wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: iga
purportto claim or declare something that is true
injunctiona court order to stop doing something
to rectify a problemto solve a problem
appraisalvaluation of impartial, qualified people
adversely affectedaggrieved
default judgmenta court order saying that the claimant won cause the respondent failed to respond
respondentdefendent in employment tribunal
to be promoted over sbdostac awans
detrimentopposite of benefit
deterrentsomething that discourages us from doing something
chain of causationlien de causalite
tortious liablilityliability of tort
to be liable to somebodyto be hold responsible for
recitalsclause where parties are introduced
pursuant toaccording to
in respect ofwith reference to
to raise financeto obtain money from ex. banks
acquisitionwhen company buys another company
resolutiondecision taken at the meeting
motiona proposed resolution
to strike offto remove
to realise the assetsto sell all the assets
to declare a dividendto hand out part of the profits to shareholders
to present a petitionpetition - formal application that requests action
to be disqualified frombyć zwolnionym z
proceed of salesmoney that you get when you sell sth
to aim atto target
free from any encumbranceno third party right or inetrest on the property
to trade as a business...
to indemnify against...
"all monies" provisionproperty does not pass untill all paid
survivorspeople who continue to be partners after one of partners dies/leaves
expulsionwyrzucenie z partnership
because ofby reason of