turn in \ turn sb in | iść spać \ wydać kogoś policji lub zabrać kogoś na policję (poniewaz popełnił jakieś prze |
turn out (np. A vast crowd turned out for the protest) | stawiać się, przybywać (o grupie ludzi, na jakies wydarzenie) |
turn sth out \ turn sb out (np. Our landlord turned us out without any warning) | wypuszczać, produkowac (to produce sth in large quantities) \ wyrzucać kogoś (np. z mieszkania) |
turn to sth (np. All right, let's turn to more important matters now) | zwrócić się ku czemuś (to start thinking about or discussing sth) |
turn sth on | włączać (np. światło, ogrzewanie), odkręcać (kurek), uruchamiać (urządzenie) |
turn on sb | nagle i niespodziewanie kogoś zaatakowac, uzywajac przemocy i agresywnych słow |
turn sb\sth over to sb \\ turn over (np. Are you watching this or can I turn over?) | to give sb\sth to sb who has a position of authority \\ przełączyć, zminenić kanał telewizyjny |
turn sth over (np. He begun to turn over the plan in his mind) | to think carefully about all the details of sth |
turn sth around (also: sth turns around) | to change an unsuccessful business, plan, or system so that it becomes successful |
turn up (np. My car keys turned up in the kitchen cupboard!) | odnaleźć się (to be found, especially by accident, after being lost) |
turn sb away (np. By 10 o'clock the club was already full and they were turning people away) | odprawić kogoś z kwitkiem (to not allow someone to enter a place) |
turn (sb) against sb\sth (The workers turned against the management when their wages were reduced) | odwrócić się od kogoś\czegoś \\ nastawić kogoś przeciwko komus\czemuś |
turn off sth (np. You'll need to turn off the motorway before you get to Oxford) | skręcać z drogi, zjezdzać z drogi (na jakąs inna) |
turn sb off(The smell of her breath would turn any man off\His policy could turn off a lot of voters | to make sb feel bored or no longer interested in sth \ make sb have a feeling of disgust |
turn (sb) back (np. Bad weather forced them to turn back) | zawrócić (kogoś) |
on the turn (np. Perhaps your luck is on the turn) | going to change soon |
done to a turn | idealnie ugotowany (cooked for exactly the right amount of time) |
give sb a turn (np. You gave me quite a turn, creeping up on me like that!) | przestraszyć kogos |
turn sth upside down \ inside out | przewrócić coś do góry nogami (narobić bałaganu w jakimś miejscu) |
turn the tables on sb (change a situation so that you have an advantage over someone who before had | odwrócic sytuacjÄ™ na swojÄ… korzyÅ›c (a na niekorzyść kogoÅ› innego), zdobyć przewagÄ™ nad kimï |
somebody would turn in their grave (->have one foot in the grave) | ktoś przywracałby być się w grobie |
turn your back on sb | wypiąć się na kogoś, odwrócić się plecami do kogoś\odmówić komuś pomocy |
not know which way to turn (np. When both her parents died, she didn't know which way to turn) | to not know what to do or who to ask for help |
be at your wits' end (to be very worried about something and not know what you should do next) | nie wiedzieć, co poczać |
turn your nose up at sth | krecić nosem na coś (refuse to accept something because you feel that it is not good enough for yo |
a turn-up for the books | zaskakujace wydarzenie, niespodzianka (a surprising or unexpected event) |
speak\talk out of turn | to say something that you should not have said because it's the wrong situation or it offends sb |
one good turn deserves another | przysługa za przysługę |
turn sb's head | zawrócic komuś w głowie |
not turn a hair(I was expecting him to be horrified when he heard the cost but he didn't turn a hair | nawet nie mrugnÄ…c |
turn your hand to sth\doing sth (np. Stella's very talented - she could turn her hand to anything) | if you say that sb could turn their hand to an activity or skill,you mean they could do it well desp |
quality \ quality product | dobry jakosciowo \ produkt wysokiej jakości |
crisp \ crisps \ double \ version (of sth) (->exceed) | chrupiący \\ chipsy \\ podwójny \ podwajać \\ wersja |
filling | sycący, pożywny \\ nadzienie \ plomba |
closing time (<->opening time) (np. Drink up your drinks - it's nearly closing time) | godzina zamknięcia (np. sklepu, baru) |
senior (to sb) (np. We work in the same team but she's senior to me) | (też: osoba) starszy, wyzszy rangą (mający wyższą pozycje) \ seniorski (np. zawody) |
keeper (np. a park keeper) (->watchman\janitor\caretaker) | dozorca \ bramkarz |
besides (->beside) (np. Do you play any other sports besides football?) | ponadto, poza tym, do tego (used to give another reason or argument for sth) \ in addition to sth |
mourn sb's tragic death \ tragic accident | opłakiwac czyjąś tragiczną smierc \ tragiczny wypadek |
