bottom line of net income | the last line on an income statement, showing net income |
brand name | a legally protected name of a company's product |
trademark | a name or a symbolput on a product that cannot be reproduced by other companies |
inflation | a rise in prices and the amount of money in circulation |
goodwill | a good reputation, loyal customers |
bookkeeping | recording all financial transactions made by a company, is a main part of accounting |
cost accounting | determining the cost per unit manufactured taking into account indirect expenses or overheads |
assets | resources owned by the company that have future economic value |
liabilities | amounts of money owed that will have to be paid in the future |
depreciation | reducing the value of tangible asset over the length of its estimated useful life |
cash flow statement | shows the cash generated and used during a period divided into operating, investing, financing activ |
trade surplus | eksport>import |
revenues-expenses | net incom-->net profit/net loss |
objectivity principae | all date recorded must be verifiable an free from bias |
consistency principle | the same methods must be used year after year |