polecenie zapłaty-an instruction you give your bank to pay money directly
dividend (n)a part of a company's profit that is divided among the people with shares in the company
down payment (n phr)1sza wpłata, zaliczka-a payment you make when you buy something that is only part of the full price
finance (v,n)finanse, finansować
insurance (n)an arrangement with a company in which you pay them money,
interest (n)the extra money that you must pay back when you borrow money (odsetki)
investmentthe use of money to get a profit -inwestycja
lump suman amount of money given in a single payment-jednorazowa duza wplata
mortgagehipoteka-kredyt pod zastaw domu
pension (n)emerytura, renta
share (n)udziały, akcje
speculate (v)spekulowac (finansowo),to buy goods, property,shares in a company etc,to make a profit when sell
withdraw (v)to take money out of a bank account-wypłacić
add up toform total, combine to produce result or effect, sumowac sie
break downdivide an amout into parts->breakdown (n)-podział kosztów
build upincrease, develop, ->build-up(n)-wzmacniac, poprawiac
buy offgive someone money that sb not to act against you (przekupic)
buy outpay money to buisness partner to have control of business (wykupic udziały)
buy upbuy large amounts of sth or all of it that is available-wykupic cos
carry overprzenosić saldo n.carry-over (sth you earn or are given into next year)
clock upreach a particular number or amount - nabić np na liczniku
club togethercollect money to buy sth (zrzucic sie na cos)
drum uptry to make people support you or by buy sth, zyskac wsparcie
mount upget much larger, wzrastac (o kosztach)
pay backgive the same amount of money that you borrowed-zwracac
pay outwydawac, splacac (duze pieniadze, czesto invested)
size upthink and form opinion about person or situation-oceniac
take awayremove one numer to another
weigh downmake someone heavy and unable to move easily-przytłoczony,
at long lastnareszcie
share inudział w czyms (in the business)
made of moneyzrobiony z pieniedzy (can borrow)
thin on the groundvery few available
weak at the kneesfeeling strange because of strong emotions
in depththorough, complete, and considering all the details
in sizew rozmiarze (4 hectares in size)
at largena wolności
poor loserbiedny, wysmiewany
grow fat onwzbogacac sie na czyms
rich incontaining a lot of
for my moneyused when giving your opinion about
a whole load ofmnostwo czegos, masa
a fat lot of use/good/helpnot at all useful or helpful
high financefinancial activities involving very large amounts of money (wielkie pieniadze)
run the length and breadth ofin or through every part of a large area-wzdluz i wszerz
long time no seeused humorously to say hello when you have not seen someone for a long time
Big Bangwielki wybuch
get your money's worthto get something worth the price that you paid
pay and display car parkpłatny parking
share and share alikedzielic po rowno
on weak groundcan be easily criticized with weak argument
short/run ofdo not have enough of it
(have a) short temper/fuseto get angry very easily
short noticea short time before it happens:-> w krotkim czasie
it pays tobrings a good result or advantage for you:
pay your waymake as much profit as it costs to run=wyjsc na prosta
pay sb a complimentsay something good or polite
that's your lotthat's all you're getting
sb's lot (in life)someone's general situation in life, especially when this is not very good-przeznaczenie?
have a lot onbyc bardzo zajetym
in high spiritsw świetnym humorze (happiness, energy)
high risk ofwysokie ryzyko
high timenajwyzszy czas
big nameznana osobistosc
(make) a big thing out ofto give something too much importance
make it bigto become successful
small changecoins of low value- drobne
feel/look smallto seem or feel stupid, unimportant, or ashamed
small talkCasual or trivial conversation.
go to great/any lengthsto try very hard or to do whatever is necessary to achieve something that is important to you
out of your depthto be involved in a situation or activity that is too difficult for you to understand or deal with
in a /some/no small wayw niewielkim stopniu
look/search high and lowto try very hard to find something
at some/great lengthfor a long time
a drop in the oceansmall amount that will not have much effect
break evennot make a profit, lose money-wyjsc na zero
fall shortnot reach particular level or fail sth you were trying to do
fifty-fiftyequal or into two equal parts
go halvesshare the cos of sth with sb so you each pay 50%
it's as broad as it's longit is impossible to decide between two options because they're equal.