ironic (also less frequent: ironical)(It's ironic that she became a teacher-she used to hate school) | ironiczny(np.komentarz)\an ironic situation is strange because it is the opposite of what you expect |
very (np. This is the very house where we stayed) | własnie ten |
bound (II\III-bounded) (->bonds) | biec szybko, pospieszyc\skok, sus (=a big jump)\otaczac (np. miasto murami), ogradzac |
be bound to do\be sth (np. You're bound to feel nervous before your driving test) | be certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth |
be bound up with sth (np. A country's culture is bound up with its language and history) | być scisle zwiazanym, powiązanym z czyms |
bondage (=slavery) | niewola, poddanstwo |
boundary(Such violence is beyond the boundaries of civilized conduct\The mountains mark the boundary | granica |
crush (II-to use violent methods to defeat people who are opposing you) | miażdzyc,kryszyc,zgniatac\zmiazdzyc,stlamsić(np.protest)\zdruzgotać(np.uwagami,krytyka) |
crash (into sth) (np. The van skidded and crashed into a tree) | rozbić się (np. samochód, samolot)\ulegac awarii, zepsuc sie (komputer, system komputerowy) |
clash (with sb)(over sth)(np. Emma's party clashes with my brother's wedding) | kolidowac ze sobą(np.spotkania,terminy)\scierac sie,klocić się\starcie,potyczka,konflikt\pojedyne |
clench (your fists) \\ onlooker\bystander | zaciskac, sciskac (np. pięsci) \ świadek wydarzenia (przypadkowy), przechodzień, obserwator |
tribute (to sb)\pay tribute to sb(The concert was organized as a tribute to the singer who died last | hołd, wyrazy uznania \ to express your admiration for sb (oddawac komus hold) |
spark sth (off) (->sparkle) (->trigger) | wywoływac,wzniecac(np.protest, krytyke, walki)(cause sth to start or develop, especially suddenly) |
stop (np. He stopped at a pub for lunch) \ final | przystanek, przerwa \ zatrzymywać się (w czasie podrozy) \\ final (w zawodach, konkursie) |
ending \ end (np. I hope this film has a happy ending\They are calling for an end to the violence) | zakonczenie(np.ksiazki,filmu)\\koniec(np.wydarzenia,spotkania)\koniec,kres(np.przemocy) |
terse (np. statement) (->concise) | using few words and often not seeming polite or friendly |
force sb to do sth\into doing sth \\ sth (Public pressure managed to force a change in the governmen | to compel sb to do sth \\ wymusić coś (np. zmianę) (=compel sth) |
audition for sth \ audition sb for sth (np. She was auditioned for the role of Lady Macbeth) | przesłuchanie (aktora, piosenkarza)\brać udział w przesłuchaniu\przesłuchiwać (aktora, piosenk |
decrease in sth (np. There has been a decrease in the number of violent crimes) | spadek, zmniejszanie siÄ™ |
contrary to sth\contrary (Contrary to popular belief,bottled water is not always better than tap wat | wbrew czemuÅ› \ przeciwny (np. opinia, rada, argument) (=opposite) |
spinach \ car horn (->blare) \ picnic \ recklessness | szpinak\klakson samochodowy\piknik,urzadzac piknik\lekkomyślność,nieostrożność |
have difficulty (in) doing sth (->resultant) | have a hard time doing sth |
converge on swm (np. Thousands of supporters\protesters converged on Washington for the rally) | schodzić się, przybywać \ zbiegać się (o dwóch drogach, rzekach itp.) |
earn sb the name of a war hero (np. As a teacher you have to earn the respect of your students) | wypracować komuś tytuł bohatera wojennego (np. odwaga, osiągnięcia) |
leave sb\sth behind (np. We were in a hurry and I think I must have left my keys behind) | zostawić kogoś w tyle \\ zostawić kogoś\coś, zapomnieć o kimś\czyms |
wind sth up | bring sth to an end (e.g.meeting\business) |
trade (np. the building\tourist trade) \ by trade (np. He's a builder by trade) | handlować \ branza (np. budowlana, turystyczna) \\ z zawodu |
weigh sth\sb up(He needs to weigh up the pros and cons of going to college)(consider opposing aspect | rozwazyć coś \ mierzyć kogoś,oceniać kogoś(to form an opinion of sb by watching or talking to |
with immediate effect \ with effect from (She was appointed chief executive with immediate effect) | used to describe a change that happens immediately or from a particular date(starting now\from) |
speed up \ speed sth up | przyspieszać (=accelerate) \ przyspieszać coś |
set sth down (np. The standards were set down by the governing body) | record sth (e.g. rules, principles) officially in writing (=na pismie) |
fall for sth\sb (np. He told me he owned a mansion in Spain and I fell for it) | nabrać się na coś,dać się nabrać na coś (foolishly believe sth)\zakochać się w kimś,straci |
stop off (np. We stopped off at a hotel for the night) | to stay somewhere briefly on one's journey to another place (zatrzymywac siÄ™ gdzieÅ›) |
operation \ branch (np. a bank with branches all over the country) | przedsięwzięcie(np. firmy, przedsiębiorstwa)\operacja(=surgery)\\oddzial,filia(np.firmy,organizac |
