subway | underground (metro) | |
downtown | city centre (centrum) | |
carry-on baggage | hand luggage (bagaż podręczny) | |
one way | single (w jedną strone) | |
round trip | return (w obie strony) | |
freeway | motorway (autostrada) | |
rest room | public toilet | |
lift | elevator (winda) | |
coach class | economy class | |
schedule | timetable | |
parking lot | car park | |
line | queue | |
check | bill (rachunek) | |
reservation | booking | |
ground floor | first floor | |
good links with undreground networks | dobre połączenia metrem | |
technology | technologia | |
swimming pool | basen | |
close to client's office | blisko do biura klienta | |
close to the airport | blisko lotniska | |
business centre | centrum biznesowe | |
free transport to hotel | darmowy transport do hotelu | |
internet | internet | |
good restaurant | dobra restauracja | |
the reckon | myślę | |
aircroft | samolot | |
lange | pokój odpoczynkowy | |
ground staff | personel naziemny | |
mere | zwykły | |
to upgrade | ulepszać | |
city break | podróż | |
laundry service | usługi pralnicze | |
lounge | place where you can sit and relax | |
peak travel | when the largest number of people are travelling | |
boarding pass | card you must show to pass in | |
ground staff | all the people who work at an airport, but not the pilots or cabin crew | |
cabin crew | personel pokładowy | |
requirements | wymagania | |
top-value | najwyższej jakości | |
itineraries | trasy | |
overseas | za granicą | |
car rental | wynajem samochodów | |
attitude | nastawienie | |