wordki.pl - nauka słówek
eng unit6 possesions and belongigs
thatchedcovered with straw
plasteredput on walls gips
a masonrystone works
a causewaygrobla
a moatfosa
an altarkaplica
a latticemetalowa krata
a hinterlanda region, inland
an earthworkwał obronny
a siegeoblężenie
a moundkopiec z ziemi
a limestonwapień
an alignmentustawienie, wyrównanie
a corbelpilar
a doorjambgórna framuga
to put acrossprzekazac wiadomość, pomysł
to put asideto save time, money
to put sth behindto forget memories
to put sb downto criticise
to put sth downto write sth down, to suppress
to put sth forwardto suggest, propose a plan
to put sth offto delay
to put sb offto repel, repulse
to put onto mislead
to put sb through sthto cause to undergo, suffer trouble
to put sb upto provide an accommodation for your friend
to put up with sbto tolerate