as regards\regarding\with regard to\concerning(I'm writing to you regarding your application dated 2 | w zwiÄ…zku z, odnosnie, w sprawie (=in\with reference to sth) |
shop steward | person who is elected by members of a trade\labour union in a factory or company to represent them i |
redundancy pay (->make sb redundant) | odprawa (wynagrodzenie udzielane pracownikowi w razie zwolnienia) |
there is \ have no option (but to do sth) (np. We didn't want to dismiss him, but we had no option) | nie ma \ nie mieć (innego) wyjścia (i musieć coś zrobić) |
(go into) liquidation (->liquidate\liquidator) (np. The store\company went into liquidation) | the process of closing a company, selling what it owns and paying its debts |
guidelines (The EU has issued guidelines on appropriate levels of pay for part-time manual workers) | wytyczne \ wskazówki |
closure (of sth) | zamknięcie (np. fabryki, szpitala, szkoły) \ tymczasowe zamkniecie (drogi, pasa ruchu, mostu) |
financial \ legal \ policy adviser | doradzca finansowy \ prawny \ polityczny |
director \ government subsidy | dyrektor, kierownik, zarządzca (jakiejś firmy, działalności) \ dofinansowanie rządowe |
make an error of judgement (in doing sth) | błednie ocenić sytuację |
grave (mistake\doubts) | powazny, nie na zarty (very serious) (np. bład, wątpliwości) |
assurance (np. He gave us an assurance that it would not happen again) (->life assurance\insurance) | zapewnienie (o czyms), obietnica \ pewność siebie, przekonanie (o czyms) (=confidence) |
go out of business (->agenda) | wypaść z interesu, przestać działać (o firmie) |
lie to sb (II\III-lied)(lying)\ lie (II\III-lay\lain) (lies\lying) \ lay (II\III-laid) (lays\laying) | klamać, oklamiwac (kogoś) \ lezec \ kłaść, połozyc |
nativity play \ variety (np. a new variety of potato) (->various) | jasełka \\ roznorodnosć, rozmaitość (=diversity) \ odmiana (np. owoców, warzyw) |
carry on doing sth \ carry on with sth (np. Carry on with your work while I'm away) | kontyunowac coÅ› |
type sth up (np. handwritten notes) | przepisać coś na komputer (to make a typed copy of a piece of text that is written by hand) |
print sth off\out \\ acknowledgements \\ section | wydrukować coś (np. dokument) \ podziękowania (w ksiązce) \\ cześc, sekcja |
pass sth on(to sb)(The virus can be passed on through physical contact\Could you pass it on to Laura | to give sth to sb else, especially after receiving it or using it yourself \ zarazac (o chorobie) |
set sth aside (np. Let's set aside my personal feelings for now) (->reserve sth for sb\sth) | keep,save sth,usually time or money,for a special purpose\odstawić cos na bok\odsuwac coś na bok(m |
put sb down for sth (np. I've put you down for the trip to Rome next week) | zapisywac kogos na coÅ› (to put sb's name on a list, etc. for sth) |
put sth\sb down (->jot sth down) (np. I'm tired of him putting me down all the time) | kill an animal which is injured\suffering \\ ponizać,wysmiewać,szydzić z kogoś(criticise sb crue |
pick up on sth | notice\discover sth (usually a mistake) |
track sth\sb down (np. The man was finally tracked down by French police) | find sth\sb by following a series of clues\references (odnalźć kogoś\coś, wysledzić kogoś\coś |
show sb\sth off (np. I couldn't wait to show off my new ring) | chwalic siÄ™ kims\czymÅ› |
lecture on\in sth \\ lecture sb on\about sth \ about doing sth | wyglaszać wykład (=deliver\give a lecture to sb on\about sth) \ prawić kazania |
draft (np. He made several changes to the first draft) | szkić, projekt\sporządzać szkic, projekt\\powoływac, zaciągac do wojska |
(make) reference (to) \ references (In his book, he makes several references to his time in France) | wzmianka \ zródła (z których pochodzać informacje w ksiązce, umieszczone na koncu) |
examine sb in\on sth (->examiner)(The students will be examined in all subjects at the end of term) | egzaminowac kogoÅ› |
bring sb to justice \ human rights | wymierzyć komuś sprawiedliwość, uczynić zadość sprawiedliwości \ prawa człowieka |
erect | to build or put up a structure (wznosić) \ wyprostowany (=straight) |
put sth up | podwyzszać coś, podnosić coś (increase the level\price of sth) |
break sth off (np. He broke off a piece of chocolate) | ulamać coś (separate part of sth from the rest) \ end sth (e.g. discussion) abruptly |
break-in (->break in\into sw) | włamanie |
wing \ spare room | skrzydło (częśc budynku) \ błotnik (w samochodzie) \\ pokój goscinny |
share sth (out) (among\between sb) (np. Rita shared her money out among her six children) | to divide sth between two or more people (e.g. the bar of chocolate\money\pizza) |
hard shoulder (a hardened strip alongside a major road such as a motorway for stopping on in an emer | pas awaryjny na autostradzie (miejsce, w którym można się zatrzymać) |