wordki.pl - nauka słówek
GUARDIANS cold oh cold January
autor: agata
adventthe introduction of a new product
gaugemeasure the amount of sth using a particular method
firing off sthsending a messange quickly
voraciousvery keen
catch- up servicesprogrammes that are available to view after they were shown in tv
embracecompletely accepting and using sth new
defiantoporny/ resistant
devolutiontaking power from gvrnmt and giving it to smaller regions
rerunrepeated election because there was no clear winner
to be downbeatto be unhappy
to deliverto do sth you promised to do
sentimentattitude or belief towards sth
turmoilstate of excitement or uncontrolled activity
reconcilationfriendly relationship with sb you have argued in the past
surgesudden increase in something such as price, value
shy away fromavoid
sweep awaydestroy or remove completely draw on
draw onuse sth as a resource
take inallw someone to stay at home
impoverishmentprocess of becoming very poor
livelihooddochód na życie
momentumprogress or development that is becoming faster
witchcraftpractising magic for evil purpose
cut downcurtail
staticnot moving
account forform particular amount