AMBO | ambulance | |
AMI | acute myocardial infraction (heart attack) | |
ATA | actual time of arrival | |
BHT | blunt head trauma | |
C | critical | |
Cat | category | |
CPR | cardiopulmonary resuscitation | |
CVA | cerebrovascular accident (stroke) | |
DoA | dead on arrival | |
Dx | diagnosis | |
ETA | estimated time of arrival | |
Fx | facture | |
ICU | Intencive Care Unit | |
N/A | not appropriate | |
pos | possible | |
pt | patient | |
RTA | Road Traffic Accident | |
SHO | Senior House Officer | |
S/N | Staff Nurse | |
UNK | unknown | |
cardiac monitor | monitor kardiologiczny | |
defibrillator | defibrylator | |
bag-valve mask | worek samorozprężalny | |
IV pump | pompa infuzyjna | |
bags of blood | worki z krwią | |
oxygen cylinder | butla z tlenem | |
oxygen regulator | regulator tlenu | |
drug box | pudełko na leki | |
ramp | podjazd dla wózków inwalidzkich | |
stretcher | nosze | |
suction unit | zawór | |
ambulance chair | krzesło ambulatoryjne | |