wordki.pl - nauka słówek
podstawowe wyrażenia
autor: hieronimek
your welcomenie ma za co
never mindnic nie szkodzi
i am ok/all rightwszytko w porzadku
ok/fine/all rightdobrze
could you repeat that, please?czy moglbys to powtorzyc?
i can speak english a littleznam angielskki tylko troche
i speak very poor englishmowia po ang bardzo slabo
could you write it down for me, please?czy moglbys mi to napisac prosze?
i am a foreignerjestem obcokrajowcem
what time is it?/ what's the time?ktora jest godzina?
it is precisely 4 pmjest dokladnie 4pm
it is half past 12jest wpol do 1
it is almost 5dochodzi 5
it is quarter past 4jest 4.15
at what time?o ktorej godzinie?
at precisely 6pmdokladnie o 18
at half past 2 in the afternoono 14.30 po poludniu
in how many hours?za ile godzin?
is your watch accurate?czy twoj zegarek dobrze chodzi?
my watch is fastmoj zegarek sie spieszy
your watch is 5 minutes slowtwoj zegarek sie spoznia 5 min
at noonw poludnie
in the afternoonpo poludniu
in the eveningwieczorem
at midnighto polnocy
during the dayw ciagu dnia/ w dzien
before 3pmprzed 3pm
in an hourza godzine
it is late/ it is too latejest za pozno/ zbyt pozno
can of colapuszka coli
bottle of waterbutelka wody
how much does one bottle of water cost?ile kosztuje butelka wody?
what is the price of orange?jaka jest cena pomaranczy?
single roompokoj jednoosobowy
double roompokoj dwuosobowy
internet accessdostep do interneta
i would like to book a roomchcialbym zamowic pokoj
have you got a free room?czy macie wolny pokoj
breakfast includedsniadania wliczone