keep up with Jonesestry to be as rich, successful as your neighbours
knee-high to a grasshoppervery small, because you were very young
line your pocket(s)obtain money esp by acking dishonestly-wzboagac sie
lock, stock and barrelincluding every part of a thing, situation place; wszystko
six of one (and) half a dozen of the otherused for saying that 2 things are equally good or bad
tidy sum/amountlarge sum/amount
add-addition, addendum (dodatek,aneks), addenda, additive (dodatek-food additive), additional(ly)
benefitbeneficiary (beneficjent, spadkobierca), beneficial(ly)-dobroczynny
briefdebrief-wypytywac, (de)briefing-instruktaż, brevity-zwiezlosc, briefs-slipy, briefly,
broadbroaden, breadth, broadly
considerconsideration, considered, considering, in(considerable-znaczacy, considerably
deepdeepen, depth, deeply
distant(equi)distance, equidistant(rownooddalony), equidistantly
drawwithdraw, withdrew, withdrawal, drawing,overdraft-przekroczenie stanu konta, overdrawn
finiteinfinity, infinitive, infinite(ly), infinitesimal(ly)-znikomy
highheighten, highlight, height, Highness, heightened, highbrow-intelektualista, highly
largeenlarge, enlargement, largely
longprolong, lengthen, length, longevity, longhand-pismo odreczne-bez skrotow,longing(ly)-tesknota
long2longwinded-rozwlekly, lengthy-dluzacy sie, prolonged, lengthways-wzdluz, =lengthwise-
lotallot-podzielic, allotment-podzial
magnifymagnificence, magnification, magnificent(ly), magnifying
majormajority, majorette-dziewczyna na czele pochodu
payoverpay, underpay, repay, overpayment, payback-zysk, payee-odbiorca platnosci, payer,payload-ladunek
pay2payoff-rozliczenie, splata, payroll-lista plac,payslip-odcinek wyplaty,overpaid, payable-platny
portionapportion-przydzielic, podzielic
weighweight, weightlifter-ciezarowiec, weightlifting-podnoszenie ciezarow, weighting-wywazenie,overweight
weigh2underweight, weighted, weightless-lekki, weighty-ciezki, ogromny
set up a businesszalozyc biznes
go into partnershipwejść w spółke
make a lossprzynosic straty
make a profitosiągnąć zysk
small businessmałe przedsiębiorstwo
go underfail financially (upasc)
business would fold==close because of failure
go bankrupt==unable to pay debts
win a contractzdobyc kontrakt
stiff competitionostra konkurencja
take on staffzatrudniac pracownikow
create jobsstworzyc miejsca pracy
unemployment is highduże bezrobocie
sales figureswielkość sprzedaży
annual turnoverroczny obrót
the secret of your successsekret sukcesu
carry out market researchconduct badania rynku
launch a new productwypuszczanie nowego produktu
set a high value on customer serviceustanowic wysoka wartosc
after-sales serviceserwis posprzedażowy, serwis zakupionego sprzętu
run a successful businessprowadzic sukcesywny biznes
float the company on the stock marketwypuszczac akcje
go publicstart selling shares in a business or company for the first time
cease tradingclose business
cut-throat competitionvery severe competition
market forcessiły rynkowe- forces not influenced by government that decide price levels in an economy
go out of businesswypasc z interesy, przestac dzialac
brisk businesszywy, energiczny- business is brisking-kreci sie
business is boomingbusiness is doing extremely well
rival companyfirma konkurencyjna
strike-struck/do a dealto reach an agreement on a price or negotiation
balance the budgetrownowaga budzetu
put in a bidmake an offer/be offered to do the work for a particular amount of money
go into businessstart a business
sell sharesfloat
spend money onwydawac pieniadze
save moneykeep money for use in the future
waste/squander money onspend money in a bad way- squander stronger
change moneyexchange currency
throw money aroundspend money in an obvious and careless way on unnecessary way
throw money attracić pieniądze na coś (np. na powierzchowne rozwiązanie problemu)
donate money togive money to help society
high or lowceny wysokie/niskie
rock-bottom pricebardzo niskie ceny (use by advertisers)
increase, rise, go upwzrastac (o cenach)
soarif prices go up very fast
go downspadac (o cenach)
reasonably pricedrozsadna cena (nie za niska nie za wysoka)
ridiculous pricesmieszna cena (znaczaco za wysoka lub niska)
money are always tightthere isn't much money
in short supplynot enough of it was available
a steady incomestały dochód
earn a good salarydobrze zarabiac
make big moneymake a lot of money
be seriously richbe very rich
make moneyzarabiac
make a withdrawaltake money out of the bank-wyplacac
raise enough moneyzbierac wystarczajaco pieniedzy
get a really good dealget a bargain
go cheapselling for a low prise
make a small fortunemake a large amount of money
be tied up in sb's businessnot available for spending because it was needed for his business
to fill sb in= to inform
to skim throughlook, read, scan-przejrzec (notes)
to anticipate= to expect
to take one's pointto understand
contender= contestant = rival
pitfalls= obstacles, difficulties
to run into problemszłapać problem
be wary= reluctant, unwilling
to be in place= in order/ not in a mess
to refit= to repair
to set up a meeting= to arrange
preliminary(wstępne) meeting/stage, initial
to cover sth into one's analysis= to include
to cater for the business=provide
budget may stretchmoze byc zmienny (budget)
brewerpiwowar, wlasciciel browaru
refitnaprawiac, remontowac
a fact-finding missionmisja faktów
a chain of hotelssiec hoteli
a new site for a hotelnowe miejsce na hotel
up-and-coming placedobrze zapowiadajace sie miejsce
be pushedbyc zmuszonym
ski resortośrodek narciarski
build relationshipsbudowac relacje
keep your eyes openmiec oczy szeroko otwarte
process informationprzetwarzac informacje
read a situationunderstand, interpret (situation)
form an opinionwyrobic sobie zdanie
manage unknowszarzadzac nieznanym
work both waysdzialac w 2 strony
build your skillsrozwijajc/ksztalcic umiejetnosci
wrigh up pros and consrozwazyc za i przeciw
give you an insightdac lepsze pojecie
take your timedaj sobie czas
up-and-comingdobrze zapowiadajacy sie
self-assuredpewny siebie
outspokenszczery do bólu
down to earthprzyziemny, twardo stapajacy po ziemi
easy-goingwyluzowany, spokojny
low-keyniewidoczny, niewyrozniajacy sie