confused | zdezorientowany; unable to think clearly or to understand something |
insist | nalegać, upierać się; to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not b |
follow | podążać (za); to move behind someone or something and go where they go, sometimes secretly |
task | zadanie; a piece of work, especially something unpleasant or difficult |
first off (also first (of all)) | po pierwsze; before anything else: |
in addition | ponadto; added to what already exists or happens, |
throw away | wyrzucato; to get rid of something that you do not want any more coś; |
print out | wydrukować coś; to produce a printed copy of a document that has been written on a computer |
stock | zapas towaru, skład; all the goods that are available in a shop |
emphasizing | podkreślać; to show that something is especially important or needs special attention |
write down | zapisywać coś; to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it |
look throught | przejrzeć coś; to read something quickly |
subway | UK-przejście podziemne, US-metro |
cross | przecinać, przechodzić przez; to go from one side of something to the other side |
direction | kierunek; the way that someone or something is going or facing |
far | daleko; used to talk about how distant something is |
pass | mijać; to go in a particular direction, |
straight | prosty; not curved or bent |
turn | skręcać; to change direction when you are moving, or to make a car do this |
block | przecznica; the distance along a street from where one road crosses it to the place where the next |
crossroads | skrzyżowanie (dróg); a place where two roads cross each other |
pedestrian crossing / zebra crossing | przejście dla pieszych; a special place on a road where traffic must stop if people want to cross |
traffic light | sygnalizacja świetlna; a set of red, green, and yellow lights that is used to stop and start traffi |
bookstore | księgarnia; a shop that sells books |
precise | dokładny, precyzyjny; exact and accurate |
unpleasant | niemiły, nieprzyjemny; not enjoyable |