wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: ljasinski
entrepreneura person who runs a business for money
healthcarethe service of providing medical care
disseminateto spread information or knowledge
peera person who is in the same age or social status
screento find information about people
academiathe world of teaching, learning, research etc
spring upto appear or develop very rapidly
cloneto produce an exact copy of sth
tap intoto make use of some sources or energy that already exist
like-mindedhaving similar ideas or interests
hence ...for this reason ...
privacythe state of being alone and not disturbed by anyone
probationthe system that allows a person who committed a crime not to go to a prison
profoundexperienced strongly
imprisonis to put sb in to a prison
simultaneouslyat the same time
acquaintancesb who you know a little, and is not a close friend
cumbersomelarge, heavy, and difficult to carry, is not adduceable
instantis the synonym for immediate