wordki.pl - nauka słówek
styczen 2015
autor: joacek
to scheduleustalic termin, zaplanować
to assignprzydzielic wyznaczyc
to ensurezapewnic
requirementwymaganie; something that you must do, or something you need:
upsetzmartwiony, zdenerwowany; to make someone worried, unhappy, or angry:
indicatewskazywać; to show, point, or make clear in another way:
proofdowód; a fact or piece of information that shows that something exists or is true:
commercialreklama; related to buying and selling things:
promptpodpowiadać, zasugerować to make someone decide to say or do something
agendaporządek zebrania, plan spotkania; a list of matters to be discussed at a meeting:
postponeprzełożyc w czasie; to delay an event and plan or decide that it should happen at a later date or
essentialistostny, niezbędny, konieczny; a basic thing that you cannot live without:
indispensableniezastąpiny; is so good or important that you could not
confusedzdezorientowany; unable to think clearly or to understand something
insistnalegać, upierać się; to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not b
throw awaywyrzucato; to get rid of something that you do not want any more coś;
print outwydrukować coś; to produce a printed copy of a document that has been written on a computer
emphasizingpodkreślać; to show that something is especially important or needs special attention
write downzapisywać coś; to write something on a piece of paper so that you do not forget it
look throughtprzejrzeć coś; to read something quickly
unpleasantniemiły, nieprzyjemny; not enjoyable
inclined toskłaniac sie; to have an opinion, but not a strong opinion
lean toward sthskłaniac sie, to be interested in something and be likely to do a particular activity:
doubtwątpliwość; when you are not certain about something, or do not trust someone or something
breakdownzerwanie; when something such as communication or a relationship fails or ends
breakdownzestawienie; a short explanation of the details of something
put together - workprzygotować coś, to prepare a piece of work by collecting several ideas and suggestions and organ
put together - joinskładać coś, to put the parts of something in the correct place and join them to each other
chargeopłata, the amount of money that you have to pay for something, especially for an activity or a ser
estimatewycena, kosztorys a written document saying how much it will probably cost to do a job
purchasenabywać, kupować to buy something
arrangementrozmieszczenie, ustawienie a group of objects in a particular order or position
annualdoroczny, coroczny, roczny happening or produced once a year
bargainokazja something that is sold for less than its usual price or its real value
exceptionalwyjątkowy extremely good, ery unusual and not likely to happen very often
reliablesolidny, godny zaufania, rzetelny able to be trusted or believed
amountilość, kwota how much there is of something