wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Fashions and consumerism; Technology and change
dodaj do moich zestawów
giving you a lot of positive experiencesrewarding
producing good resultsfruitful
making a lot of moneylucrative
making you healthy in body and/or in mindtherapeutic
reducing stress, giving a peaceful feelingrelaxing, calming
taking a lot of time to dotime-consuming
a big fan of anything cuturala culture vulture
a person very inactive physicallya couch potato
a person who never keeps doing one activity for longa dabbler
a person who belives in acting and doing things, not just thinkinga doer
a person addicted to shoppinga shopaholic
to take great interest in sthto be into sth
to stop liking sth, to lose interest in sthto go off sth
to isolate oneself from the worldto lock oneself away
informal: to be addicted to sthto be hooked on sth
informal: to do sthto get up to sth
to have a lot of commitments/ activitiesto have a full diary
a dirty and untidy persona scruff
in pale coulourspastel
formal clothes to make you seem powerfulpower outfits
old-fashioned and boringfrumpy
set of clothes for a particular occasionan outfit
accepted way of dressing in a particular social groupa dress code
to wear less formal clothesto dress down
clothes that are informal but clean, tidy and stylishsmart-casual clothes
suitable for formal occasions (about clothes)dressy
close-fitting, using litle materialskimpy
loose (about clothes)baggy
modern, stylish (about clothes)snazzy
to wear clothes intended to attract people's attention (sexually)to be dressed to kill
markowe ciuchy od projektantadesigner (label) clothes
kupować "gotowe" ubrania, "z wieszaka"to buy clothes off the peg/rack
very fashionableall the rage
to be dressed in an exteremely fashionable wayto be dressed in the height of fashion
dealing with the most recent trendsup-to-the-minute
to start a new fashionto set a new trend
to have ideas or opinions before they are fashionableto be ahead of your time
to become popular (about a trend)to catch on
someone who is strongly influenced by fashiona slave of/to fashion
to speak without having prepared anythingto speak off the cuff
to have a close relationship with someoneto be hand in glove with someone
involving secrecy and misterycloak-and-dagger
to have/take someone's last possesionto have/take the shirt off someone's back
spending as little as possibleto do sth on a shoestring
simple and plainwithout frills
restrict someone's freedomto put someone in a straightjacket
to be the dominant partner in a marriage (about woman)to wear the trousers
organisation that makes sure consumers are treated fairly and that products are safeconsumer watchdog
zabierający dużo czasutime-consuming
przywiązujący uwagę do modyfashion-conscious
przykuwający uwagęeye-catching
ręcznie robionyhand-made
światowej sławyworld-renowned
o wysokiej jakościhigh-quality
znana osobistość, gwiazdabig-name
pogwałcenie, naruszenie, wykroczeniea violation
wyrzucić cośto chuck sth
pojawienie sięemergence
balanced developmentsustainability
wygoda, udogodnienieconvenience
świadomość, przytomnośćconsciousness
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