wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: joacek
inclined toskłaniac sie; to have an opinion, but not a strong opinion
mindumysł, pomysł, głowa; someone's memory or their ability to think, feel emotions
lean toward sthskłaniac sie, to be interested in something and be likely to do a particular activity:
unsureniepewny;not certain or having doubts
doubtwątpliwość; when you are not certain about something, or do not trust someone or something
breakdownzerwanie; when something such as communication or a relationship fails or ends
breakdownzestawienie; a short explanation of the details of something
attenduczęszczać, być obecnym; to go to an event
trade fair, trade showtargi; a large event at which companies show and sell their products and try to increase their busin
tagmetka, przywieszka, identyfikator; a small piece of paper or plastic with information on it
competitorkonkurent, rywa; a person, team, or company that is competing with others